The regular meeting of the Bellefonte Borough Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Council President Frank Halderman in the Bellefonte Borough Municipal Building.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Council remained standing for a moment of silence. Those in attendance were asked to either turn their cell phones off or put them on vibrate.
Members Present: Wilson, Dainty, Brown, Schneider, Provan, Beigle, DeCusati, Dunne, Halderman, Confer
Members Excused: McCullough
Mayor Addis
Officials Present: Ralph Stewart, Borough Manager
Don Holderman, Assistant Borough Manager
Staff Present:
Guests: Barry Pearce
Mrs. Dunne made a motion to approve the minutes of the Bellefonte Borough Council meeting of January 21, 2013. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous to approve the minutes as presented.
- A letter from Denise L. Elbell, Director of Financial Management/Deputy Administrator, Centre County Board of Commissioners, informing Bellefonte Borough they have not been awarded any 2013 County Liquid Fuel funds.
- A letter from Eric V. Persic, BSA President, requesting the use of soccer fields at Governor's Park around March 12, 2013 (weather permitting) through the first week of June.
Ms. Dainty made a motion to approve this request as submitted. Mrs. Brown seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous.
- A 2013 meeting schedule for the Nittany Valley Joint Planning Commission (NVJPC)
- A letter from Nicole Summers, Ed.D., Executive Director, FaithCentre, requesting permission to hold its 7th Annual Walk/Run of Faith on Saturday, April 6, 2013. The Walk/Run will begin at the Bellefonte Middle School and proceed through the residential neighborhood of Parkview Heights, beginning at 10:00 a.m. and concluding at noon.
Mr. Beigle made a motion to approve this request. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous.
- A letter from Patrick A. McCool, Chairperson, Bellefonte Cruise, requesting street closings for the 25th annual Bellefonte Cruise and Car Show to be held June 14, 15 and 16, 2013. The street closings are:
Allegheny Street between Bishop and Howard Streets and High Street from Allegheny to Spring Street on Friday, June 14, from 5:00 p.m. to midnight.
On Saturday, June 15, the request includes Allegheny Street from Linn Street to Bishop Street, West High Street from Allegheny Street, including the 100, 200 and 300 blocks of West High Street (Spring Street and Water Street will be left open for traffic with police or fire police patrolling each intersection with the Borough arranging this) and West Howard Street for the car show from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Following the show there will be an exclusive cruise for just participants from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Allegheny Street from Howard Street to Bishop Street and East High Street will remain closed until 7:00 p.m.
The request includes the use of the Municipal Parking lot located on Howard Street behind the First National Bank, Bellefonte Museum and Nittany Bank for the food court.
The request includes the use of several metered parking spaces along Spring Street near the Presbyterian Church parking lot for handicapped parking.
The request includes the use of Talleyrand Park on Sunday, June 16, from
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for a 5K race.
Mr. Provan made a motion to approve this request as submitted. Mr. Schneider seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous.
- A letter from Jacqueline Flory, Accounts Payable/Donation Coordinator, CCR (Coca-Cola Refreshments) Relay for Life Team, requesting permission to release Chinese lanterns at the Relay for Life event on May 31. The release would be in the baseball field/parking lot at Governors Park.
Ms. Dainty made a motion to approve this request. Mr. Beigle seconded the motion. There is concern with the open flame in the luminaries. There is concern that you have no control once they are put in the air. Ms. Dainty withdrew her motion and Mr. Beigle withdrew his second. Council would like Ms. Flory to come to the meeting and explain the luminaries to them.
- A letter from David Klinefelter, President, Lion's Club, requesting the use of four parking spaces next to the Brownstone Building (Beard Law Company) for its annual Rib Roast and sale on Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Mr. Beigle made a motion to approve this request. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous.
- An email from Ralph Stewart informing Council he will be attending the Rural Water Rally in Washington, D.C. February 11–13. He is requesting the use of a Borough vehicle and will have PA Rural Water pay the Borough the federal reimbursement for mileage.
- Mr. DeCusati reported the CCMPO, in their recent meetings, had a lot of discussion regarding how to change the cost distribution formula. A lot of the discussion has to do with municipalities that are benefiting from state road projects, which Bellefonte Borough is, and they are saying some of the municipalities are not paying anything in. The municipalities that are paying want more of a say in the decision-making. Mr. DeCusati would like the Borough to review this again and be aware that when you are not fully at the table projects that would benefit the Borough are not going to be initially represented. Mr. Halderman stated it can be looked at again, even though he feels a vote from the Borough is not going to change much.
