Frigga’s Day, August 16: Gilgamesh King of Uruk
EQ #1: What are characteristics of a Quest Heroic Epic?
EQ #2: How does The Epic of Gilgamesh fulfill this model?
- Welcome! Get pen/cil, paper, wits!
- Review:Heroic Monomyth
- Reading: The Epic of Gilgamesh
- Group Project: Cuneiform Me
ELACC12RL-RI1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence
ELACC12RL-RI2: Determine two or more themes or central ideas of text and analyze their development over the course of the text
ELACC12RL3: Analyze the impact of the author’s choices
ELACC12RL6: Analyze a case in which grasping point of view requires distinguishing what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant.
ELACC12RL-RI9: Analyze works of British literary and historical importancefor theme, purpose and rhetoric
ELACC12RL10: Read and comprehend complex literature independently and proficiently.
ELACC12SL1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions
ELACC12SL2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to make informed decisions and solve problems
ELACC12SL4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence
The Epic and Monomyth: The Quest Hero
What is an epic?
- Long narrative (story) – often poem – in fancy language
- Tells the story of a people – who they are, what they’ve gone through
- Hero – stands for the best in a people, folk or nation
- Quest – what hero goes through for self and people
Monomyth: The Heroic Quest for Identity
A Herorealizes that s/he is unlike anybody else, and goes on a Quest to figure out who s/he is, and what his/her place is in the world. The hero’s identity is defined and developed through a series of conflicts with:
- His/Her Own Kind (Man vs. Man)
- Self/Family –often unusual circumstances w/ birth, parents, etc.
- His own Folk – usually not like the rest – superior and/or outcast
- All People Everywhere
- The Natural World (Man vs. Nature)
- Plants and Animals (may include monsters)
- Elements and Forces (weather, mountains, oceans, etc.)
- The Supernatural (ultimately, Man vs. God)
- Magic, monsters, etc.
- God/Gods
At some point, the hero fails, encountering an adversary or obstacle which cannot be overcome. The hero now knows his/herlimits and, therefore, his/her essential nature – who s/he is.A hero is defined not by response to victories, but by response to defeats; because only in defeats does the hero find his or her limits.
Freewrite (90 words added to yesterday’s)
Think of a heroic story you know, and outline the hero’s quest as a series of struggles:
- His/Her Own Kind (Man vs. Man) (30 words)
- Self and Family – unusual circumstances w/ birth, parents, etc.
- His own Folk – usually not like the rest – superior and/or outcast
- All People Everywhere
- The Natural World (Man vs. Nature) (30 words)
- Plants and Animals (may include monsters)
- Elements and Forces (weather, mountains, oceans, etc.)
- Laws of Nature
- The Supernatural (ultimately, Man vs. God) (30 words)
- Magic, monsters, etc.
- God/Gods
CLOZE: Mesopotamia
- The Epic of Gilgamesh is about a famous king of ______, a Sumerian city in the modern country of ______(the names sound very similar).
- Mesopotamiacomes from Greek words meaning “______the ______”
- What two rivers frame Mesopotamia?
- The area was sometimes called “The ______Crescent” because:
- The first ______in the world were built there.
- For that reason, Mesopotamia is sometimes called “The ______of ______.”
- Cuneiform was first used in ______in about the year ______BCE.
- Define cuneiform: ______
- The Epic of Gilgamesh probably existed in oral form in about ______BCE, and written on a cuneiform tablet in about ______BCE.
WorldLitComp Group Project: Cuneiform Me!
Complete this worksheet and submit it today. I will use it to remind you of your mission.
Group Name:
Group Members’ Names:
Below, write out the code you will use to write your message.
On the back of this page, write out your message and its translation.
WorldLitComp Group Project: Cuneiform Me!
Complete this worksheet and submit it today. I will use it to remind you of your mission.
Group Name:
Group Members’ Names:
Below, write out the code you will use to write your message.
On the back of this page, write out your message and its translation.