NPS Form 10-900-a
OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuation Sheet
Section number 7 Page XXX Ardmore Historic District
Forsyth County, North Carolina
Section 7.
Inventory list
NPS Form 10-900-a
OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuation Sheet
Section number 7 Page XXX Ardmore Historic District
Forsyth County, North Carolina
This list is arranged alphabetically by street. The information in this inventory list is based on the 2000 - 2002 survey of the area conducted by neighborhood volunteers led by Sherry Joines Wyatt. The inventory list is organized alphabetically by street and numerically by house number. Houses built before 1956 were researched in the city directories in an effort to determine the original occupant. The dates for these properties are based on their first appearance in the city directory. Buildings not appearing in the 1956 City Directory were given estimated construction dates. All properties are designated as contributing (C) or non-contributing (NC) to the district. Contributing properties were constructed prior to 1956. They retain sufficient integrity of design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association to contribute to the historic character of the district. Properties built after 1956, are non-contributing due to age. In some cases, properties built prior to 1956 have lost their architectural integrity because of substantial additions or alterations that are incompatible with their historic character.
NPS Form 10-900-a
OMB Approval No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Continuation Sheet
Section number 7 Page XXX Ardmore Historic District
Forsyth County, North Carolina
No. Address Property Name Date Status
Academy Street
1407 Academy Street Commercial c.1955 Contributing
Two-story, concrete block and brick building with stepped parapet, one-story wing with stepped parapet, and metal windows. 1956 CD: Royal Cake Company, Inc.
1412 Academy Street House c.1920 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; front-gable; asbestos shingle siding; nine-over-one, double-hung sash; front-gable porch with square posts on stone piers; knee braces; stone retaining wall and steps from street. Appears on 1921 Sanborn map.
1414 Academy Street Smith House c.1924 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; gable-on-hip roof; asbestos shingle siding and vinyl siding; one-over-one replacement windows; enclosed, front-gable porch; exposed rafter tails; knee braces; stone retaining wall and steps from street. 1924 CD: Frank Smith, a clerk at Rosenbloom-Levy Company.
1415 Academy Street Alexander House c.1930 Non-contributing, integrity
Bungalow. One-story; side-gable; gable-roof dormer; six-over-six, double-hung sash; enclosed, engaged porch; side porch; vinyl siding; stone retaining wall. 1930 CD: James Alexander, assistant manager at Durham Life Insurance.
1417 Academy Street Frederick House c.1929 Contributing
Bungalow. One-story; hip roof; vinyl siding; one-over-one replacement windows; engaged entry porch; square posts; stone retaining wall. 1929 CD: C. D. Frederick, a special agent at Life and Causality Company of Tennessee.
1418 Academy Street Craft House c.1920 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-and-a-half-story; side-gable; weatherboard; diamond-pattern upper sash transom over single light; front-gable porch; square posts on brick piers; false beams; exposed rafter tails; knee braces; stone steps and retaining wall. Appears on 1921 Sanborn map. 1924 CD: Samuel Craft, vice president at Franklin Realty.
1422 Academy Street Holbrook House c.1920 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; side-gable; weatherboard; gable-roof dormer; ten-over-one windows; shed-roof porch; paneled, square posts; knee braces; exposed rafter tails; arched porch architrave; stone retaining wall.. Appears on 1921 Sanborn map. 1924 CD: Henry Holbrook, a tinner/manager at Children’s Home Print Shop.
1425 Academy Street Church House c.1925 Contributing
Craftsman. One-and-a-half-story bungalow with hip-roof, two-story wing (may be an addition); vinyl siding; two-over-two, horizontal-light windows; square posts on brick piers; engaged porch; exposed rafter tails; stone retaining wall. 1925 CD: Eugene Church, a policeman.
1500 Academy Street Campbell House c.1930 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; front-gable; front-gable projection; side-gable, wraparound porch; vinyl siding; six-over-six, double-hung sash and tripartite, six-light transom over single light with four-over-one sidelights; battered posts on brick piers; false beams; double-bay, brick, below-grade garage attached at side. 1930 CD: (1512) Kenneth Campbell, salesman at Brown-Rogers-Dixon.
1501 Academy Street Pappas House c.1952 Contributing
Colonial Revival. One-story; side-gable; brick; side-gable, vinyl-clad wing (may be addition or enclosed porch); eight-over-eight, double-hung sash; architrave and pilasters at entry. 1953 CD: James Pappas.
