Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Staff Handbook




















APPENDIX 2A – Descriptors for a Qualification at NQF Level 3

APPENDIX 2B – Descriptors for a higher education qualification at level 6


Section 1 – RPL POLICY

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


Types of RPL include:

  1. Recognition of Prior Certificated Learning (Pre- and post-entry)
  2. Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (Pre- and post-entry)
  3. Credit Transfer (Pre- and post-entry)
  4. Admission through Recognition of Prior Learning against course entry requirements (Pre-entry only)

RPL is an umbrella term that reflects the four mechanisms listed above and defined below. RPL may be claimed by all students/applicants regardless of where they study their Leeds BeckettUniversity course or where they are applying from. To ensure parity of treatment, applications from all students/applicants studying at franchise/collaborating partners will be processed in the same way as applications from students/applicants based at Leeds[1], and will always involve an academic judgement made by University staff about the acceptability of the RPL application.

Students/applicants are advised to contact the Course Leader/Link Tutor to confirm whether there are any restrictions on RPL due to, for example, Professional Statutory or Regulatory body (PSRB) requirements.

RPL arrangements relate to applications from individual applicants; for approved Articulation arrangements, which relate to groups or cohorts of students seeking admission to the University having studied at a recognised institution, please contact the Collaborations and Partnerships team at Quality Assurance Services.

Type 1 - Recognition of Prior Certified Learning (RPCL)

As in Section 2.1 our University Academic Principles and Regulations, Recognition of Prior Certificated Learning is defined as follows: Recognition of Prior Certificated Learning (RPCL)

RPCL is the process for assessing and awarding credit for learning that has been previously accredited or certificated through a training provider, but has not led to an award or qualificationwhich is definedin the QAA Quality Code (Part A: Setting and maintaining threshold academic standards, Chapter A1: The national level).

Through RPCL students/applicants who possess qualifications, such as personal development or employment-based awards, may seek recognition of these qualifications against their Leeds Beckett University course. For example, awards from the following bodies may be used:

a)National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH)

b)Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)

c)The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)

d)Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)

e)British Psychological Society (BPS)

f)British Computer Society (BCS)

g)National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ)

These qualifications fall outside of the Quality Code and therefore need to be assessed for level and credit volume equivalency, alongside the other approval criteria.

For example, Joe had completed a short professional development course with a local government training provider (not a higher education provider). Based on his application form, certificate and the details of the course he was able to provide he was given exemption from Level 4 of a Dip HE in Project Management.

Type 2 - Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL)

As in Section 2.1 of our University Academic Principles and Regulations, Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning is defined as follows:

2.1.73Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL)

RPEL is the process for assessing and awarding credit for learning that has been achieved through experience and/or training that has not been certificated or formally assessed.

For example, Mohammed gained 5 years’ experience in a garage working as a mechanic. Based on the learning described on the application form, and evidence of his learning, he was given exemption from two2 20 credit modules of the first year of an undergraduate mechanical engineering degree.

Type 3 - Credit Transfer

As in Section 2.1 of our University Academic Principles and Regulations, Credit Transfer is defined as follows:

2.1.74Credit Transfer

Credit Transfer is the process of recognising/transferring the credit and/or qualification, which is defined in the QAA Quality Code (Part A: Setting and maintaining threshold academic standards, Chapter A1: The national level), achieved by a student against one course to another course. This may include instances where a student transfers from one Leeds BeckettUniversity course to another or where the student transfers in to Leeds BeckettUniversity from another higher education provider.

For example, Jenny studied a Foundation Degree in TV Studies with another university. After submitting her application form, transcript, certificate and details of this course she was exempted from the first two years of a BA (Hons) Applied TV Studies course at Leeds Beckett.

The three definitions of RPL outlined above reflect the QAA UK Quality Code for Higher Education, Part B: Assuring and enhancing quality, Chapter 6: Assessment of students and recognition of prior learning The definitions are based on the notion of specific credit being recognised and awarded by the University and contributing to the applicant fulfilling the requirements of a Leeds BeckettUniversity award.

Specific Credit

As in Section 2.1of our University Academic Principles and Regulations, ‘Specific Credit’ is described as follows: Specific credit

Specific credit refers to the value and the level of credit, which can be accepted as contributing towards a specific programme of study offered at the University. Specific credit is recognised where prior learning matches the learning outcomes, content and level of an identified University module or level of study. General credit must be identified as specific credit for it to be used in anapplication for RPL.

Type 4 - Admission through Recognition of Prior Learning

As in Section 2.1 of our University Academic Principles and Regulations, Admission through Recognition of Prior Learning is defined as follows:

2.1.75Admission through RPL

Admission through RPL describes the process for admitting students onto the start of an undergraduate or taught postgraduate course of study based on qualifications and/or experience other than those specified by the academic entry threshold requirements in theonline course information.

