Staff Council
Meeting Minutes
June28, 2005
Order-Chair Rhonda Boozer
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 pm in UC-260.
Delegate Attendance
All delegates were in attendance except the following who wereexcused: Jenny Godby, Jean Hughley, Joan Murphy, and Tammy Wilson.
Visitor Attendance
John Bryan, Valerie Lancaster, and Steve Stephens
Meeting Minutes
No minutes were presented for approval.
President’s Update
Dr. Harden announced that the name change was approved and our new name is ClaytonStateUniversity. Twenty TV commercials per month for 12 months will air on WSB-TV; some in prime time. There is a special edition of the Campus Review showing the change of signs.
Our address is also new: 2000 Clayton State Boulevard. This is effective now, and we can start using it.
A new logo and seal are being developed. The seal will take longer to approve as the BOR must approve it. Suggestions from all councils will be taken.
A big Thank You to Dr. Harden for providing the interim stationary and to Media and Printing Services for printing.
We are changing our phone system to VoIP which should be installed in July. We will have new phone numbers, new phones, and new phone applications. We will keep some current lines for up to 12 months. Departments no longer have to pay their phone bill and they get to keep the money currently allocated for phones!
Our email address has been shortened to instead of Email sent to the old nomenclature will still make it to your mailbox. A printed phone directory is being considered.
Postcards will be sent out once all these changes are in effect.
Reports from Committees
Reports from committees were postponed due to Staff Council Board elections.
New Business
Board Elections—Rhonda Boozer
Rhonda called for nominations for Secretary. Alina Brooks was nominated. No other nominations were presented. Alina Brooks was voted in as Secretary by all delegates.
Rhonda called for nominations for Vice Chair. Paul Bailey was nominated but declined the nomination. Dana Brown was nominated and accepted the nomination. No other nominations were presented. Dana Brown was voted in as Vice Chair by all delegates.
Rhonda called for nominations for Chair. Cheryl Garvin was nominated. No other nominations were presented. Cheryl Garvin was voted in as Chair by all delegates.
Rhonda called for a representative for the Faculty/Staff Fundraising committee. Dana Brown and Valerie Laney Marshall were nominated. A written vote was taken by all current delegates excluding alternates. Valerie Laney Marshall was voted in as Staff Council representative on the Faculty/Staff fundraising committee.
Rhonda turned meeting over to the new 2005-2006 Chair, Cheryl Garvin.
Cheryl began by thanking everyone on the approval of her nomination to be the new Chair. She had the new and old delegates introduce themselves.
Cheryl reviewed the purpose of the delegates and the importance of keeping touch with the constituents.
There are several committees that are under the Staff Council. Each delegate is asked to participate in at least one committee. Following are the committees and number of delegated needed for each:
Professional Development- 9 members
Smith Award- 5 members
Election Committee- 5 members
Delegates were instructed to email Cheryl with preference of committee.
Handouts were distributed:
Staff Council website address
Parliamentary Procedures- Roberts Rule
Staff Council will continue to meet on the last Thursday of each month. The meeting time was in question since it is to be conducted during each delegates working hours. One delegate gets off work at 3pm. A motion was made to change the meeting time from 3pm to 2pm. A vote was made and the motion passed to start the Staff Council meetings at 2pm.
The next Staff Council meeting will be held on Thursday, July 28th. The meeting is from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cheryl Garvin
Alina Brooks
Cheryl Garvin, Chair
AlinaBrooks, Secretary
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