January 2017
Welcome to 2017! I hope everyone enjoyed their Winter Break as much as I did.
However, all breaks aside, we will be getting back into the swing of things on Tuesday. Now is a great time to restock on supplies. Some students could use new pencils, glue sticks, or a small pack (8) of crayons. Some students also need pencils cases. Ask your child about his or her supplies.
Reading Logs
Students have been doing a great job reading and filling out their Reading Logs often throughout the week. Keep up the great work! Students may use their time on Raz-Kids or their Reading Comprehension Folder on their Reading Logs. Just write Raz-Kids or Reading Folder under the story title and fill out how much time they were on the computer site or completing the folder.
Reading Skills Homework Folder
Students will be beginning the Reading Skills Worksheets in the blue folder. One worksheet page will be given Monday through Thursday. Students should do the best they can on the pages. These are skills we have been working on and will continue to work on throughout the year. I will show the students how to complete these pages before I assign them.
Reading Books
I would like students to have chapter books available to read during down time and to use during reading class. I have many books in my classroom that the children can read, however I don’t always have everyone’s favorite books or series. Students can bring books to and from school daily, or keep books in the room to read.
PSSA Practice Reading Homework
All third graders will be starting a new Reading homework component in the upcoming weeks. Students will be given a short passage to read at home. (The reading time can be put onto the Reading Log) This passage will be accompanied by multiple choice questions and usually an open ended question. The students will be given this assignment on Fridays and it will be due by the following Thursday. Students will be asked to highlight and/or record on the story where they find the answers to the multiple choice and open ended questions. This is a way for them to prove to us that they looked back into the story to find answers.
Reading and Math MAP/CDT Practice
We will be taking the CDT computerized tests the first week of January. It is similar to the MAP test the children have taken in the 1st and 2nd grades. They can practice skills found on the MAP Reading Comprehension test to improve all reading skills. Practice areas can be found on my website under MAP Practice for Math and Reading.
We are starting Chapter 6, Multiplication and Division, on Monday. It is very important that the children know their 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 times tables fluently. It will make this chapter much easier for them.
a good way to practice these facts and the time can be put on the Math Calendar. You can use other sources as well.
We have started Earth Materials. Students will be learning about rock and minerals by being amateur geologists. They will learn how to tell certain minerals apart, and how to test for them. Students will be completing a small research project about their birthstone mineral with this unit. It can be found on the Science News section of my website.
Expected Behaviors
Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe
These are the 3 basic rules that we encourage in our school. Please speak with your children about how they can show these traits in school, on the playground, in the cafeteria, and on the bus. Some children seem to forget the ways they can be respectful to each other, be responsible with their things, work and attitudes, and how to be safe.
Important Dates
Instrumental Lessons Every Friday
January3–Back to School
January 3 – 6 – CDT testing
January 5 – Home and School meeting – 6:30 in the library
January 16 - No School Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 27 – End of 2nd Marking Period