• THE TEST WILL BE HELD ON Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014
  • PART II (the essays) of the test will be due by EMAIL on Dec. 4, 2014 (Thursday) by 11:59 PM or by HARD COPY – which should be given to me by the end of the school day on Dec. 4, 2014.
  • This review sheet should also be handed in to me for 52 (homework) points in class before you take the test on Dec. 4, 2014.

Mulieris Dignitatem Chapter 6:

  1. What are the two dimensions of the female personality discussed in Chapter 6?
  2. The usual order of motherhood is brought about through the mutual knowledge between man and woman. How was Mary’s experience of motherhood different?
  3. Explain the biblical meaning of the word “knowledge” in reference to marriage.
  4. What were the words of Mary’s “Fiat?”
  5. As the child grows within the mother, how does this affect her attitude toward humanity?
  6. In what way(s) do(es) the role of motherhood take precedence over the role of fatherhood in raising a child?
  7. In Lk 11: 27-28, Jesus points out that motherhood goes beyond the physical birth of a child to a woman. How?
  8. How is motherhood related to the paschal mystery?
  9. How is the resurrection joy like the joy of motherhood?
  10. What does “eschatological” mean?
  11. What does Christ teach about the value of celibacy?
  12. What does it mean for a person to be “consecrated” to God?
  13. What are the evangelical counsels?
  14. Who most perfectly lived the evangelical counsels?
  15. How is choosing virginity a “spousal gift?”

Mary’s Perpetual Virginity (CCC 499-510)

  1. What does the phrase, “ante partum, in partu, et post partum” mean about Mary?
  2. What are the two sources of Revelation which comes to us from God?
  3. What is the primary task of the Magisterium?
  4. How long has Christianity held the belief that Mary was a virgin when she conceived Jesus?
  5. When did the Church begin to use the phrase, “Ever Virgin” in referring to Mary?
  6. What does the Church actually mean when she says that Mary remained a virgin during the birth of Christ? (Two part answer!)
  7. What does the word continent mean in referring to Mary’s virginity after the birth of Jesus?
  8. Did Jesus have any siblings?
  9. Why does the Bible says Jesus had “brothers?”

St. Maria Goretti:

  1. Why is St. Maria Goretti the patron saint purity and rape victims? (What happened to her?)
  2. How did Maria Goretti respond to Alessandro after he stabbed her 14 times?
  3. What happened to Alessandro after he left prison?

Synod on the Family:

  1. What was the title of the Synod held in Rome last month?
  2. How did the media report the Synod?
  3. What were some of the issues discussed at the Synod?
  4. Now that the Synod has ended, what are the next steps the Bishops must take?
  5. When/how will we know the “results” of this Synod?


  1. Briefly list and explain the 7 Capital VIRTUES.
  2. Briefly list and explain the 7 Capital VICES
  3. Define conjugal
  4. Define continence
  5. How is lust defined in the “CCC?” (2351)
  6. What are some examples of lust?
  7. According to Gregory the Great, what are the “Daughters of Lust?”
  8. Aquinas said that uncontrolled lust can turn to ______lust. This explains the terrifying behaviors of violent and murderous rapists.
  9. Why is the USE of pornography becoming more and more of a problem for women today?
  10. What are the 4 stages of the mind according to Thomas?
  11. How does lust affect the 4 stages mentioned in #11?
  12. Morally, virginity signifies the reverence for bodily integrity which is suggested by a virtuous motive. Thus understood, it is common to both sexes. What does the word integrity mean in this context?
  13. What are the two basic types of virginity? Briefly explain each?
  14. The STATE of virginity in the eyes of the Church refers to which type of virginity?
  15. What does the Church mean by a “secondary virginity?”
  16. Can we be pure without God’s grace?
  17. List three ways to grow stronger in our battle for purity.

