
Office: 606-862-4679

FAX: 606-862-4681


London Elementary school hours are 8:15 AM through 3:10 PM each day. Classroom instructional time begins promptly at 8:15 and continues until 3:10. Students may arrive at the school no earlier than 7:30 AM. Buses unload at 7:40 each morning and depart at approximately 3:30 each afternoon. Students must be picked up by 3:20 PM. After school child care is provided by the London Elementary Family Resource Center (862-4683) and will begin at 3:30 and end at 5:30 on days that school is in session. Childcare forms may be picked up at the school office, the Family Resource Center office, on the school’s website or from your child’s teacher.


Good attendance is crucial to a child’s successful education. We firmly believe that attendance is a student/parent/guardian responsibility. A student is expected to attend school daily to gain maximum benefit from the instructional program.

Attendance Calculations: Attendance for all students in the state is calculated based on the time the student is absent or tardy from school. A student will be considered tardy if he/she arrives late or checks out early from school. Attendance is calculated based on whole day or half day absences.

Make Up Work Policy: It is the responsibility of the student to obtain make-up work for an absence immediately upon returning to school. The student will have one day to make up work missed for each day of school missed.

Upon returning to school, a student MUST present a written excuse to the office within two (2) days. The excuse should include the following: student’s name and grade, date or dates absent, reason for absence (doctor’s excuse, parent note, etc), and full signature of parent/guardian on written excuse. All excuses not presented during this time frame will be ruled as unexcused absences. Students are allowed 8 days per school year excused by parent note.

The following rules and regulations do not take precedence over the truancy laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky but shall be considered for excused absences. Absences for reasons other than those listed below will be unexcused:

1.  Student is sick and has a note from a parent. (Limit of two (2) consecutive days only, except for infectious disease.)

2.  Student is sick for three (3) or more days and has a doctor’s statement/hospital slip. In the case of chronic illness one doctor’s statement should be sufficient.

3.  Medical or dental appointment that cannot be made after school hours. (Verification by a slip from the doctor confirming times and dates.)

4.  Serious illness in immediate household.

5.  Order of a court.

6.  Death in immediate family. (Limit of three (3) days except extenuating circumstances.)

7.  Natural disaster beyond control of student.

8.  School sponsored trips are not considered absences as they relate to the Attendance Policy. Students participating in such trips are required to do work missed while out.

9.  Religious holidays.

10.  A student will be excused for one day for the military deployment of a parent/guardian and one day when a parent/guardian returns from military deployment.

Vacations are unexcused absences unless approved by the administration (consideration will be based on educational value and student academic standing). Trips qualifying as educational enhancement opportunities shall be determined and approved by the principal. An Educational Enhancement Opportunity Application must be completed and returned to the principal no later than five days prior to the planned event. The application for an Educational Enhancement Opportunity may be found on the London Elementary School website or picked up in the school office.

If a student is expected to miss more than five (5) consecutive days due to illness or injury, it is the responsibility of the parents to contact the Home/Hospital Instruction Office at 862-4608 to request an application.

For additional information regarding attendance, please refer to the district Student Code of Conduct and parent information letter or call the attendance clerk, Kathy Hensley, at 862-4679.


One of the most important lessons education should teach is discipline. While it is not considered a subject area, discipline underlies the whole educational structure. It is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. It is the key to good conduct and proper consideration for other people. Students are expected to behave in a respectful and orderly manner obeying school rules and procedures at all times.

Students shall follow student expectations and procedures during all activities. For additional information regarding student expectations and procedures concerning discipline, please refer to the London Elementary website at for a detailed listing of Student Expectations for all areas on the London Elementary Campus and the Laurel County Public Schools Student Code of Acceptable Conduct and Discipline given to each student / parent upon enrollment.


Students will be expected to keep themselves well groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Any form of dress or hairstyle which is considered contrary to good hygiene or which is distractive or disruptive in appearance and detrimental to the purpose of conduct of the school will not be permitted. Shirts must cover the body to the waist and must come to the edge of the shoulder. Short skirts and shorts are not considered acceptable wearing apparel for boys or for girls. Shorts must be long enough to reach the tip of the middle finger when arm is straight at side. Skirts and dresses must be to the knee. Other items of clothing which are unacceptable and not permitted include: tank tops, spaghetti strap tops, tube tops, Heely shoes, high heeled shoes, halter tops, one shoulder tops, pants with holes above the knee, bare midriffs, and articles of clothing with wording, pictures, symbols, or graphics that, either implied or suggested, contain inappropriate language, violence, obscene or sexual connotations, alcohol, narcotics, firearms, or tobacco messages. Caps / hats are not permitted.

Due to the inevitable and frequent breaking of flip flops, students must have an extra pair of shoes at school as a backup in case of breakage. Students are not permitted to wear flip flops on scheduled PE days. Students must wear appropriate shoes to run and play safely for PE class.

For additional information regarding student dress code, please refer to the Laurel County Public Schools Student Code of Acceptable Conduct and Discipline which are given to each student / parent upon enrollment (also available on-line at


Anything not needed for class must be left at home: toys, cell phones, Yu-gi-oh/Pokemon cards, MP3 players/iPods, whistles, balls, cameras, radios, recorders, skateboards, pets, caps/hats, lighters/matches, knives, chewing gum, laser lights, electronic games/devices or any item not required for classroom learning are not permitted. Possession of any unacceptable items will result in confiscation and appropriate disciplinary actions.

