Attendance: Many 2nd grade learning activities are group oriented and involve interaction with classmates. Therefore, it is next to impossible to recreate these activities at home. Please view school as a priority and see to it that your child attends everyday except in cases of illness or emergency.
Assignment Notebooks: Students will be responsible for recording homework in their assignment notebook daily. The agenda must be signed by a parent nightly and returned the next morning.
Behavior: Students are expected to be responsible, respectful, helpful, safe, & ready to learn each day.
Book Orders: Scholastic book orders will be sent home on a regular basis. This is a great way to purchase books inexpensively.
Birthdays: See “STAR of the Week.”
Communication: Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns. My phone and e-mail contact information is listed on the back of this pamphlet. Conferences will be scheduled with all parents on October 19th or 25th.
Dismissal: School ends at 3:35. Please send a note if your child will be dismissed at a different time or is to go home a different way than his/her normal schedule.
Emergencies: Please make sure we have the correct emergency numbers and information on file for your child.
Field Trips: If you would like to chaperone one of these trips please sign up when permission slip is sent. Permission slips must be returned for your child to attend.
Facts:Your child is required to master addition to 20 and subtraction to 20 by the end of the year.
Grading Scale: The following grading scale is used in 2nd grade: 80-100=3, 79-50=2,
3=proficient, 2=basic, 1=minimal
Homework: Your child will receive homework every evening except Fridays in most cases. It is always due the next day unless otherwise noted, and should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. See website for schedule.
Illness: Please keep your child home if he/she is sick. It is important that we not pass germs around to each other.
Jobs: Your child will be given a classroom job each week. Jobs teach responsibility and promote a well mannered classroom.
Kindness: We will learn to be kind to ourselves and others every day!
Library: We will visit the library to check out books on Tuesdays. Please make sure all books are returned each Tuesday to avoid suspended library privileges and/or fines.
Lunch: Prices for the elementary are $2.00. Milk is 30¢.
Management: Each child is responsible for his/her own actions. I will not tolerate a child that is preventing others from learning. Consequences will be given.
Morning Meeting: Each morning will begin with a class meeting which focuses on building relationships and getting ready for the day ahead.
Math: We will be using Everyday Math. Please see my website for more information about math.
Newsletters: Newsletters will be sent home each Friday. Check out what we’re doing in class!
Open House: I hope to meet all of you on Thursday, August 30 from 5:30-7:30. Please plan to attend and see our classroom!
Parties: If you would like to help with a class party please sign up at Open House. Practice:The skills learned in class need to be practiced often, so please ask your child to read for you or quiz him/her on math facts.
Peanut Free:Peanut free room!
Questions: Reading comprehension is important in 2nd grade. Ask your child questions (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?) about their books.
Reading: Students are expected to read at home every night. Each student will also bring home a guided reading book each week.
Room change: Mrs. Bradford is now in room 13!
Science and Social Studies:2nd graders willexplore water, Dinosaurs, Sun, Earth, Moon, sound, family history, and Community skills. We are excited to use our new S.S. Curriculum this year!
STAR of the week:Your child will be the STAR of the week around their Birthday, unless it is a summer birthday. Your child will bring home a poster to decorate, our class mascot, and our Mystery Machine! A treat may be sent on their birthday or the Friday of their STAR week!
Smart Board: We will use the Smart Board in a lot of our learning. It is a great way for the children to be actively engaged in their learning.
Tardies: Students will be considered tardy if they arrive in the classroom after 8:35; however, morning work and routines will begin as the busses are unloaded at 8:20. Arriving after this time causes students to lose instructional time.
Uppercase and lowercase: Make sure that your child uses correct capitalization and letter formation when writing.
Volunteers: We love volunteers! Lookfor information on how you can help our classroom!
Water: Your child may bring a water bottle to keep at his/her desk as long as it is spill-proof and will not “sweat” on his/her desk.
Website: Please visit my website regularly for information about our classroom.
I am eXcited to work with you and your child this year! Make sure he/she gets plenty of zzzzz’s each night as we have exciting days planned for this year.
Mrs. Kristin Bradford
2nd Grade Teacher
Clarendon AvenueElementary
363-6286 X22013
Access website through District site!
A Parent Resource Pamphlet