1505 Academy Street Sprinkle House c.1952 Contributing
Colonial Revival. Two-story; side-gable; brick; eight-over-eight, double-hung sash; front-gable entry porch; metal posts; pilasters at entry; dentil molding at cornice. 1953 CD: H. Rex Sprinkle.
1514 Academy Street Charles House c.1929 Contributing
Colonial Revival Bungalow. One-story; cross gable; weatherboard; six-over-one, double-hung sash and tripartite single and six-over-one window with continuous, multi-light transom; front-gable porch; Tuscan columns. 1929 CD: Ralph Charles, a carpenter.
Xa Garage c.1929 Contributing
Single-bay, front-gable garage with weatherboard siding and double-leaf wooden doors.
1516 Academy Street McGee House c.1928 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-and-a-half-story; side-gable; front-gable dormer; vinyl siding; four (vertical)-over-one, double-hung sash; engaged porch; battered posts on brick piers; knee braces. 1928 CD: Jacob McGee, a bookkeeper at R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
1518 Academy Street Casey House c.1952 Contributing
Minimal Traditional. One-and-a-half-story; side-gable; front-gable projection; vinyl siding; six-over-six, double-hung sash; gable-roof entry porch; plain posts. 1953 CD: Odessa Casey.
1600 Academy Street Shields House c.1924 Contributing
Queen Anne. One-and-a-half-story; complex hip roof; front-gable projection; front-gable dormer; octagonal corner turret; aluminum siding; ten-light transom over single light, nine-over-one windows and some replacement windows; wraparound porch; square posts; projecting front-gable at porch entry; stone retaining wall. Appears on 1921 Sanborn map. First appears in 1924 City Directory: Elizabeth Shields, a widow.
1601 Academy Street Cluck House c.1929 Contributing
Colonial Revival. Two-story; side-gable; brick; six-over-one, double-hung sash; arched hood at entry on brackets; side porch. 1929 CD: W. J. Cluck.
1606 Academy Street Willis House c.1928 Contributing
Colonial Revival Bungalow. One-story; side-facing jerkinhead roof; brick; picture windows with casement sidelights set over solid wood panels; entry portico with elliptical arch opening; keystone motif and garland/panel motif; paired, Tuscan columns; sidelights; multi-light door; retaining wall made from recycled, broken concrete. 1928 CD: James Willis, a barber at Gilmer’s Inc.
Xa Garage c.1928 Contributing
Single-bay, front-facing jerkinhead, brick garage.
1608 Academy Street Fulk House c.1929 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; hip roof; brick; hip-roof wing; tripartite six-over-one with four-over-one windows; front-gable entry porch with flared roof line; Tuscan columns; exposed rafter tails; stuccoed gable ends. 1929 CD: Robie Fulk, employed at Armour & Company.
Xa Garage c.1929 Contributing
Hip-roof; double-bay, brick garage.
1611 Academy Street Brooksher House c.1928 Non-contributing, integrity
Colonial Revival. Two-story; side-gable; altered; enclosed, flat-roof porch with railing; gable hood at entry; sidelights; asbestos shingle siding; six-over-six, double-hung sash. 1928 CD: Charles Brooksher, a carpenter.
1613 Academy Street Roberson House c.1928 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; front-gable; front-gable projection (enclosed porch); asbestos shingle siding; four (vertical)-over-one, double-hung sash; exposed rafter tails; false beams. 1928 CD: Richard Roberson, conductor at Norfolk & Western Railroad.
1617 Academy Street Johnson House c.1936 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; front-facing jerkinhead roof; asbestos shingle siding; six-over-one, double-hung sash; front jerkinhead porch; Tuscan columns; exposed rafter tails. 1936 CD: Moscoe and Edna Johnson, Johnson Auto Service.
1618 Academy Street Gordon House c.1931 Contributing
Period Cottage. One-story; side-gable; steeply-pitched, front-gable projection with catslide roof line over entry; tripartite, five-light transom over single light with four (vertical)-over-one sidelights (peaked surround); screened, shed-roof porch; double-flue facade chimney; narrow, gabled attic window. 1931 CD: Lucian and Vallie Gordon, Acme Cleaners.
Xa Garage c.1931 Contributing
Single-bay, hip-roof garage with German siding.
1700 Academy Street Ketner House c.1953 Contributing
Minimal Traditional. One-story; front-gable; shed-roof side porch; facade chimney; two-over-two, horizontal-light windows; vinyl siding with brick skirt; long side faces cross street. 1953 CD: Floyd Ketner.
