Chapter 15
World History
Mr. Stephens
Section 1Liberal Reforms in Great Britain
and Its Empire
Homework page 416
1. Suffrage
2. Queen Victoria
3. Yes
4. a & c / Section 2
Expansion and Reform
in the United States
Homework page 422
1. No
2. Northwest Ordinance
Abraham Lincoln
Emancipation proclamation
3. Yes
4. Yes - all
5. Just answer the "bullet" point
Section 3
Revolution and
Reform in France
Homework page 428
1. Anarchists
2. Florence Nightingale
Otto von Bismarck
Alfred Dreyfus
3. No
4. a, b (this help to set the stage for both World
Wars). & c
5. third bullet point / Section 4
Latin Americans
Win Independence
Homework page 435
1. No
2. Simon Bolivar
Monroe Doctrine (very important)
3. Yes
4. Yes - all
5. second bullet point
Possible Alternative Assessments
1. Study the picture and read the caption on the top right of page 416 of the text.
Using the media center, Internet and any appropriate resource, answer the question in the caption. If you choose to do a paper, this assessment must be one typed page, font size 12 or smaller and one inch margins. If you choose another media, please see me first.
Latin America:
Create a scrapbook that highlights the history of one of the following countries since independence: Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina.
Native Peoples:
Create a chart showing the primary burdens facing native people today.
Following the instructions for question 1,
you may choose one of the leaders below to answer the question,
"What does this image tell you about this leader and his people?"
Crazy Horse /
Black Elk /
Chief Joseph
View the images on our website
Possible Alternative Assessments
If you choose either of the following assessments,
your choice must be 2 typed pages,
have 1" margins, size 12 Arial font
plus a cover page.
Civil War:
Write a journal entry from the perspective of a Civil War soldier.
The Settling of Australia:
Write a letter to family in England from the perspective of a penal colony inmate.
As always, you may select one of the above alternative assessments, choose one of your (with my approval), or take a traditional written test. You may also choose an alternative assessment and take the written test. Only the higher grade will be recorded.
"Old School"
100 Points
50 Point Objective Test
(study the practice tests on the chapter 15 web page)
1 essay question (50 Points) of your choosing
from the following choices.
Essay Questions
1. Textbook- Page 436, section 2, questions 3 & 4.
2. Textbook - page 435, Reviewing Themes, questions 1 & 3
3. How would you evaluate Queen Victoria's reign? Give specific reasons to support your answer.