TOK Perception:
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Do the senses deceive? Perception varies across culture, time, and peoples.Even statistics prove to be perceptual problemswhen oversimplified.
Explanation (if needed) / Task / Area of (AOK) knowledge? / How does perception (WOK) affect this situation?
1 / Examine this demographic of voters in the last American presidential election. Look at national vs. county or population maps to see a difference. / Visit the Red state v. blue state divide at Wikipedia
2 / Anamorphic illusions drawn in a special distortion create an impression of 3 dimensions when seen from one particular viewpoint. / Visit the website of pavement drawings.
3 / Seeing is a complex map of different skills. / Read this brief account of a medical case.
4 / This site if full of mind-bending optical and auditory illusions. / Visit the Sandlot Optical Illusion Web.
5 / The mechanism of the human eye is an illusion. Sight is an illusion. / Answer the questions: What is color? Does it exist?
6 / Ever wonder what it would be like to be colorblind? / Read one man’s fascinating account. What are your new understandings?
Perception is not just about visual tricks.
Distorted views may lead to calloused and selfish choices.
7 / Situation: What if the world were reduced to 100 people? / How would that effect our ethical (moral) actions?
8 / Different maps show statistics on world education, population density, infant mortality, and earthquakes. / Take a look at the website new map resources.
9 / The way we choose to represent the world alters our understanding of both it and its peoples. / Take a look at the maps and come up with some ideas.
10 / Comparative charts of world civilizations can be purposely misleading. / Take a look at Chart A vs. B of two different timelines (hard to read, I know)
11 / "Freedom of Religion Means ALL Religions." Knowledge of other faiths promotes understanding. / Take a look at the statistics on world religions. Thoughts?
Conclusions? Ah-ha moments?