Minutes of Town of Pawlet Planning Commission
Pawlet Town Offices
Monday, July 25, 2011, 7:30 pm
Members in Attendance:
Karl Eberth
Fred Stone
Myron Waite
Tom Nelson
Members Not in Attendance
John Thrasher
Gary Baierlein
Harry van Meter
Others in Attendance:
Jacki Lappen (PPC Clerk)
Lenny Gibson
Item 1
Review minutes ofJune 27, 2011 meeting
Motion made to accept the minutesfrom the June 27, 2011 meeting.
Motion made by:Myron Waite
Seconded by: Fred Stone
No Further Discussion
Oral Vote: Unanimous
Item 2
Zoning administrator’s report
Eric Mach was not present at the meeting, so no report was given.
Item 3
On-going business
Election of officers -- The Select Board reappointed Myron Waite, Tom Nelson, and Fred Stone to the PPC. With 3 members not present today, and Don Campbell coming to the August meeting, the PPC postponed electing officers until the September meeting.
Motion made to wait until the September 26, 2011 meeting to elect officers.
Motion made by:Karl Eberth
Seconded by: MyronWaite
No Further Discussion
Oral Vote: Unanimous
Vermont Land Trust – Fred Stone would like Don Campbell to address the Vermont Land Trust’s (VLT) intentions on conserving land in the Village and Commercial District. He also expressed concern about VLT’s allowing landowners to reserve house sites on conserved farmland; PPC members talked about how to ensure that these sites are kept off of prime farmland. Karl Eberth expressed his concern about Don Campbell saying that the town plan mentions little about conserving agriculture. He recommended that the PPC take Don up on his offer to be a resource on a town plan rewrite. PPC members wondered whether this rewrite can occur before the 5-year expiration of the plan, and thought that it could. Also suggested was that Don send samples of how other town plans address agriculture.
Invite to Rutland Regional Planning Commission (RRPC) representative – Karl Eberth will remind Eric Mach about this, and request that it be for the September meeting.
Subdivision regulations – Karl Eberth brought Tom Nelson up to date on progress made at the June meeting, when Acting Chair Fred Stone appointed a PPC sub-committee to study this matter and report back in August. Due to Gary Baierlein’s busy summer schedule, Eric Mach’s intention to invite an RRPC representative to a PPC meeting, and Don Campbell coming in August, that the sub-committee report be presented at a later date. All agreed.
Item 4
New business
Item 5
Set agenda for next month’s meeting
The August 22nd meeting agenda items will be (1) approval of minutes; (2) Don Campbell, Vermont Land Trust; (3) zoning administrator’s report; (4) new business; and (5) setting the September meeting agenda. The September 26th meeting will include a representative from the RRPC, the election of officers, and firming up a date for the report from the sub-committee on subdivision regulations.
Motion made to adjourn the July 25, 2011 meeting.
Motion made by:Karl Eberth
No Further Discussion
Oral Vote: Unanimous
Respectfully submitted,
Jacki Lappen, Pawlet Planning Commission Clerk