Postal Address
PO Box 272, ROCKINGHAM WA 6968
Lark Hill Sportsplex
RC&DSA Inc. Website
RC&DSA 2013-20142015-16 BYLAWS
1. Team Nominations, Registration of Players and Officials
1. Team Nomination Nights will be held on an advertised night/time/venue.
2. Individual Registrations
1. Any player that does not register before participating in any fixtured game will be considered ineligible for any and all games until such time as they fully comply with the conditions for player registrations. (Refer By-Law 8)
2. All players under the age of eighteen (18) must attach to their Individual Registration Formgive RC&DSA proof of birth (Copy of Birth Certificate or Extract; Passport; Drivers License or Learners Permit) before their first game. Any player under the age of Eighteen (18) that does not produce proof of birth will be considered to be illegal for any and all subsequent games until proof is supplied. (Refer By-Law 8)
3. Subsequent registration is required for any player who is not listed on the original registration form and will be subject to the same conditions for player registrations as detailed above.
3. Fees
A non-refundable deposit of $300 250 per team for the Senior Competition and $300 per team for the Junior Competition must accompany your club’s nomination form for EACH division you are applying for. The balance of $750 per team should be paid on the prescribed date set by the BOM.
NOTE: Withdrawing a team after nominations have closed will result in the loss of all deposits paid
NOTE: “WASA Insurance” is compulsory “Player Personal Injury Cover” brought in by Softball WA under Duty of Care Legislation and is now included in their registration fees. Any enquiries or claims should be directed to Softball WA as the policy holder. Phone: (08) 9349 9911; Email: ; Postal Address: PO Box 450, Mirrabooka WA 6941
In the event of a forfeit caused by not enough players being available to field a side at the start of a game, the team causing the forfeit will pay a fine of $100.00 .
The fine is to be paid to the Registrar prior to the next fixtured game by the offending side or the whole team shall be considered un-financial and deemed ineligible. (Refer By-Law 8)
4. Clearances
1. All inter-club clearances must be received before the 31st December of the current season any player who is registered as a playing member with one club shall not be permitted to play with another club until they have obtained from the club they are already registered with a clearance in writing on the approved form.
2. Clearance’s must be handed to the Registrar prior to the player taking the field.
3. Clubs are required to answer to a clearance application within twenty-one (21) days of the date shown next to the signature, or else the clearance shall become automatic. Any club dissatisfied with another club in regards to clearances shall have the right of appeal to the Board of Management.
4. All Inter-Association clearances must be forwarded to the WASA office accompanied with the appropriate fee. No player will take part in any game if the clearance has not been forwarded to the RCDSA Registrar. A list of cleared players, showing from which club they have left and which club they are going to, will appear on the notice board at the clubrooms
5. Scorecards & Game Results
1. Scorecards must show the, surname and given name of all players participating in the game (Smith, Mary). Names of reserves are only to be included IF & WHEN the player enters the game. Reserves are to be placed on the umpire’s line-up card and entered onto the scorecard only when they enter the game.
2. Scorecards are to be written in PEN. Any scorecards written in Pencil will be deemed unacceptable and that team will be forfeited.
3. A line-up card is to be presented to the umpire 10 minutes prior to the start of the game and MUST INCLUDE ALL PLAYERS. It is the Home team’s responsibility to ensure that the line-up card is completed before handing it to the umpire. Any line-up cards not completed when presented to the umpire will result in a forfeit to the offending team.
4. Both home and away teams will be responsible for their individual scorecards; if it is later noted by the Registrar that a players have participated in the game and have not completed a registration form then the usual penalties for playing an ineligible player will be applied to the offending team. (Refer By-law 8)
5. It is the umpire’s responsibility to ensure that the scorecards have identical scores at the conclusion of the game and that all players who participated are shown on both scorecards.
6. It is the umpire’s responsibility to ensure that ONLY Association Fairest & Best votes are shown on the scorecards. Full names are to be given, NOT uniform numbers or player’s initials.
7. It is the umpire’s responsibility to place the scorecard in the box located in the main hall. Umpires must print name below signature and club if a rostered club umpire.
8. It is the umpires responsibility to place Little League game reports in the box located in the main hall. Each game must produce ONE (1) completed Game Report signed by BOTH team scorers.
9. Scorers are encouraged expected to sit behind the back net. If scorers do not choose to sit behind the back net it is then their responsibility to present the scorecards to the umpires for signing at the completion of the game.
NOTE: All clubs should ensure that their scorers and club umpires are either given a copy of these rules or are made aware of their responsibilities under the By-Laws in order to uniformly apply these ground rules throughout the season.
NOTE: GRADING: The Association will in its power of control, have the right to grade teams and or players to ensure a fair and amicable competition. (Note: grade = division)
1. To be eligible to play in the Mixed 13-under Sub-Juniors a player must be under 13 years of age on 31st December of the current season.
2. For finals, all players are locked into the grade they initially registered in within their Competition unless, the lower graded team is not playing in finals or once a player has played six (6) games in a higher grade they are then locked into the higher grade and cannot go back down to play finals in the lower grade.