- Draft minutes from the January 9, 2013 IDA meeting are available for review.
- Mr. Holderman stated at the last Fire Executive Committee meeting that work was done on old Ordinance 242. It was looked over line by line. It will come to Council in the near future for approval.
Mr. Wilson thanked Mr. Holderman and Mr. Schneider for their efforts in reworking and revising/updating the ordinance.
- No report.
- Mr. Beigle made a motion to amend the Bellefonte Borough zoning requirements within the Central Business District (CBD) to the Building Requirements (575-33) B. Maximum building width: 100 feet. The zoning amendment would delete the requirement for a maximum width of 100 feet. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. This refers to the CBD. The motion passed with Mrs. Brown voting no.
This will go to the Nittany Valley Municipalities for their review and comments.
The Draft Planning Commission minutes from the January 28, 2013, meeting are in the packet for review.
1) 125 North Allegheny Street/Replace existing exterior signs.
2) 110 West High Street/Replace existing exterior signs.
Ms. Dainty made a motion to approve these two Certificates of Appropriateness. Mrs. Brown seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous.
The January 22, 2013, HARB minutes are in the packet for review.
Ms. Dainty made a motion to approve Samuel McGinley for another one year term as Chairman of HARB and Russell Shuey for another one year term as
Vice-Chairman of HARB. Mrs. Brown seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous.
Building & Property – There was no report.
Finance and Government Performance – There was no report.
Park & Recreation – Mrs. Brown reported a drinking fountain at Talleyrand Park near the playground that needs replaced will be replaced this spring.
Mr. Holderman reported the Ordinance for the Establishment of the Recreation Authority was approved by all the other municipalities. Spring Township had something to work out and anticipate approving. Mr. Holderman anticipates moving forward with it over the next month.
Human Resources – Mr. Provan reported both the Public Works Contract and the Police Contract were signed before this meeting. Negotiations are completed and the contracts are signed by both parties. Both contracts were completed early and without arbitration. Mr. Halderman thanked the Committee for their work.
Safety – There was no report.
Water/Sanitation – Mr. Beigle reported the Authority meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 5, 2013.
Streets – Mr. DeCusati reported there is a list of things to work on when better weather comes.
Mr. Stewart reported signage has been ordered and will be installed when it comes in.
Mr. Beigle questioned which way the one-way street will run on Centre that was discussed at the previous Council meeting. Mr. Stewart reported the neighborhood will be polled. The current thought is out from Centre Street to Zion, but the Borough is open to other ideas. Approximately fifty questionnaires were sent out to residents in the Centre Street area. A survey will be sent out to residents in the Pike Street area.
Mr. Stewart talked with the residents that have dumpsters on Bishop Street. One resident came in for a permit renewal. Mr. Halderman was told something blew out of a dumpster and onto somebody's windshield when they were driving past. Mr. Stewart is working on changing the ordinance.
Energy & Environmental Conservation – Mrs. Dunne invited Council members and the viewing public to the next Fire Protection Task Force meeting that will be held Thursday, February 7, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the Borough Building. Various means of fire prevention and suppression will be discussed, including sprinklers
Junior Council Report – There was no report.
- Mr. DeCusati made a motion to pass Resolution 020413, Bellefonte Borough Purchasing Ordinance as submitted. Ms. Dainty seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous.
- Mr. Stewart met with Nittany Engineering regarding a combination of things such as the streets, criteria, paving, the water system for fire protection issues, how water flows from the reservoir, what needs to be done to improve higher flow pressure, etc. NEA will continue discussions with the Authority.
- Mr. Stewart would like to have the Goals discussion at the work session before the February 18, 2013, Council meeting.
- Mrs. Brown would like to discuss the Borough Code regarding the blighted residential properties. Mr. Stewart will schedule time in the work session before the February 18, 2013, Council meeting.
- Mr. Stewart reported there is an application window for the PennWorks Grant. The upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Plant were done with funding from this grant. He will discuss needs at the treatment plant and on the water system with Authority members at their meeting. PennWorks offers grants and low-interest loans.
- None.
- With no other business to come before Council Ms. Dainty made a motion to
adjourn the meeting of February 4, 2013, at 8:05 p.m. Mrs. Dunne seconded the motion. A voice vote was unanimous.