Confident Individual (CI), Effective Contributor (EC),
Responsible Citizen (RC) or Successful Learner (SL)
Ellen Millar / CI / Discussing new learning well
Cody Whitton / CI / Overcoming nerves, showing excellent enthusiasm in Hoy
Ali Muir / RC / Looking after Mum so well when she fell
Gary Morton / SL / Brilliant effort towards writing his Magnus biography


·  Magnus 900

If you have not heard from your child/children about Magnus (St Magnus) do ask them.

This whole unit (P1-7) has been both highly educational and engaging for all of the children.

We staff have also learnt much about what was a fascinating and important time in Orkney’s history.

Attached is a whole school photo today with the Viking shields that the children made as part of their project.

·  Instrumental Course

Caitlin Smith, Imogen Flett and Sinead Macleod all attended the four day instrumental course and played an integral part in the amazing concert last Thursday night.

Our congratulations to Caitlin, Imogen and Sinead and big, big thanks to the instrumental instructors who made it such a success.

·  Athletics Championship (Inverness)

Last Friday and Saturday, James Croy, Tara MacIver and Becky Tait, as part of the Orkney Team, took part in the championships.

Personal bests were common and it is a real achievement for our pupils to perform at this level.

·  Wildlife Bus

Today, the ‘Wildlife Bus’ spent the afternoon at school – another question for your children.

·  Annual Pupil Reports

End of year reports will be issued with the next newsletter, Tuesday 30 May.

·  Nursery Flower Border

The Nursery would like to make their flower border more colourful. If anyone is splitting perennials, please consider donating some to the nursery – we would be delighted to take them and then we would enjoy seeing the flowers come up year after year.


·  In-service day

Friday 19 May

The school will be closed for all pupils while staff engage in in-service training.

·  Friends of Orphir Meeting

Wednesday 31 May, 6.30pm in the staffroom


*  Sports Day

*  School Photos

*  P7 Photo

*  Fundraising 2017-18

*  Leavers’ Service


We would love to see more families represented at what are short, constructive and fun meetings.

See you there!

·  Primary School Athletics

Thursday 1 June, Pickaquoy Centre

Those people selected in the team have an information/permission slip attached.

·  Transition Sports – KGS – P7 only

Friday 2 June, Kirkwall Grammar School

An information/permission slip is attached.

·  Hoy Outdoor Education Day

Friday 2 June

The second cohort of P5s and all P6s will enjoy an exciting day of Archery, Raft Building and Bushcraft.

A kit list is attached.

Thank you.

Bruce Pilkington

Head Teacher

·  P7 Transition Sports Information/ Permission Slip

·  Hoy Kit List

·  Primary School Athletics (selected pupils) Information/ Permission Slip

·  Whole school photo with Viking shields

Community Notices

Community Café every Thursday at the Orphir Kirk


Reminder – where to contact me
Contact Nos – / Stenness / 850212
Orphir / 811265
Monday / am / Orphir
pm / Stenness
Tuesday / am / Orphir
pm / Stenness
Wednesday / am / Stenness
pm / Orphir
Thursday / am / Stenness
pm / Orphir
Friday / am / Orphir
pm / Stenness
Expressive Arts
Monday / am / Art
Tuesday / am/pm / PE
pm / YMI Guitar
Wednesday / am
Thursday / am / Music
Friday / am / Fiddle
School Library
(Do ensure that your child(ren)’s PE kit is left in school.)


P1-3 Class Blog


P4-5 Class Blog
