San Tan Foothills High School

A Place for Greatness


Dear FUSD School Board:

San Tan Foothills High School successfully navigated its first year as a member of FUSD and we look forward to moving past the “consolidation year” and on to bigger and better things.

Sabercat Days will be in the STFHS Library on the following days:
Juniors & Seniors ONLY Wednesday, July 12 8:00-11:00, 12:30-3:00, 5:30-7:30
Sophomores ONLYThursday, July 13 8:00-11:00, 12:30-3:00, 5:30-7:30
Freshmen ONLYMonday, July 17 12:30-3:00, 4:30-7:30 (Note: no morning
hours due to District Convocation)
All students and parents are encouraged to attend on one of these days. This is a time to get schedules, pay fees,acquire athletic information, and meet with a counselor. Additionally we will host the freshmen and their parents for a special orientation on Wednesday, July 19th from 6:00-7:00p.m. Students will follow their schedule of classes as a way to acclimate to the campus and meet their teachers.

On August 3rd at 6:00 p.m. we will hold an Open House for parents. During this event we will have curriculum presentations and hold Site Council elections.

This summer we focused on improving and expanding our campus and services:

  • AP training so we can offer additional AP courses on our campus.
  • Kagan Cooperative Learning Training – the master teacher and Principal attended training so they can return and train the entire teaching staff on Kagan, which will be a non-negotiable daily requirement in all classrooms.
  • Renaissance/Yearbook training – Cory White is attending so she will be able to implement the new Josten’s yearbook format and their Renaissance program.
  • Prepared to introduce AP Capstone (17-18) and AVID (18-19) programs.
  • Optimized the Master Schedule and provided all students, including incoming freshmen, with their schedule prior to Sabercat Days.
  • Re-opened classrooms in the B Building to accommodate the addition of 240 freshmen and new staff members.
  • Campus beautification is still underway with major painting projects in progress.
  • Website Overhaul - You can access the new format at the same I encourage you to check out how we are showcasing our students while providing information to our students, parents, and community members.
  • All forms and procedures have been streamlined to increase efficiency and save time.

On a final note, we look forward to welcoming 650 students, San Tan Foothills High School’s largest enrollment ever and continuing to grow into our motto “A Place for Greatness!


Dr. Tim Richard
