Application Form

The Bill Campbell Memorial Fund was established by his wife, Nelly Campbell, and his many friends around the world. Bill was an educated, cultured, and international man who personified the goals and aspirations of the University. His love of learning was not limited to his area of scientific research but embraced the full range of human experience. Because of his outstanding contributions to science and the University, he received an honorary degree from Puget Sound in 1992. The Bill Campbell Fund ensures that Bill’s passion for learning and sharing ideas, his enthusiasm, his courage, his love and concern for the environment will be passed from generation to generation of Puget Sound students and that he will occupy a place at the heart of the University.

The Fund makes grants to one or more students enrolled at the University of Puget Sound who are studying abroad as part of one of the University’s recognized Study Abroad programs. The purpose of the grant is to give students a chance to extend the period of their study abroad program in order to complete a special project or course of study. Awards typically range from $500-1500. They are made by the scholarship committee of the Delta of Washington Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the national academic honor society.

The deadlines for applications are November 15 for spring programs and April 15 for fall programs.

Name ______

Email______Phone ______

  1. Statement of purpose: Clearly describe the goals for your study abroad program and the specific project you plan to accomplish with the help from the Bill Campbell Memorial Fund. Include a project budget for the period of time that would be covered by the Campbell Fund. The length of this project description and budget should be two to three single-sided pages, double-spaced, in length. Please e-mail this to the chair of the PBK Scholarships Committee, Professor Paula Wilson, .Attach a complete copy of this form to your email as well.
  1. IRB approval (if relevant): If you are doing research involving human subjects, you must apply for approval from the Institutional Research Board (IRB)by the time you apply for the Campbell. Information about the IRB process, including the proposal forms, can be found at the IRB website
  1. Please contact the current head of the IRB (listed on the website) with any questions. Attach a copy of the submitted IRB proposal with your Campbell statement.
  1. Transcript: Send Professor Paula Wilson (CMB 1032/McIntyre 111B) an unofficial copy of your transcript.
  1. Waiver: I understand that if I am chosen to receive this award, I will e-mail a written report on the results of my study abroad experience, especially the period covered by this grant, within one semester of my return. You can type your name and “I accept” and email it to Professor Paula Wilson.

Student Signature: ______
