Per OAR 416-530-0070 Standards of the Foster Home (8)(a); “The foster home must be clean and free of hazards to the health and physical well being of the family. All areas of the foster home must meet sanitation criteria as described in OYA Cleanliness Standards.” Review will be completed during the initial certification process, re-certification and/or as determined by the foster home certifier.

Foster Home Name: / Inspection Date:
Address: / Telephone Number:
Floors are swept/vacuumed.
Furnishings are neat and clean.
Areasare free from odor.
Walls, windowsills, book shelves, and corners are free of excessive cobwebs and dust.
All broken and/or unusable items are repaired or replaced in a timely manner. (Exceptions may be approved on a case by case basis by the Foster Care Manager.)
Examples include, but are not limited to:
  • Broken window(s)
  • Ripped or ruined flooring
  • Broken light fixtures- includes lighting and or light switches/plates
  • Broken or unusable furniture
  • Unfinished or damaged interior walls and/or ceilings

Remodels/repairs are done in a timely manner and working areasare secured of all dangerous materials to maintain youth safety. (OYA staff need to be able to tell that progress has been made since the last quarterly inspection.)
Rooms are free of mold/mildew. All mold/mildew must be cleaned, sanitized and the area painted with mold resistant paint.
If animals are present in or around the home:
  • Home must not haveoverwhelming animal odors.
  • Home and furniture are free of excess animal hair, animal stains and animal matter.
  • Animal hair, feathers, fecal matter, litter boxes, excess food, etc. must be adequately maintained and mess free.

OTHER CONCERNS/NOTES: (Improvements from previous inspection, improvement projects, safety concerns, damages, disrepair)
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FORM OWNER: Community Services Assistant Director
Food storage areas are sanitary and absent of excessive odors. (Refrigerator, Freezer, Pantry, Cupboards, etc). All expired or decayingfood must be disposed of properly.
No uncovered food, drinks, or dirty dishes are left out for long periods of time.
Tabletops and countertops are clear and clean.
Floor is clean and free from debris.
Cupboards and appliances are clean and free of excessive grease or food build up.
Garbage can(s) are notoverflowing and are emptied at least weekly or as needed to maintain clean and sanitary environment.
OTHER CONCERNS/NOTES: (Improvements from previous inspection, improvement projects, safety concerns, damages, disrepair)
Room has good ventilation and is free from stagnant odors.
Toilet area is clean and sanitary.
Shower/bath area is clean and sanitary.
Counter is sanitary and neat in appearance.
Garbage can is not overflowing and is emptied at least weekly or as needed to maintain clean and sanitary environment.
Mirror is clean.
Floor is clean and free of debris.
OTHER CONCERNS/NOTES: (Improvements from previous inspection, improvement projects, safety concerns, damages, disrepair)
Furnishings are neat, clean and in good repair.
Bed has an intact, unripped mattress.
Bed made each morning. Bedding changed and washed at least monthly, if odor is present - wash as needed.
Clean clothes are folded and stored in dresser or on hangers.
Dirty clothes are in designated receptacle.
Dresser is organized and is neat in appearance.
Walls and doors are maintained – clean, no damages, painted as needed
Majority of floor is clear and clean – things stored on the floor are neat and organized.
Floor is swept / vacuumed.
Air quality – room is free from odor.
Windowsills are neat and clean.
Garbage is in an appropriate receptacle and not overflowing, emptied at least weekly or as needed.
OTHER CONCERNS/NOTES: (Improvements from previous inspection, improvement projects, safety concerns, damages, disrepair)
(only needed if youth have a separate area they “hang out in”) / COMMENTS
Floors are swept/vacuumed.
Furnishings are neat, clean and in good repair.
Area is free from odor.
Walls, windowsills, book shelves, and corners are free of excessive cobwebs and dust.
OTHER CONCERNS/NOTES: (Improvements from previous inspection, improvement projects, safety concerns, damages, disrepair)
All garbage is picked up and disposed of properly.
Tools are picked up and put away after each use.
Outdoor animal areas are clean to maintain a healthy outdoor environment.
Patio area swept and neat.
Out Buildings – structurally sound and appropriately secured.
OTHER CONCERNS/NOTES: (Improvements from previous inspection, improvement projects, safety concerns, damages, disrepair)
Corrective Action Plans (items scored as U will require a corrective action plan
Foster Care Certifier / Date / Foster Parent / Date
DISTRIBUTION: ORIGINAL – Certification File COPY TO: Certifier
FILE: Legal
Restricted Information / YA 5022 NEW 04/17
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FORM OWNER: Community Services Assistant Director