Study Guide for

Andersen and Taylor’s


The following are corrections to errors that appear in the Study Guide for Andersen and Taylor’s Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society, 3rd Edition. Corrections are in bold type.

·  CHAPTER 1, Internet Exercise: The URL should be replaced by the following updated URL:

·  CHAPTER 1, multiple-choice question #7: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be B, “Women and men with college degrees now earn the same average annual incomes” (not D).

·  CHAPTER 3: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter identifies the core elements of culture, discusses the various ways culture influences diverse groups’ experiences, and specifies the primary sources of cultural change.

·  CHAPTER 3, multiple-choice question #1: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be A, “diffusion” (not D).

·  CHAPTER 3, multiple-choice question #2: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be C, “nonmaterial” (not B).

·  CHAPTER 3, answer explanations: The answer explanations for this chapter are mis-numbered. They should be numbered sequentially from 1-25.

·  CHAPTER 4: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter compares psychological and sociological perspectives on identity formation, outlines the stages of the life course, and identifies the primary agents of socialization in the United States.

·  CHAPTER 5: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter distinguishes between macroanalysis and microanalysis, identifies the main functions of key social institutions, explores sources of interpersonal attraction and social cohesion, and presents a typology of societies.

·  CHAPTER 6: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter classifies types of groups and formal organizations, identifies factors that influence group dynamics, and examines the emergence, characteristics, and problems of bureaucracies.

·  CHAPTER 7: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines sex as a socially structured feature of society that is linked to other systems of stratification, identifies contemporary social issues concerning sexuality, and discusses how sexual values are related to individual behavior as well as social change.

·  CHAPTER 8: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines behavior that violates social norms, emphasizing that deviant behavior originates in social conditions.

·  CHAPTER 8, multiple-choice question #3: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be D, “entrepreneurs” (not C).

·  CHAPTER 9: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines several types of deviant behavior that violate laws and discusses how such behavior is managed by social institutions such as the court system.

·  CHAPTER 9, Internet Exercise: the URL should be replaced by the following updated URL:

·  CHAPTER 10: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter provides an overview of the class structure of the contemporary United States and explores the fundamental sociological questions of why inequality exists and what consequences it has for both individuals and society.

·  CHAPTER 10, multiple-choice question #24: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be C, “Providing higher levels of welfare benefits can hasten recipients’ exit from poverty” (not D).

·  CHAPTER 11: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter emphasizes the interconnectedness of nations around the globe by examining the economic and political relationships among the United States, other world powers, and less developed nations. It includes a detailed discussion of the causes and problems of world poverty.

·  CHAPTER 12: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines the causes and consequences of prejudice and discrimination, provides an overview of the social and historical circumstances in which various racial-ethnic groups emerged in the United States, and identifies ways to promote social equality.

·  CHAPTER 13: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:

This chapter examines how social institutions and social forces support a system of gender stratification that systematically disadvantages women relative to men. It also introduces feminist theory as an analytical framework for understanding the position of women in various societies.

·  CHAPTER 13, Internet Exercise: The URL should be replaced by the following updated URL:

·  CHAPTER 13, true/false question #3: The page reference marked is incorrect. The correct page reference should be page 348 (not 3548).

·  CHAPTER 14: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines age as a socially structured feature of society that is linked to other systems of stratification. It provides an overview of the stages of the life course and considers how the process of aging is socially constructed.

·  CHAPTER 14, multiple-choice question #17: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be C, “adults” (not B).

·  CHAPTER 14, multiple-choice question #22: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be D, “family matter, handled by women in the community” (not C).

·  CHAPTER 15: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter classifies the various family arrangements and kinship systems found cross-culturally, identifies the features of family as a social institution, and considers how social policies influence family life in the contemporary United States.

·  CHAPTER 15, multiple-choice question #15: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be D, “groups in which people interact and negotiate relationships with others” (not C).

·  CHAPTER 16: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines the structure and functions of the educational system in the United States and considers whether formal schooling promotes systematic social inequality.

·  CHAPTER 16, multiple-choice question #4: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be C, “functionalist” (not A).

·  CHAPTER 16, multiple-choice question #8: The answer explanation for this question contains a typo. It should read, “Feagin and colleagues argue that the importance of education is recognized in Black communities, but Black students continue to face stereotyping and discrimination on predominantly White university campuses. The authors note that some positive changes have occurred, but many White students continue to deny that racism exists.”

·  CHAPTER 17: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines religion as both a collective belief system and a social institution. It classifies types of religions and religious organizations found around the world, and considers the influence of religion on public opinion and social change.

·  CHAPTER 18: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter classifies economic systems, provides an overview of the U.S. labor force, examines the structure of employment in a rapidly changing global economy, and identifies factors that influence worker satisfaction.

·  CHAPTER 18, Internet Exercise: The URL should be replaced by the following updated URL:

·  CHAPTER 19: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines the social institution of the State and its role in maintaining social order. It presents a typology of authority, considers various explanations for how power is exercised, and discusses the social factors that influence political participation in democratic societies.

·  CHAPTER 19, multiple-choice question #5: The answer marked in incorrect. The correct answer should be A, “pluralist” (not B).

·  CHAPTER 19, multiple-choice question #9: The answer marked in incorrect. The correct answer should be C, “censorship” (not B).

·  CHAPTER 19, multiple-choice question #15: The answer explanation for this question contains a typo. It should read, “Philip Morris was one of the top PAC donors to the Republican Party. Organized labor unions, including the American Federation of Teachers, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and the Carpenters and Joiners Union, made large donations to the Democrats (see Table 19.1).”

·  CHAPTER 19, multiple-choice question #20: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be, D, “China” (not A).

·  CHAPTER 20: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter focuses on how race, ethnicity, social class, and gender influence access to, and treatment by, the health care system in the United States.

·  CHAPTER 21: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines changes in the size, characteristics, and location of the population over time. It considers how social factors affect demographic processes and discusses the impact of the human population on the physical environment.

·  CHAPTER 21, multiple-choice question #1: The page reference marked is incorrect. The correct page reference should be page 578 (not 588).

·  CHAPTER 21, multiple-choice question #3: The page reference marked is incorrect. The correct page reference should be page 578 (not 588).

·  CHAPTER 21, multiple-choice question #9: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be, C, “disease” (not B). The page reference marked is also incorrect. The correct page reference should be page 584 (not 590).

·  CHAPTER 22: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter identifies the essential components of collective behavior, examines the types of collective preoccupations that may develop, and provides a detailed discussion of the types, origins, and organization of social movements.

·  CHAPTER 22, multiple-choice question #20: The answer marked is incorrect. The correct answer should be, D, “formal, organized, and professional” (not C).

·  CHAPTER 23: The Chapter Focus feature for this chapter is missing. The Chapter Focus is as follows:


This chapter examines the causes of social change, offers several explanations for why such change occurs, and discusses how the processes of modernization and globalization have profoundly affected social relationships and social institutions.

·  CHAPTER 23, multiple-choice question #7: This question contains a typo. Sherry Turkel should be spelled Sherry Turkle.
