Mrs. Kensinger: science club t-shirt order slips are available to pick up in Mrs. Venneman or Mrs. Kensinger’s rooms. Cost is $11 and is due by September 22.
Mrs. Moberg: There will be a Students for Service informational meeting today during OP in the library. Come to get information and to hear about our service project scheduled for early release on Wednesday, Sept. 27.
Library will be closed over lunch hour today!
Mrs. Tibor: All students attending Sonia Kovelevsky Day must stop by room 230 today before lunch.
Mr. Amberg: Anyone interested in the American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Contest should see Mr. Amberg in room 616. Local, State, and National awards of up to $20,000 available.
Counselor’s Corner
Visit and click on Counselors Corner for information on the MANY scholarship opportunities, and information on testing we have throughout the year. We have other great information listed here as well.
Any sophomore with a 3.0 GPA and all juniors can sign up for the PSAT test. The cost is $16.00 and you may register in the front office. Test day is Wednesday Oct. 11.
Juniors/Sophomore – PSAT test – October 16. Sign-up will begin Tuesday, Sept. 5 and will end October 2. The PSAT test is a national voluntary upper academic class for sophomores and juniors. It is a preliminary test for the SAT and can qualify you for scholarship programs. It can also give you insight into which AP courses you may be ready to take. The cost of the PSAT test is $16 and sign up is in the front office with Mrs. Schroeder. You will receive a practice booklet when you sign up and pay. Fee waivers are available for those who qualify. Deadline to sign up is October 2.
Students – our scholarship list with website links under Counselors Corner under our Dickinson High School website at is updated and ready for applications to begin for scholarship financial aid. Pick up paper information for some scholarships with any counselor.
Seniors- The Bank of North Dakota is sponsoring an online Financial Aid Information Night (FAIN) every Wednesday beginning October 4, 2017 and the last Wednesday FAIN online information night will be November 15, 2017. Register online at under Financial Aid Information Night (FAIN). Also, link into Financial Literacy for more information on money management topics below FAIN. FAFSA applications can be submitted beginning October 1, 2017. VIDEOS is also available with 2-3 minute videos with an overview of the financial aid process.
Dickinson Dollars for Scholars is doing a cash raffle this year. Tickets are $5 a ticket.The drawing will be held in November and DFS is giving away a total of $1000. We will need clear names and phone numbers so we can contact the winners of the $$. Please see Mrs. Mack for tickets. Selling Dickinson Dollars for Scholars raffle tickets counts towards a volunteer opportunity with Dollars for Scholars. All proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets goes towards sponsoring scholarships to graduating seniors at Dickinson High School and Trinity High School.
Interested students grades 9-12, are encouraged to join Dickinson Dollars for Scholars. The meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at 4 PM, at Dickinson Chamber of Commerce, 314 3rd Avenue West, Dickinson (across from Berg Elementary in log building). If students are interested in joining Dickinson Dollars for Scholars and are not able to attend today’s meeting, student may see a DHS Counselor and the student’s contact information (cell # and current email) will be emailed to Kari Sayler at:
ND CTE $6,000 scholarship – The WorkKeys assessments (Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents) for a required test score for the ND CTE scholarship is being offered at Dickinson State University, DSU Testing Center once a month on Saturdays for October and November.The upcoming test dates will be on Sat., October 21, 2017 and on November 18, 2017. The test fee for the three assessments will be $40.00, or $15.00 per test. The DSU Testing Center has limited seating. Please see a counselor to schedule the assessment, or call Flora Cho at 483-2964. DSU would prefer students schedule one month prior to their test date.