3. Players will remain in the same grade for the entire finals series within their Competition, but if they have qualified for finals in another Competition, they may play in the finals in both Competitions.
1. To be eligible to play in the Girls 17-under and Boys 17-under juniors, a player must be under 17 years of age on 31st December of the current season.
2. Junior players in the senior competition may move up and down all grades within either their mother club or a host club. This allows juniors to play two games on a fixtured date.
3. A player will be considered a Junior if no older than 17 years of age during the current playing season.
4. For finals, all players are locked into the grade they initially registered in within their Competition unless the lower graded team is not playing in finals. Players will remain in the same grade for the entire finals series within their Competition, but if they have qualified for finals in another Competition, they may play in the finals in both Competitions.
1. To be eligible to play in the Senior Competition a player must be turning 13 years of age during the current playing season
2. Senior players may NOT play 2 games in the same day, unless a fixtured Double Header is to be played in their registered grade. You cannot play Friday night and again on Saturday. Please note that Sunday fixtured games are classified as a separate fixture not a double header.
3. Lower graded players may play for their mother club in a higher grade. They are able to do this until the last fixtured qualifying game.
4. For finals, all players are locked into the grade they initially registered in unless the lower graded team is not playing in finals. A Senior player who plays more than six (6) games in a higher division than they were nominated for shall be locked into the higher division after the sixth (6th) game.
5. Any junior players who have qualified for finals in both juniors and seniors may play in finals series in both Competitions.
1. To be eligible to participate in the senior competition as a veteran, a player must be 35 years years of age.
2. Proof of age must be provided to the Registrar prior to playing as a “veteran player” for any club other than their mother club.
3. Veterans are allowed to play in more than one game on a fixtured date however, in the interest of all players; the use of a veteran player for any team other than their mother club shall abide by the following rules.
A veteran player:
a) A veteran PLAYER shall only take the field to avoid a team forfeiting.
b) shall play in the last position in both fielding and batting; i.e. 9th batter, right field player;
c) may start on the field if the team is waiting for a 9th player but must be replaced once the player is made available;
d) may start as a reserve but shall remain on the bench and only take the field to replace an injured player and play in accordance with rule 3(b);
e) shall not be used to replace an ejected player;
f) may play as many games as required during the round (i.e. on a fixtured date);
g) Can be available to play for any division.
h) EXCEPTION to b) and c): If playing for mother club may bat and field in any position if playing in a higher division than their nominated division.
NOTE: These rules do not concern junior players, as they are permitted to play in a foster club to provide them with more opportunities to develop their skills within the sport.)
4. For finals, veteran and junior players can only play one game in finals. Players are locked into the grade their mother club initially registered in.
5. Players shall remain in the same grade for the entire finals series .Players may represent their Mother club in a higher grade if lower graded team is no longer participation in the finals
6. Clubs shall only be permitted to play two pick up players in any fixtured game IE Two senior players or two Juniors players or one Junior player and one Senior player.
- While the Board of Management cannot stop you from playing, we have a Duty of Care to other players, and therefore would request that the player concerned does not play. Refer to WA Softball PREGNANCY GUIDELINES. These can be obtained from WA softball webpage or the BOM.
2. Please note that should a player wish to play whilst pregnant, then the BOM requests that a Medical Certificate be supplied and that the player puts in writing that the BOM and/or any players cannot be held responsible for any injury to either the mother or the unborn child.
7. Ineligible Players – Penalties
1. In the event of there being an ineligible player in the team, the offending team shall forfeit the match to the non-offending team.
2. The non-offending team shall retain any runs scored. These penalties and conditions include all final rounds.
3. An ineligible player shall be defined as:
(A) A person who is under suspension by the order of their local competition, WASA, ASF, or ISF.
(B) A person who is deemed un-financial by any of the above bodies.
(C) A member of another club who has not been granted a clearance by RC&DSA or WASA.
(D) A player who is by age ineligible to play that grade.
(E) A player under nineteen (18) years of age that has not produced proof of date of birth by their first (1st) game.
(F) Any player that has not provided FULL details to the Registrar for registrationonline.
8. Games
A. The team who is mentioned first in the fixture is the “home” team,
They will sit on First Base and Field first and supply two (2) match balls yellow in colour, away team to supply one (1) match ball.
Little League Majors (Under 13’s) only to use 11 inch ball.
B. Line-up cards and match balls shall be given to the umpire prior to the game starting. (Refer By-Law’s 6.2 & 6.3)
C. Game Times - Unless otherwise stated all game times will be:
Sub-JuniorsLittle League Juniors
Friday 5pm
Saturday 9:00am and 11.00am9am and 11am 9:00am and 11.00am
Men Women
Friday 7pm and 9pm
Saturday 6;00pm and 8:00pm 2;00pm and 4;00pm
Sunday 10am and 12noon (if needed) 10am and 12noon (if needed)
D. Line-up
1 All Division’s may start and finish with 8 players.
2 If a team has 9 players they can finish with 8 players, only if an injury or sickness has been incurred during the course of the game.
E. Time Limits
i All Senior grades = 1 ½ hours or even innings, which ever occurs first. If time expires play will continue until the end of the complete inning or the winning run has been scored.