Supplementary Table 1. Environmental variablesconsidered in this study for their influence on the abundance of white shrimp (Litopenaeussetiferus) during specific time frames.

7 Day Period Preceding Shrimp Trawls
Mean water temperature / oC / a
5th percentile of water temperatures / oC / a
95th percentile of water temperatures / oC / a
Mean dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
5th percentile of dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
95th percentile of dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
Mean water salinity / ppt / a
5th percentile of water salinities / ppt / a
95th percentile of water salinities / ppt / a
Mean daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Minimum daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Maximum daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Total precipitation / mm / c
Mean wind speed / msec-1 / c
Percent time with a strong offshore wind / % / c
Percent time with a strong inshore wind / % / c
30 Day Period Preceding Shrimp Trawls
Mean water temperature / oC / a
5th percentile of water temperatures / oC / a
95th percentile of water temperatures / oC / a
Mean dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
5th percentile of dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
95th percentile of dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
Mean water salinity / ppt / a
5th percentile of water salinities / ppt / a
95th percentile of water salinities / ppt / a
Mean daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Minimum daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Maximum daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Total precipitation / mm / c
Mean wind speed / msec-1 / c
Percent time with a strong offshore wind / % / c
Percent time with a strong inshore wind / % / c
The Previous Summer Before the Trawl (May 1 – August 31)
Mean water temperature / oC / a
5th percentile of water temperatures / oC / a
95th percentile of water temperatures / oC / a
Mean dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
5th percentile of dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
95th percentile of dissolved oxygen concentration / percent saturation / mgL-1 and % saturation / a
Mean water salinity / ppt / a
5th percentile of water salinities / ppt / a
95th percentile of water salinities / ppt / a
Mean daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Minimum daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Maximum daily discharge of Edisto River / ft3sec-1 / b
Total precipitation / mm / c
The Previous Winter Before the Trawl (December 1 – March 31)
Mean water temperature / oC / d
Number of consecutive days with mean water temperature below 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16oC / # / d
Total number of days with mean water temperature below 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16oC / # / d

a ACE Basin Big Bay SWMP water quality station (ACEBBWQ)

bUSGSGivhans, SC Edisto River gage (02175000)

c ACE Basin Bennett’s Point meteorological station (ACEBPMET)

dUSGS Charleston, SC Customs House station (021720170)