No: EU/S-01/2011-13/166 22-07-2013
Kerala Circle
Sub:- JTO LICE held on 02/06/2013 - Request for liberalized valuation.
I would like to bring to your notice certain issues connected with the JTO LICE held on 02/06/2013. The examination was conducted according to the provisions of JTO recruitment rules 2002 after a long lapse of 13 years and for the vacancies from April 2004 to March 2012.
No LICE for the post of JTO had been conducted in the circle since the formation of BSNL. Thus the employees had been denied their legitimate right for career progression. The last examination was held in 2000 before BSNL and the notified vacancy was only one. Had the LICEs been conducted regularly on yearly basis, many of the employees could have been promoted at a younger age and the competition would have been of lesser nature.
The screening test quota was filled by giving officiating posting to the qualified TTAs, whereas other cadres could not get entry to the Executive cadre for none of their fault but for the fact that LICE was not held. The candidates with degree in Physics/Maths who fulfilled other eligibility conditions were allowed to appear in the LICE. However the syllabus was very vast and that of Diploma course covering electrical, electronics and computer which the Physics/Maths graduates of earlier years had not studied. Moreover the time gap between the last date for applying and the date of exam was not sufficient for preparation. Thus the senior officials with over 25 years or so of unblemished service in the organization and would not get another chance due to age barrier were totally in a disadvantageous position to compete with the young and fresh engineering degree/diploma holders .
A large number of vacancies remain unfilled. There has been precedence of much liberalized valuation including lowering of the cut off marks in other circles under such situations in the year 2000 for filling the vacancies. Now, in our circle, it is understood that the number of candidates who attended the LICE is much below the declared vacancies. Under such a situation separate cut off marks for each section as well as negative marking could certainly be done away with.
It is also learnt that there were discrepancies in the answer key published which had been brought to the notice of the authorities concerned by some candidates. Now that the computer valuation and the declaration of the results are pending, the Union most earnestly requests You, Sir, to consider the above said facts and to do the necessary for promoting maximum number of candidates by
- Lenient and liberalized valuation,
- Lowering the cut off marks,
- Avoiding negative marking and
- Avoiding separate minimum for each section.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
K. Mohan
Circle Secretary
Copy to: P.Abhimanyu, General secretary, BSNLEU, CHQ.
No: EU/S-01/2011-13/169 30-07-2013
Sri. M.S.S.Rao,
Kerala Circle,
Sub:- Filling up of vacant post of driver - reg.
There are a lot of vacancies in the cadre of drivers in all SSAs in kerala circle The Gr.D staffs having the eligible qualifications are permitted to work as drivers without any benefit. The case has already taken up in the 13th circle council (old item No.8) and it was agreed to forward the case to corporate office for approval. Staff side pointed out in the said circle council that corporate office had given approval for filling up of vacant post of driver in Trichur SSA. As such the case of filling up of vacant post of driver at Calicut SSA was forwarded to corporate office vide CGMT No. Rectt/52-2/2004 dated 27-12-2010. Similar cases are there in almost all SSAs. Therefore I request you to give instructions to all SSAs to send the details regarding such cases and action may be taken to get the approval of corporate office for filling up the vacant posts of dirvers at the earliest.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
K. Mohan
Circle Secretary
No: EU/S-01/2011-13/172 30-07-2013
Sri. M.S.S.Rao,
Kerala Circle,
Sub:- JAO Examination - reg.
Out of the 101 vacancies of JAOs in general quata for which examination was held on Decembet 17th, 18th and 19th 2012 the results of 40 vacancies have been published. The results of the remaining vacancies are withheld on account of SLP pending in the Hon’ble Supreme court. The results for the 40 vacancies now published includes the candidates who got exemption and are treated as provisional and training to all the candidates including 15 SC/ST started from 29-07-2013.
In the notification issued vide CGMT No.Rectt/3-4/2012/30 dated 23-11-2012 declaring the vacancy position it was mentioned as note 2 that, the appointments in respect of the unfilled carried over vacancies of the JAO Part II internal competitive Exam against 40% quota held from 4th to 6th January 2010 shall be subject to the result of the pending SLP before the Apex Court. It is clear that there is no ban in declaring the result for the 61 vacancies pending, as has been done in the case of 40 vacancies declared provisional for which also court case is pending in CAT Ernakulam. i.e. there is ban only for the appintment and not for declaring the result. Therefore I request you sir, to take action for declaring the results for the 61 vacancies provisionally.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
K. Mohan
Circle Secretary
No: EU/S-01/2011-13/173 01-08-2013
Kerala Circle
Sub:- LICE to TM Cadre – Question paper in Regional language – request reg
Kindly recall our discussion on the above subject. I request you to give Malayalam translation also for the question paper prepared in English for the LICE to the TM Cadre as had been done in the previous examinations also which will be convenient to most of the candidates. This is with a view to facilitate those who know the subject to put in the answers correctly even if they can’t assimilate the question correctly as it is written in English.
Expecting favorable orders,
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
K. Mohan
Circle Secretary