Ural Federal University
Institute of History and Archaeology of the Ural Department of
Russian Academy of Science
Cinematographers Union of Russian Federation (Ural Department)
Government of Sverdlovsk region (Russia)
Administration of Ekaterinburg (Russia)
Official Representative Office of Tatarstan Republic in Sverdlovsk region
Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts
Museum of Photography "Metenkov’s House"
Sverdlovsk Regional Folklores Club
Ethnographic Bureau
International Forum
“Multiethnic Russia: ethnology and cinemanthropology”
(10-15 of April, 2011, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Dear colleagues and friends!
We would like to invite you to participate in 7th Open Russian Anthropological Film Festival (RAFF), that will take place in Ekaterinburg, Russia, in the Ural Federal University (Ural State University) on 10-15 of April, 2011.
The 7th Open Russian Anthropological Film Festival is the biennale international competitive festival of anthropological films. The festival program is formed of the anthropological (mostly documentary) films, created by directors from Russia and other countries. Festival prizes: the best film, the best director, the best anthropologist, special prizes of the Jury, prizes of sponsors.
RAFF focuses on man in culture and culture in man. Its formula art+science unites filmmakers and researchers expressing by film-language the peculiarity and diversity of the cultural values, it’s important link between film makers and anthropologists of Russia and other countries. Films and videos of high value and quality, recording human activities in social, historical or ecological context are accepted for competition screenings. Films of high level creativity, a rigorous scientific content or of new forms of audiovisual expression will be preferred.
Within the 7th RAFF the 3rd International academic forum “Multiethnic Russia: ethnology and cinemanthropology” will be organized. The forum will be devoted to the questions of theory, academic and public use of visual anthropology, production and distribution of innovative humane technologies. The main focus is the research of different cultures and traditions, presentation and discussion of scientific and educational projects on visual anthropology in humanity, cinema, photography, art, design and media.
There will be also master-classes and press-conferences of the anthropologist and filmmakers, and also the round table discussion with the participation of representatives of ethnic and cultural communities of the Sverdlovsk region within the RAFF program.
Cinematographers Union of Russian Federation (Ural Department) provides the presentation of the “EthnoFilm: Portrait” project in Cinema House in Ekaterinburg. With the support of Museum of Photography "Metenkov’s House" the photo exhibitions will be organized.
Idea of this cultural and educational project was appeared because of the necessity of the preservation of Russian and world cultural heritage, dialogue of peoples and cultures by cinema means, innovative development of humane technologies on both science and art, presentation and informative support of the authors and studios creating anthropological films, integration of the Russian anthropological cinema into world cinematographic process. The multidisciplinary event would activate and synthesize two humanitarian recourses – ethno-cultural heritage and visual technologies – in academic and educational space. The participants of the festival are authors, documentary and fiction film directors, script writers, producers, researches, leaders of ethnic and religious communities, young specialists in science, art and other creative profession.
For the Festival the abstract and materials books of the Festival and Forum will be printed.
The deadline for the Festival competition application is 1st of February, for the Forum is 10 of March, 2011. Please, mail your film copy for the Festival (and the video materials for the Forum) with the signed entry form at the following address: Ethnographic Bureau (to 7th RAFF), 620062 Russia, Ekaterinburg, Gagarina Str. 35/a–47.
For electronic submission please mail your entry form or thesis to: , .
Additional information: www.rfaf.ru, www.ethnobs.ru
Attention! Traditionally organizers confirm the submissions with the short letter!