1705 Academy Street Yost House c.1926 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; side-gable; asbestos shingle siding; front-gable porch; battered posts on brick piers; porch architrave is peaked; Craftsman-style six-over-one, double-hung sash; knee braces. 1926 CD: J. Archie Yost, meat dealer at City Market.
Xa Garage c.1926 Contributing
Front-gable, double-bay, historic concrete block garage.
1707 Academy Street Pullen House c.1926 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; side-facing jerkinhead roof; stucco; six vertical-light transom over single light; front-facing jerkinhead porch; brackets; battered posts on stuccoed piers. 1926 CD: Rhodes Pullen, a salesman at Norfleet-Baggs, Inc.
Xa Garage c.1926 Contributing
Double-bay, front-gable garage with vinyl siding.
1709 Academy Street Holcomb House c.1926 Contributing
Foursquare. Two-story; hip roof; hip-roof dormer; vinyl siding; six-over-one, double-hung sash; hip-roof porch (enclosed). 1926 CD: R. Bruce Holcombe, employed at R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
1710 Academy Street Fitts House c.1953 Contributing
Minimal Traditional. One-story; side-gable; front-gable projection; vinyl siding; six-over-six, double-hung sash; facade chimney; shed-roof entry porch. 1953 CD: Ruth Fitts.
1713 Academy Street Holden House c.1926 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; front-gable; vinyl siding; Craftsman-style six-over-one, double-hung sash; front-gable porch; peaked porch architrave; battered posts on brick piers; knee braces. 1926 CD: A Carlise Holen, manager of parts department at Norfleet-Baggs, Inc.
1714 Academy Street Baity House c.1928 Contributing
Colonial Revival Bungalow. One-story; side-facing jerkinhead roof; vinyl siding; six-over-one, double-hung sash; front-gable porch with gable returns; square posts; sidelights. 1928 CD: Ernest Baity, a clerk at R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
1717 Academy Street Firestation No. 6 c.1995 Non-contributing, age
Two-story; side-facing jerkinhead roof; wide, shed-roof dormer; front-gable entry porch; wing with two truck bays with segmental arch heads; battered posts on brick piers. Station replaced c.1928 building, but picked up on neighborhood details.
1720 Academy Street Hyland House c.1953 Contributing
Minimal Traditional. One-story; side-gable; front-gable porch; asbestos shingle siding; six-over-six, double-hung sash; metal posts; facade chimney. 1953 CD: Alex Hyland.
1800 Academy Street Coleman House c.1929 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-and-a-half-story; side-gable; brick; large, hip-roof dormer with wood shingle sheathing; six-over-one, double-hung sash; engaged porch; battered posts on brick piers; projection on east side with crenellated parapet. 1929 CD: R. Leigh Coleman, vice president of Red Start Filling Station.
Xa Garage c.1929 Contributing
Double-bay, brick, hip-roof garage with rolling wooden doors.
1806 Academy Street Bonney House c.1928 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; side-facing jerkinhead roof; shed-roof dormer; front-facing, jerkinhead roof porch; battered post on brick piers; vinyl siding; knee braces; six-over-one, double-hung sash. 1928 CD: Fred Bonney, building contractor.
1810 Academy Street Kivett House c.1928 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; front-gable; side-gable, wraparound porch; battered posts on brick piers; six-over-one, double-hung sash; vinyl siding; knee braces; smaller, decorative front gable. 1928 CD: William Kivett, a salesman at Standard Oil Company.
Xa Garage c.1990 Non-contributing, age
Large, front-gable, double-bay garage with vinyl siding.
1814 Academy Street Bailey House c.1929 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-and-a-half-story; side-gable; front-gable projection; shed/ side-gable roof, wraparound porch; battered posts on brick piers; vinyl siding; six-over-one, double-hung sash; multi-light door. 1929 CD: Paul Bailey, a foreman at R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
Xa Garage c.1929 Contributing
Single-bay, hip-roof garage with weatherboard siding.
1815 Academy Street Beard House c.1925 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; side-gable; asbestos shingle siding; one-over-one replacement windows; partially enclosed, front-gable porch; paneled, square posts; exposed rafter tails; false beams. 1925 CD: Clay Beard, a machinist.