Questions over JPII’s Letter to Women:

  1. Why did JPII write this letter?
  2. What is a “consecrated woman?”
  3. Why does JPII apologize to women in paragraph #3?
  4. What are some of the urgent needs in the world today towards achieving “real equality?”
  5. Is the sin of abortion always the women’s fault according to JPII? Explain.
  6. Regarding #14: What are some of the obstacles to women’s liberation that are experienced throughout the world?
  7. What are some ways that women contribute to whole societies and nations?
  8. What other areas, besides science and technology, do women do women contribute?
  9. What kind of motherhood(s) do women offer in the field of education?
  10. How does Mary show herself to be the highest expression of the feminine genius?
  11. Does JPII believe the having only men as priests detract from the dignity of women? Why?
  12. The priesthood is not a an expression of domination, rather it is an expression of ______.
  13. Let’s review one more time: What IS the feminine genius?


  1. To whom was the encyclical written?
  2. By whom was it written?
  3. What was a temple “vestal?”
  4. What did the Fathers of the Church think about Virginity? (p. 1)
  5. What are some bad reasons for remaining a virgin? (p. 3)
  6. Who are men imitating when they live consecrated virginity? (p. 5)
  7. How is virginity as “liberation?’
  8. The Church holds that virginity surpasses marriage in “excellence.” Does that mean marriage is bad? Why or why not? (p. 6)
  9. What is the greatest glory of virgins? (p. 8)
  10. After making the free choice to perfect chastity, what does a person need to truly live that vow?
  11. What are “occasions of sin?”
  12. What is value of modesty? What does it do for us? (p. 16)
  13. What attitude should parents have to their children who wish to follow a vocation of consecrated virginity? (p. 18)


  1. What are the various forms of the consecrated life?
  2. What is a religious “rule?”
  3. What are the 4 basic rules for religious life in the Church? (Other rules have built off of them.)
  4. Which rule is especially for monks of the Eastern Catholic Church?


  1. What is the difference between a contemplative and an active order?
  2. What is an apostolate?
  3. In what ways do these sisters uphold and promote the culture of life and the dignity of life?
  4. At least three of the orders shown in the film blend contemplation and action. How are contemplation and action complementary?
  5. In what ways is a religious community very much like a family?
  6. What do you think is the source of the sisters' joy?


Name three (of the many) reasons why, according to VERBI SPONSA, the cloistered life has great value in the Church:





  1. Define the term “missionary.”
  2. How is the Church, herself both a mother and a missionary?
  3. What do women missionaries particularly contribute to the Church?
  4. How does Katie Davis’ “feminine genius” make her a great missionary?
  5. Who is the most perfect icon of the woman missionary in the Church?
  6. Which country did Mother Theresa of Calcutta say truly had the “poorest of the poor?” Why did she say that?
  7. What is the definition of justice according to Aquinas?
  8. What is the definition of God’s justice towards us, according to Aquinas?
  9. Define “Catholic Social Justice.”
  10. Justice springs from ______(what virtue?)
  11. How does Aquinas define “love” of one’s neighbor?
  12. What are the 7 principles of Catholic Social Justice.
  13. Where did these 7 principles originate?
  14. What is the “common good?”
  15. What is “solidarity?”
  16. What is “stewardship?”
  17. What are “human rights?” (Don’t give examples…just define the concept.)
  18. Explain the origins of the UN Charter of Human Rights. Who compiled them and why?
  19. Does the Church support the UN Charter of Human Rights?

PART II OF TEST DUE BY THURSDAY, DEC. 4, 2014 at 11:59 PM (20 Points)

  1. Mrs. Meyer’s Talk: (5 Pts.)

Explain in at least 5 sentences, what you learned from Mrs. Meyers about motherhood.

  1. USING THE ARTICLES WE READ, THE FILMS WE VIEWED, THE NOTES YOU TOOK AND “THE RITE OF VIRGINS” (used when a Consecrated Virgin takes her vows), answer the following question in at least three paragraphs (4-5 sentences each):