Keep Student Drama on the stage and out of your classrooms!
Here are some strategies and tools to significantly reduce classroom drama and discipline issues.
Keep student drama on the state and out of your classrooms!
Reduce the drama and discipline challenges 50%-70% in your classroom. By setting high expectations by teaching appropriate behaviors you can turn those critical moments wasted on non-educational conflicts in the classroom into teaching time. This seminar will present strategies and tools to help the classroom teacher reduce.
Drama got you down? Are your star-struck students more interested in he said/she said?
Do you want to keep student drama on the stage and out of your classrooms! Reduce the drama and discipline challenges 50%-70% in your classroom. Reduce the stress on your teachers, improve the teaching time for students, and help improve time on task. By setting high expectation and teaching appropriate behaviors you can turn those critical moments wasted on non-educational conflicts in the classroom into invaluable teaching time. This seminar will present strategies and tools to help the classroom teacher reduce disruptive behavior, keep students on task, and allow administrators more time for leading education.
Oh What A Relief It Is!
Have you taken your Alka-Seltzer today? How would you like to learn a sure fire method that will free you from those effervescence tablets? How would you like to regain Teacher power Position in your classroom every day? Come learn 5 powerful tips that will give you the tools to take your classroom back!
Eliminate the Noise!
Teachers on aver lose five to nine hours of classroom time in a week. Kids are being raised by Homer Simpson, Southpark, MTV, and Play Station Games. Parental involvement is at an all time low and you need an answer not tomorrow but today. Learn how to develop a solid plan of expectations that will have your colleagues asking you for advice. Learn how to eliminate the noise in your classroom and get back to basics. Come learn 5 powerful tips that will give you the tools to take your classroom back!
What Happened to Education…What Can We Do?
It is a known fact that students are bringing weapons, bad attitudes, and high disregard for education. We as a society watch the news daily about our students being involved in criminal activity or ever drying in senseless acts. Parents just do not have control and great-grandparents are doing the best they can. Looking at the consistent tragedies across the nation, it is very evident that education is being corrupted which is literally a threat to our future. Behavior, academics, and learning are hardly covered in the classroom because of so much documentation, protocol, expulsion, and suspension meetings. What can we do about this system that we are a part of that continues to spiral down? How do we bring back the value of education and how do we create a learning community in our classrooms? Behavior is a key factor in every classroom and in every aspect of life. We need to understand low-level behaviors and how they will impact our youth. These techniques will demonstrate how those behaviors can be eliminated. These techniques will show you what to do!
Flip The Script!
Vote for a Highly Effective and Fun Classroom
How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You?
Once! Come Learn how to stop the cycle of frequent request, interrupted instruction, and ultimate frustration. As teachers we repeat what we’ve just said until the students “get it”. Perfect for academics but it will doom your discipline plan. Our classroom Management strategies will show you how to get what you want – THE FIRST TIME YOU ASK; our transition immediately will refocus technique. You can do this and never stop your instruction.
The Successful, Achieving Student.Matching expectations to Classroom behavior.
Gain 8 hours of instruction time using strategies and techniques to increase your student learning contact. Learn how to match expectations to classroom behavior so that every student becomes an achiever.
Yes You Can! Successful Teacher-Student Interaction Strategies for Every Classroom.
You care. That’s the bottom line for every teacher in America. Learn effective, up-front strategies and techniques for your classroom that nurtures ever child. Yes you can teach even the hard to reach student. Yes you can lower disciplinary referrals. You can leave at the end of the day energized that you are a teacher. (56 words)
Here’s your Easy Button. Easy Strategies for Winning Classroom Behavior.
Teaching in todays social climate is getting harder year after year. Children are bounced from one home to another. Parents are overwhelmed trying to make ends meet. Administrators are overloaded with the constraints of paperwork, budgets, and test scores. It is no wonder that easy is not easy anymore. But easy is easy again when you know systematically what to do. Learn the easy, proven techniques to control classroom behavior. Master easy strategies to structure excellence for every student. Winning classroom behavior can be taught. Creating a safe, nurturing, learning arena in your classroom is easy when you know exactly what to do. Lear how to win, no gimmicks allowed. (106 words)
Take Off Your Boxing Gloves and your Dancing Shoes, Kids: We are going to Read and Write.
