41 Cross Rd, Waterford, CT06385
Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Edward G. Kakaty, pastor / September 14-15, 2013
Sunday After the Exaltation of the Cross
Intentions This Weekend:
Sat5pm: + Deceased of the Facas Family+Bertha Nassif PRAY FOR PEACE IN SYRIA & EGYPT
Sun10:+ +Anthony Mekel+Abdo Facas by Gaby &Joumana Hajj Today is National Catechetical Sunday!
Intentions next weekend:
Sat 5pm+Deceased of the Facas Family+Bertha Nassif
Sun10am+Anthony Mekel by the Kakaty Family
Speedy Recovery for,Gloria Massad,Elias Gharios,Bob Dib, Sandra Kakaty,John Karrat, Andrea, Virginia Facas
This Weekend / Saturday: John Jalonski / Sunday: Denise Brooks / Thanks to all who always make up their missed envelope, including fuel and building fundNext Weekend / Saturday :Joumana Hajj / Sunday: Gerard Massad
Sept 7 / 20 / Gave / 196 / Clothing Shed $80
Syrian Relief $400
Sept 8 / 45 / Gave / 576
200 club Winners: $50 Elias Hage, 25 Dee Porlidis $10 Marie Antipoff, Bolivar Gonzalez, Chet Sicard
Please pay $50 renewal to Mary Dib/Anna Sobanski for new year. The church made $1000. THANKS!
St Ann is collecting used clothing & shoes in the shed on our parking lot. Receipts available for tax deductions.
Must be in bags- NO household items,hangers, pillows, rags, metal, just shoes, belts, handbags, drapes, sheets,
Condolences to the family of +Abdo Facas: mother Virginia, daughter Kelly, brother Hendrick, relatives and friends.
Condolences to Fr Ed, whose first cousin, +Bertha Nassif, fell asleep in the Lord 8/23, in Utica, NY. Memory eternal!
Fuel Donors :Catherine Yost, Mary Dib, Jerry Villani , Ramzi Awad, Ed Najim, Ed Walker( 100 each) Elias Gharios 300,Georges Haddad 750, Bechara El Khoury 200, Carol Shasha 700, Helen Popa 200, Tanios Karam 150, Jack Hage 200, Gabriel Hajj 200, Frank Kozmon 700, Abdo Facas 500, Lauren Sobanski 150, Barbara Facas 200, Charles Facas 300, Louise Massad 200,Joe Doro 300, Sheila Burke, Marie Antipoff, Patrick Moukawsher,Bob Conley,Nicholas Chahine, Elias J Hage(100 each).
Please make up for your missed envelopes- we are way behind paying our bills because some aren’ t giving!
The Sanctuary Lamp is lit for September for the good health of Albert and Jamal Doro and their family.
Paul is overwhelmed by awareness of God’s great love for him and wants to share that experience with everyone. Christ tells us that true life comes from surrendering to Him and following Him. Both are basic elements in our Christian Faith. Let us pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood, that we may continue to have messengers of this great joy among us.
We have a seminarian: Tom Moses of Our Lady of the Cedars, Manchester, NH.