Dictionary Entries:
Time (First eight entries only):
1 a: the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues : duration b: a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future c: leisure time for reading>2: the point or period when something occurs : occasion3 a: an appointed, fixed, or customary moment or hour for something to happen, begin, or end <arrived ahead of time b: an opportune or suitable moment <decided it was time to retire> —often used in the phrase about time<about time for a change>4 a: a historical period : age b: a division of geologic chronology c: conditions at present or at some specified period —usually used in plural times are hard<move with the times d: the present time <issues of the time5 a: lifetime b: a period of apprenticeship c: a term of military service d: a prison sentence6: season <very hot for this time of year>7 a: rate of speed : tempo b: the grouping of the beats of music : rhythm8 a: a moment, hour, day, or year as indicated by a clock or calendar <what time is it> b: any of various systems (as sidereal or solar) of reckoning time
1 a: to move in or pass through the air with wings b: to move through the air or before the wind or through outer space c: to float, wave, or soar in the air <flags flying at half-mast>2 a: to take flight : flee b: to fade and disappear : vanish3 a: to move, pass, or spread quickly <rumors were flying b: to be moved with sudden extreme emotion flew into a rage> c: to seem to pass quickly <the time simply flew4: to become expended or dissipated rapidly5: to operate or travel in an airplane or spacecraft6: to work successfully : win popular acceptance <knew…a pure human-rights approach would not fly — Charles Brydon>transitive verb
Intersection between time and flies gives
Time 1 has 0 intersections with any definition of Flies. They should first show this for each definition of time with each definition of fly (just say how many intersections there are).
I didn’t actually do this assignment, but a surface glance tells me there are no overlaps whatsoever. Unless you count stop words.
The first intersection yields 0 overlaps and thus, there is no proper interpretation given the two words.
This is not what I expected but what would hav to happen then is to compare words overlap in every meaning of time and every meaning of flies with subsequent words.
There are 7 points total for this, so count 2 points for each comparison as they add in the next word. (thus 2 for the “time’ and “flies” comparison, 2 for the “time” “flies” “like” comparison, 1 for adding in “an”(this should make no change) and 2 for adding in “arrow”). They may conclude that the Lesk algorithm doesn’t work.