In this presentation you will learn ten proven strategies and techniques to get kids on YOUR program so you can quit dancing around and fighting with kids. (27 words)
Do You Feel sometimes that your classroom is more combative than you would like? Do you see yourself doing a little dance with kids to get them to be on task and turn work in?If So this is the presentation for you! In one hour you will learn ten proven strategies to get kids on YOUR program instead of letting kids wear you down. (67 Words)
Do You feels Sometimes that your classroom is more combative than you would like? Do you see yourself doing a little dance with kids to get them to be polite, attentive, on time and on task? Do you ‘fight’ with kids about assignments, tests, and grades? If so, this is the presentation for you! Your classtime as a teaching profeesional is more valuable than the wasted minutes you spend everyday on low-level, annoying disciplinary minutiae! Based on research in behavioral and cognitive psychology, this presentation offers you ten proven strategies and techniques to get kids on YOUR program instead of letting the kids wear you down. (106 Words)
Stop Drop and Roll: How to put out the fires in your classroom
In one hour, teach 4 simple “diffusers” other techniques and strategies that will put out the small behavior problems so that they don’t escalate into “five alarm fires”.
180days of bliss-Fantasy or Reality
In today’s classrooms many teachers simply make it through each day in order to get to the break. In just one hour you will walk away with several techniques and strategies to take back to your classroom on Monday that will transform your classroom into a place you actually want to be.
How to Thrill and not Kill
In today’s classrooms many teachers simply make it through ach day in order to get to the break. Many teachers are spending more time on discipline problems rather than teaching in the classrooms. In just one hour you will walk away with several strategies to take back to your classroom on Monday. You will learn how to capture and keep the students attention and alleviate up to 70% of classroom discipline problems so that learning WILL take place. These are NOT gimmicks and tricks, but research based techniques that will transform your classroom into a place you actually want to be.
Energy Supply Reaching Crisis Level?
Maximize your teaching efficiency and refill your teaching tank with proven strategies and techniques that will leave you coasting into June with seemingly abundant energy.
The Referral Diet
Drop the weight of behavior problems and multiple office referrals with these effective strategies that will promote a healthy classroom environment for you and your students. Show your students you care enough about them to wean them from bad behaviors and instill in them the self esteem and intrinsic focus of control that will benefit them today and throughout their lives.
It’s a marathon, not a sprint
A marathon begins with the first step when your students arrive in August are they prepared to begin the race socially and academically? Take the first step! These proven strategies will prepare your students to succeed both socially and academically, to finish the marathon. There will be hills and challenges, but throughout the training regimen watch test scores climb, observe the rise in positive behaviors, and feel your own energy level and job satisfaction increase. As your students approach the finish line with the social and academic skills of a champion, you can say it started with this step. Take the first step!
You Care! They Will Prepare!
When teachers care students will prepare. This is a proven fact. This session provides strategies, tools, and techniques that if they care for students and show the care students will prepare to learn.
They take Their Cue From You!
Teachers set the tone. Students want role models. They look to teachers to fill the void. They are masters at both modeling and manipulation although they will attempt to push all of your hot buttons they are really trying to see if you are “for real” in all that you do and the values you portray. In their own way, they want to be like you. The purpose is to see if you will disappoint them as they take their cue from you.
T + S = Success!
Success in the classroom is measured in terms of the student learning there must be a positive and authoritative learning environment in the classroom for positive and sustained learning to take place. The creation of this positive learning environment is the primary responsibility of the teacher. However it cannot and should not be the sole responsibility of the teacher. Students should play a part in the creation of this positive learning environment. Their input and engagement is vital is makes them a positive part of the process. It lets them know that you care; it values their judgment and gives them ownership. The creations and maintenance of a positive learning environment is a shared responsibility between teacher and student. T & S = Success. Come see tested and proven strategies to connect your classroom to positive learning environments where teachers and students contribute to its success.
So how was your day, honey?
Use this calm and powerful discipline system at all levels (k-12) and you’ll be able to answer “I had a great day today honey” Everyday.
Almost is not good enough.