1818 Academy Street Kirby House c.1928 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; steeply-pitched, front-gable; brick; six-over-six, double-hung sash; side-gable, wraparound porch; hip roof in gable; brick piers; sidelights; stuccoed gable end. 1928 CD: Charles Kirby, a clerk at R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
Xa Garage c.1928 Contributing
Double-bay, front-gable, brick garage.
1823 Academy Street House c.1951 Contributing
Minimal Traditional. One-story; side-gable; front-gable projection; vinyl siding; eight-over-eight, double-hung sash; picture window with sidelights; shed-roof entry porch; metal post. Replaced an earlier dwelling: 1925 CD: Robert Moir, a laborer (African American). 1951 CD: Mrs. Pearl S. Vogler, a widow and saleswoman at Robin’s Women’s Clothing.
1825 Academy Street House c.1950 Contributing
Minimal Traditional. One-story; side-gable; wood shingle siding; eight-over-eight, double-hung sash; entry in small, side-gable wing. Replaced an earlier dwelling [1925 CD: Troy and Irene Evitt, plant manager at Southern B T & T Company.]
Xa Garage c.1925 Contributing
Double-bay, front-gable garage with vinyl siding.
1829 Academy Street House c.1950 Contributing
Minimal Traditional. One-story; side-gable; gable at eave line; front-gable entry porch; square posts; aluminum siding; one-over-one replacement windows; side porch. Replaced an earlier dwelling: 1925 CD: Turner Moir, a laborer (African American). 1950 CD: Harry L. and Eva Brewer, an office worker at R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
1830 Academy Street Shelton House c.1925 Contributing
Craftsman. Two-story; hip roof; hip-roof side projection; stucco; six-over-six, replacement sash; large, hip-roof porch partially enclosed; square replacement columns; porte-cochere. 1925 CD: Paul Shelton, a building contractor
Xa Garage Apartment c.1925 Contributing
Two-story, hip-roof, garage apartment with stucco sheathing, original diamond-pattern roof shingles and two garage bays (altered).
1831 Academy Street Rogers House c.1942 Contributing
Minimal Traditional. One-and-a-half-story; side-gable; front-gable projection; gable-roof dormers; vinyl siding; six-over-six, double-hung sash; shed-roof porch; square posts. 1942 CD: Adrian and Ruth Rogers, plant manager at Southern B T & T Company.
1833 Academy Street United Congregational c.1933 Contributing
Christian Church
Colonial Revival. Now used as residence. One-story plus basement; brick ;wood-shingled facade; side, shed-roof dormers; small cupola; front-gable entry pavilion with facade chimney and side entry; six-over-six, double-hung sash; sidelights.
1834 Academy Street Lindley House c.1933 Contributing
Period Cottage. One-and-a-half-story; front-gable; brick; shed-roof side dormer; recessed entry with round-head opening; enclosed, arcaded side porch; six-over-six, replacement sash. 1933 CD: Benjamin and Carolyn Lindley, meat and market inspector at City Health Department.
Xa Garage c.1933 Contributing
Double-bay, front-gable garage with vinyl siding.
1837 Academy Street House c.2000 Non-contributing, age
Ranch. One-story; side-gable; front-gable porch; turned posts; six-over-six, double-hung sash; vinyl siding.
1909-11 Academy Street Duplex c.1965 Non-contributing, age
One-story; gable-on-hip roof; asbestos siding with brick skirt; single and tripartite two-over-two horizontal light sash; wide eaves; central entry. 1911 enters from side of house.
1913 Academy Street Lancaster House c.1931 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-story; brick; front-gable with gable projection; side-gable wraparound porch supported by battered columns on brick piers; double-hung, narrow, ten-light sash over large single light; central entry; stuccoed gable ends. 1931 CD: Martin Lancaster, foreman at Post Office, and wife Bettie.
1914 Academy Street Seawell House c.1930 Contributing
Craftsman Bungalow. One-and-a-half story; front-gable with gable projection; German siding; wraparound porch with large, plastered, classical columns; eight-over-one, double-hung sash; Palladian window in gable end; exposed rafter tails; knee braces. 1930 CD: John Seawell, a salesman, and wife Mae.
Xa Garage c.1930 Contributing
One-story, hip roof, two-bay garage with exposed rafter tails and weatherboard siding.
1915 Academy Street Copps House c.1928 Contributing
Colonial Revival Bungalow. One-story; hip roof with double front-gables flanking segmental arch, Colonial Revival, entry porch with classical columns; vinyl siding; six-over-six sash; central entry with sidelights. 1928 CD: Henry Copps, Vice President of Elton-Copps Motors.