The 2012 annual meeting will be held at the Salem Town Hall, Thursday evening October 18th at 7:00 PM.
- Call meeting to order.
- Reading of the minutes from 2011 annual meeting.
- 2012 Spring & Summer Lake treatment report.
- Voltz Lake Management Presidents Report.
- Financial report.
- Approval of the proposed 2013 budget.
- Election tofill vacant position on board.
Cason & Associates, LLC was contracted by the Voltz Lake Management District in the spring of 2012 to conduct herbicide treatments of submergent aquatic plants. Treatments focused on the exotic species Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) and curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) and nuisance levels of native plant growth near shore. The initial treatment took place on May 11th, 2012. During this treatment, approximately 6.3 acres of EWM were treated with the herbicide 2,4-D. Similarly, approximately 0.75 acre of CLP was treated with endothall.In addition, 2.9 acres of navigation lanes were treated along the developed shoreline with a three way combination of endothall, diquat and chelated copper. This combination treatment targets a majority of plants and algae species within the narrow treatment area.
On July 25th, 2012, Cason & Associates returned to Voltz Lake to retreat the same navigation lane with the same herbicide combination.All herbicides used during treatments in 2012 have been labeled for use in aquatic environments and were applied specifically at labeled rates.
2013 Recommendation
For 2013 we recommend on conducting a similar herbicide treatments of submergent aquatic plants. The treatments will continue to focus on the exotic species Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) and curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) and nuisance levels of native plant growth near shore. We are also planning on performing afall survey mapping of the lake in order to provide detailed information on the extent of plant growth throughout the summer season. This will help in targeting specific areas of the lakefor the following spring 2014.
The 2012 levy was $8,370.34and the proposed levy for 2013is $8,370.16. Additional details of the 2012 financial report are attached as an appendix to this letter.
Presidents Report
Tom Hogan will deliver the presidents report summarizing the 2012 Voltz Lake Management accomplishments.
new updates
All information regarding the Voltz Lake Management can be located at the town of Salem website for your reference:
Then click the “Salem Lake Information” in the left column, then “Voltz Lake Management District” in the middle of the page.
We currently have an open position for the board Secretary. We need volunteers to fill this open position. Please contact one of our board members if you are interested in this position. If we want to keep Voltz Lake beautiful and healthy we need your help. We plan on having the election for this open position at our annual meeting on October 18th at 7:00PM.
Tom Hogan, President262-488-4479 / Jeremy Hall, Treasurer
847-980-7515 / OPEN POSITION, Secretary
Dan Campion, Town Board
262-843-2313 / Bill Martin, County Board