You don’t settle for academic mediocrity; why settle for less that great behavior in the classroom? Why not teach to perfections and get the results you way? Learn to use a caring and dignified system to disciple disruptive behavior that robs your students of learning and robs you of energy and enjoyment in the classroom.
Zap the tap
Johnny’s pencil tapping got you down? Susie’s squeals make you cringe? How much time and energy do you put into stopping these low lever behaviors? By addressing misbehavior early and consistently, eliminating multiple requests and repeated warnings, teachers can increase learning time by 30%. Remember conflict is essential, combat is options. Wouldn’t you like to have strategies to diffuse conflict and keep your integrity as the expert adult? Join this session and walk away with techniques you can put into play you first day back in class to be continued.
Reality Check for Administrators
Tire of seeing the same angry little faces in your office every week? Help your teachers recapture the hours of instructional time they waste on ineffective classroom discipline.
It doesn’t have to be us against them
Learn how to connect with every student in your classroom, and help them achieve the character, self-esteem, and academic success they need for a lifetime. Your classroom doesn’t have to be a battleground. You don’t have to face an endless round of skirmishes that steal precious hours of instruction time every week. Using the strategies developed by Time To Teach you can create a safe and effective learning environment.
Change a Belief and Change a Behavior
Your most disruptive students need discipline directed at their misguided behaviors. Time to Teach will help you change behavior through caring intervention based on good student choices and learning.
Control Yourself! A Disruptive Child is Watching
Getting nowhere with your students, putting your foot in your mouth? Feel your kids hate you? It may be time to remain calm and silent in the face of student adversity. Children need clear, concise, and enforceable, even logical limits on their challenging power struggles. Time To Teach will help you learn to talk to you students who want to tick you off by responding verbally with proven word diffusers. Be Smart and in control!
Students out of control, Try a Prompt!
Your students are ready to learn, you just need to capture their attention with a prompt. A prompt is given by the teacher to teach a desired behavior broken up into manageable segments. By the use of directive statements, gestures to signal appropriate learning behaviors, through teacher modeling, pr physical guiding, the teacher can imprint and teach good behaviors in every area of their school environment. These behaviors taught in their correct context will reteach the rules of the school that are good and support your reaching and learning of your students. Time to Teach will reinforce the correction, the production and momentum of permanent and correct student behaviors. As a result will give you less student problems and your reward, more time to teach!
Teachers are from ______, Students are from ______?
How did you fill in the blanks? Actually students are from the same place that we are from. Their life experiences have molded them into what they currently are. Many come to us ready to work and achieve at optimal levels. Many come to us broken at various levels; emotionally, economically, and physically. Our school and classrooms can shape or reshape each child. As educators we have the awesome responsibility to teach each child. We must begin with whatever level he or she comes to us with. Where behaviors are concerned we must do the same. We must teach them is not present.
Today the tools, tips, and strategies we offer will assist in teaching student behaviors that are conducive/critical to promoting excellence in every classroom.
Increase student achievement levels
Each district, school, and teacher is faced with the pressure of raising student achievement levels. We will provide tools needed to enhance content delivery to help ensure that each classroom is more effective.
Find your Sanity
Are you pulling your hair out attempting to effectively teach the mandated curriculum? Added to that is the awesome task of classroom discipline management with a usually uncooperative audience (the students). This session will teach you strategies and techniques for early intervention with classroom problems. You will then have more time to effectively deliver instruction.
Stop Drop and Roll: How to put out the fires in your classroom
In one hour, teach 4 simple “diffusers” other techniques and strategies that will put out the small behavior problems so that they don’t escalate into “five alarm fires”
180 days of bliss-Fantasy or Reality
In today’s classroom many teachers simply make it through each day in order to get to the break. In just one hour you will walk away with several techniques and strategies to take back to your classroom on Monday that will transform your classroom into a place you actually want to be.
How To Thrill and Not Kill
In today’s classrooms many teachers simply make it through each day in order to get to the break. Many teachers are spending more time on discipline problems rather than teaching in the classrooms. In just one hour you will walk away with several strategies to take back to your classroom on Monday. You will learn how to capture and keep the student’s attention and alleviate up to 70% of classroom discipline problems so that learning WILL take place. These are NOT gimmicks and tricks, but research based techniques that will transform your classroom into a place you actually WANT to be.