For example, David had no A Levels or GCSEs but he had significant work experience and had completed a number of short courses on IT skills and professional development. Based on his Admission through RPL application form, and the evidence he provided, he was able to join the start of a Bachelor’s degree.

Articulation Agreements

As in Section2.1 of our University Academic Principles and Regulations, Articulation Agreements, are defined as follows: General provisions

The University may enter into an Articulation agreement with an institution whereby a course of study at that institution is recognised as meeting the admissions requirements for defined provision of the University. from an articulated course after the normal point of entry

The University may choose to enter into an Articulation agreement with an institution where a programme of study at that institution is recognised for direct entry to a Universitycourse of study after the normal point of entry.

Please contactQuality Assurance Services for further details on articulation agreements.


The aims of RPL are to:

a)Widen access to University programmes;

b)Increase participation in University programmes;

c)Facilitate flexibility of progression routes and promote lifelong learning;

d)Recognise the value of prior learning for the purpose of awarding credit;

e)Reduce duplication of learning leading to a better overall student experience.


As in Section 2.1 of our University Academic Principles and Regulations,applications for RPLmust not exceed two thirds of the total credit value of the target award at the University: and students may claim RPL against up to two thirds of the total credit value of the university target award. However, in all cases a minimum of one third of the total credit of the target award, or 60 credits - whichever is the higher - must be studied at theUniversity. No University award may be made solely on the basis of RPL.

For example:

a)Grad Cert or PGCert (or courses of 60 credits or less) – RPL against academic credit not permitted

b)RPL limited to no more than 60 out of the 120 credits of a CertHE, Grad Dip,PGDip

c)RPL limited to no more than 160 of the 240 credits of a Foundation degree or DipHE

d)RPL limited to no more than 240 of the 360 credits of a Bachelor’s (Hons) degree

e)RPLlimited to no more than 60 of the 120 credits of a stand-alone top-up Bachelor’s (Hons) degree (this means that a minimum of 60 credits must be studied at the University)

f)RPL limited to no more than 320 of the 480 credits of an Integrated Master’s degree

g)RPL limited to no more than 120 of the 180 credits of a Master’s degree

Applications can be made against whole modules only, e.g. if there are two assessments within a module, RPL cannot be applied against one of them.

Where applicants have completed stand-alone moduleswith Leeds BeckettUniversity, and the credits have not contributed to an award, the module marksmay be considered for transfer to a course of study of which that module forms a part. This is considered to be in the applicant’s best interests and would facilitate student progression and lifelong learning. However, should that specific module have been modified (such as a change to the title/code/learning outcomes/assessment, etc), or have been replaced, since the applicant completed the module, the Course Leader must determine whether the module is still recognised as part of the current course of study which the applicant wishes to join. If there is a discrepancy between what the student studied and the approved course requirements, the original module may be RPL’d against the relevant new/amended module on the course, but the marks would not be transferred. Additionally, the Course Leader must be mindful of the matter of currency of learning:should the applicant have completed the stand-alone module over five years ago, module marks should not be transferred.


Applications for Admission through RPL, RPCL and Credit Transfer will not be charged a fee. However, RPEL against academic credit will be charged a fee of £250 per 20 credit module equivalency, to a maximum of £1000. Applicants will be required to purchase RPL Tokens through the On-Line Shop and attach them to their application. The application cannot be processed without the attached tokens. The fee is non-refundable.

Extract from RPL Charging Framework:

Charging is restricted to RPEL for PT Undergraduate and FT/PT Postgraduate taught applicants.

A FT Undergraduate applicant, for whom a successful RPEL claim would trigger a change to a PT mode of study, will incur charges as defined above. The threshold for a change of mode from FT to PT mode is as follows:

Students are full time if they are required to attend the institution, or elsewhere, for periods amounting to at least 24 weeks within the year of instance and during that time expected to undertake periods of study, tuition, learning in the workplace, or sandwich work placement which amount to an average of at least 21 hours per week; And full-time fees are chargeable for the course for the year. Students are part time if either of the above criteria are not met.

For the purposes of meeting the attendance definition for a full time course, learning in the workplace is regarded as substituting for learning that under other circumstances would normally take place within the institution.Students who are on a full-time programme but because of RPL are studying at a part-time rate, are part-time.

Full time students would normally be expected to study a minimum of 90 undergraduate credits or 120 postgraduate credits a year.

Where students do not meet the full time attendance requirements or above credit thresholds in a given year, they may still be eligible for full time student support if subject to full-time regulated fees and maintenance loans or grants. Cases will be assessed individually by Student Administration Services.

