Global LYNC
Newsletter #3July 2015
Figure 1Sejong Global HS Principal with Aboriginal Art work gift from Australia
Welcome to the first edition for 2015. Six weeks of my year was spentdurig my Endeavour Fellowship in Sth Korea visiting many, many Global LYNC schools and working with the guidance of my friends and colleagues, Korean Coordinator Professor Keong Ku and Mr Min in Busan. I met sooooomany wonderful and generous hosts and educators and my knowledge of Korea has grown considerably.
Teachers please feel free to submit articles/ideas and photos to our project blog and to comment on those posted by others. We are here to help and support you.
Jo Tate (Australia) & KeongYeun Ku (Sth Korea)
JulyFeature Story
This month we would like to feature Wellington Secondary College and their partner school Sung Duk Middle School.
I had the privilege to visit both of these school recently. They have forgedahead using both Polycom and ZOOM as the occasion demands.
Teachers Phil Brown and are supported by their Principal. At the Korean end Wan Sik Kim also receives much encourage and support from the leadership team.
Great Curriculum ideas for global collaboration
Check out our blog! we have a section on ‘Resources’ that you can use to save you work and to open your eyes to what is possible during a video conferenced link up globally.
Please send your ideas into us to share with others. This edition we feature Chelsea PS and Saeron Elementary School who are partners in the new Daegu SWVR Pilot project. The ZOOM link-up involved lots of physical activity and games. Congratulations to the Saeron teacher who devised the activities for the link.
One thing we learnt from this activity: It is important to MUTE your MIC while students from the other country are presenting or there is time-out at each end while the students prepare for the next activity during the link up.
New pilot arrangement between Daegu District Office and SWVR of Victoria
As a result of work done by Professor Ku and Jo Tate during Jo’s Endeavour Fellowship this year, a pilot involving 12 new schools is being conducted currently. It is hoped that this pilot will lead to a more coordinated approach and result in the development of curriculum materials to support schools in Global LYNCs.
We welcome the following Victorian schools: Laver’s Hill P12, Highton PS, Arnold’s Creek PS, Chelsea PS, Mildura Sth PS and Balwyn PS.
We welcome the following Daegu schools: DaeguSindang Elementary School, DaeguHyodong Elementary school, DaeguJisan Elementary School, Saeron Elementary School, and DaeguGamcheon Elementary School.
Australia Korea Foundation
Jo Tate has put an application in to the Foundation to support the project’s growth. Fingers crossed everyone!
Sara at Chelsea PS during a pilot planning meeting last week