For additional information regarding unacceptable items please refer to the Laurel County Public Schools Student Code of Acceptable Conduct and Discipline.


The following forms MUST be completed by a parent/guardian and returned to the school no later than the student’s second day in attendance at school:

·  Emergency Cards - 3 duplicate cards must be completed (front and back) including names and ID number of all persons authorized to pick a child up from school. The ID number should be a driver’s license number. If there is no driver’s license, please provide social security number. The back of the card must be signed by the parent and medical information listed.

·  Internet Access Form – see back of Code of Conduct book

·  Consent for School Health Services Form – In order for the nurse to provide medical services for your child.

·  Photo Release Agreement/Release of Educational Records to Media Form - see back of Code of Conduct book

·  Emergency Information Form

·  Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals

·  Student Code of Conduct – Check back of emergency card indicating you have received and read.

·  Crime Check and Confidentiality Form - please call the FRC office to complete a crime check over the phone.

·  Student Transportation Form

·  Homework Policy

·  Bus Information form –if your child will ride a bus, please complete this form

·  Title I Program Home-School Compact/Agreement

The completion of these forms will help the school maintain accurate student records as well as help ensure the safety of your child. For printable school forms please refer to the London Elementary School website at .


Classroom teachers have school supplies for students. If students wish to have their own supplies, the classroom teacher will provide parents a suggested list of items for that grade. For the continued safety of our students, London Elementary requires students to have clear or mesh backpacks only.


Children are expected to remain at school throughout the school day. Any person picking up a child from school must have his/her name and ID (driver’s license) number on the emergency card. Picture ID will be required when picking up a child. Students checked out early (before 3:10) from school will be counted tardy. Regular student afternoon dismissal (3:10 bell) sign-outs will begin in the gym at 3:00 and end at 3:20 (gym doors will be locked at 3:20). Students not picked up by 3:20 will be taken to afterschool daycare. Students checked out before 3:00 must be signed out in the front office.

Upon their arrival at school, by bus or other means, students may not leave the school property unless they have permission. Permission will be granted by the following:

A.  Parent/guardian must come to school and sign for early dismissal. Students are to remain in class until parents arrive.

B.  Any change in a student’s regular dismissal procedure must be communicated in writing with parent signature, phone number, and date.

C.  Parent or guardian MUST provide photo ID before the student will be released.

D.  There will be no dismissal messages by phone.

Any changes or additions to emergency card information must be completed by a parent/guardian. These changes should be made immediately as they occur and may not be given over the phone.

The following are not permitted to check out students nor be on the emergency card contacts:

·  A currently enrolled student such as an older sibling in high school

·  Anyone under the age of 18

·  Any person listed on the Sex Offender Registry


London Elementary has a full time nurse. In order for the nurse to provide medical services for your child, a Consent for Services form must be completed. Should your child need medicine while at school, a Permission to Give Medication form must be completed by a parent/guardian. This form may be obtained from the school nurse. Handwritten notes will not be accepted. All medicine, including cough drops, must be brought to school by the parent/guardian, registered in the school office upon arrival at school, and in the original container with prescription.

Notify the school immediately if your child has a life-threatening allergy or medical condition which necessitates an emergency medical plan.


Breakfast and lunch are served in our school’s cafeteria every day. Breakfast is served from 7:40 – 8:10. Students should arrive no later than 7:50 if they will be eating breakfast at school. Students should go straight to class to drop off backpacks and then go directly to breakfast and back to the classroom. Students should not visit other classrooms during this time.

Every child must be served a lunch, either a school lunch or a lunch brought from home. No food, straws, milk cartons, or silverware are to be taken out of the lunchroom. No soft drinks or glass bottles are to be brought into the cafeteria. Refrigerated storage cannot be provided for students who bring perishable foods.

We have students within the building who have allergies to food products that can cause severe and even fatal reactions if they consume or even come near certain food products. Because of this, any food brought to school may not contain peanuts, peanut products, or tree nuts of any kind.

Prices for breakfast and lunch will be announced at the beginning of each school year. Applications for free or reduced priced meals will be sent home on the first day of school or upon enrollment. All student meals must be paid for daily or prepaid. If you would like to prepay for your child’s meal, please make checks payable to the London Elementary Food Service.

Parents are welcome to come to school to have lunch with their child one day per week. This must be prearranged with your child’s teacher at least one day prior. Parents are not permitted to bring restaurant food to their child while at school. Only those listed on the emergency card that have had a crime check and confidentiality training will be allowed to have lunch with students.


Students may have four class parties during the school year: Halloween, Christmas, Valentine, and end of year picnic day. There will be no school sponsored parties at any time other than the above mentioned. Birthday or surprise parties are not permitted for students. Student balloon bouquets and gifts should not be delivered to students while at school as this causes a disruption to the classroom learning environment and are not permitted on the bus. Snacks sent to school must be in original package with food/nutrition label included. Please refer to the school’s wellness policy and information letter regarding class snacks.

We have students within our building who have allergies to food products that can cause severe and even fatal reactions if they consume or even come near those food products. Because of this, any food products brought to school may not contain peanuts, peanut products, or tree nuts of any kind.


There will be assemblies and instructional programs throughout the school year. Any parent who wishes for their child not to participate in any activity should make the teacher aware so other arrangements can be made.