International students that do not meet the full time attendance requirements or credit thresholds in a given year may still be eligible to apply for a Tier 4 Visa if studying at least 60 credits in one semester (4 months). This does not apply to students who are only completing the dissertation portion of a postgraduate course where attendance is not required. Any queries regarding individual cases should be referred to Tier 4 Compliance.

The full RPL Charging Framework can be accessed at:



A prospective applicant of Leeds BeckettUniversity may make anapplication for RPL at the point of admission/application, ie pre-entry. The application may be against the course entry requirements and/or the first level(s) or module(s) of a course. For example:

a)Anapplicant with significant industry experience but no formal qualifications may request Admission through RPL(RPL Type 4), to join the course without the specified formal entry requirements. Additionally, their previous experience may allow them to be exempt from studying some or all of the academic credit required for the first level of the course, through RPEL(RPL Type 2), and therefore enable them to join the course at a point after the normal entry point. This applicant’s request would entail two forms of RPL being processed at the point of admission/application; Admission through RPL and RPEL.

b)A prospective applicant with a QAA Quality Code recognised qualification, eg a Certificate of HE, may also seek non-standard entry to a course, in this instance, joining Level 5 directly, through the Credit Transfer (RPL Type 3)process.

c)A prospective applicant with a qualification from a professional body, eg NEBOSH, may also seek non-standard entry to a course, for example, mid-way through Level 4, through the RPCL (RPL Type 1) process.


Current students of Leeds BeckettUniversity may make anapplication for RPL at any point during their programme of study, ie post-entry,providing the application is made in good time (at least a month in advance is recommended) to allow consideration and approval prior to the commencement of the module(s) or level in question. For example, a student starts at the beginning of a course but realises that they might have already achieved the requirements of some of the module or modules scheduled for delivery at some point in the year. Depending upon how they achieved this learning they may application RPEL, RPCLor Credit Transfer.

In all circumstances, early discussion with the Course Leader responsible for the programme of study is strongly encouraged.

Students/applicantswill need to be advised that, should their request for RPL against academic credit be rejected they will still be required to undertake the module(s), and the associated assessment, and therefore should attend the module sessions until the outcome of their application has been confirmed. Course Leaders will be able to advise the applicants of when their application may be considered by a RPL Approvals Board (see section 14 below).


The criteria against which all applications for RPL are assessed are defined within Section 2.1 of our University Academic Principles and Regulations as follows: for assessment

Claimsfor RPL will be evaluated against the following criteria:

a)Acceptability - is there an appropriate match between the evidence presented and the learning being demonstrated? Is the evidence valid and reliable?

b)Sufficiency - is there sufficient evidence to demonstrate fully the achievement of the learning claimed?

c)Authenticity - is the evidence clearly related to the applicant’s/student’s own efforts and achievements?

d)Currency - does the evidence relate to current learning? Are there any professional, statutory or regulatory bodies’ specific requirements and, if so, have these been addressed?

e)Directness – was the learning specific? Can it be identified and categorised?

f)Relevance – is the learning relevant tothe claim of future course?

g)Level – did the learning reach the appropriate level to allow the learner to benefit from the proposed programme?

h)Breadth – was the learning in a context understood by the learner?

i)Volume – was the prior notional learning time, or academic credit, equivalent to the amount of credit being sought for exemption?

Currency of Learning

Applications for all types of RPL must normally be made with reference to learning which took place less than five years prior to the application for RPL being made. Where the applicantwishes to make anapplication for RPL relating to learning which took place more than five years prior to the application, they will be expected to provide additional evidence to demonstrate continued or continuing experience of the learning to demonstrate its currency. This will be of particular significance in fast-moving subject areas such as computing and engineering.


The evidence must explicitly demonstrate that the applicant has achieved either the course entry standards and/or the learning outcomes of the module(s) or level(s) for which exemption is sought, thus demonstrating that they have met those course requirements and have parity with the students undertaking those module(s)/level(s).


Anapplicant wishing to apply for exemption is required to submit the following:

  1. Completed relevant RPL Application Form
  2. Supporting evidence of learning(including original certificates where applicable)
  3. Fee Token (where applicable)

The applicant, in submitting his/her application, declares the contents of the submission to be accurate; therefore, if any of the details provided prove to be false, the University has the right to ask the applicant to complete any necessary additional modules in order to satisfy the award requirements, or, in serious cases, to withdraw the application.


As indicated above, it is essential that the submission explicitly demonstrates satisfactory achievement of module/course learning outcomes and/or entry requirements. It is also essential that the documentation processed within the University is transparent and clearly evidences why the decision was made to approve or reject the application. This information must be clear and accessible to the student and potential reviewers.