Year Group: 3
Week beginning: 06/9/15
Dear Parents of Children in Year 3,
We would like to invite parents to a short Meet and Greet meeting on Monday 14th September in the school hallwhere you can
meet all the Year 3 teachers and find out a little more about the year’s learning. This will take place from 2.40pm for 30 minutes. More information is on theschool communicator.
Announcements and Reminders:
- Reading Books: All children will bring home a reading book and reading journal from this week. The reading journals are for the children to write about the book they have read and for you to write in to let us know how much the children have read, how well they did and any issues with their reading. These must be in school everyday.
- Swimming: Boysareswimmingfor the first part of the term and will need to bring their swimming kits into school
every Thursday. They wear their school uniforms to school when swimming.
Girls need to be in their PE kids every Thursday until further notice, when they will begin swimming.
Please see the letter sent home from the PE department for further information.
- Sun: Please make sure all children have a named water bottle and hat in school everyday otherwise we can not let them play outside.
- Please remember your child must wear school uniform to school (including closed black school shoes)
- Please provide your child with a healthy snack and lunch (no chocolate, sweets, cakes, crisps etc)
- Please remember school begins at 7.40amand finishes at 2.30 pm.
- Computing:
If possible please can all children bring in a new, simple USB pen drive for them to store their work on, with their name clearly marked on it. This is going to be very useful for saving and working on their class projects over the year.
PATHS / English / In Literacy we are using the book The Green Ship by Quentin Blake. We will continue our work adjectives, developing knowledge of a greater range of adjectives and using them in 2A sentences. These are sentences that use two adjectives separated by a comma.Maths / We will be continuing our work on working quick mental recall of all addition & subtraction facts for bonds to 10 and 20. We also be looking at addition and subtraction word problems, learning how to decide on the operation.
Science / We are learning to classify food and understand a balanced diet and use different sources of information to plan a menu to meet particular dietary needs.
Cross Curricular / This week we will be studying the illustration work of Quentin Blake (The author and illustrator of The Green Ship) and using his inspiration to develop sketching skills. We will also look at the use of timelines in relation to his life’s work and develop our geographical understanding of the seven continents.
Homework Week beginning 13/09/15
Spelling/Writing– High frequency words. Look at list 2 in the front of the homework books. Learn the words for a test on Thursday by
reading each word, covering it over, and trying the write from memory before checking. This is called Look, Cover,
Write, Check. Do this at least three times for each word.
Use at least 5 of your spelling words in interesting sentences. Write these neatly in your homework book.
Try to use some adjectives and 2A sentences.
Reading – Read home readers as often as possible together with any other reading material. A short summary of what was read must be written in reading journals.
Maths:See the addition and subtractionword problem sheet below.
Mental Maths:Practise quick, accurate recall of bonds to 10 and 20 (leading onto 50 when secure). There will be a mental maths test on Thursday.
In Lower Key Stage 2 you need to be able to type correctly and quickly. To continue developing these skills please use the Dance Mat Practice game on:
With kind regards
Mrs Ledger Mrs Cavanagh Mr McCloskey Mrs Price
WALT know which calculation to use to solve a problem.
Read these problems and work out what sort of calculation you need to do before working out the answer.
- I have 12 red books and 15 green books. How many books do I have?
- There are 18 girls and 8 boys in the class. How many children are there?
- I buy 22 pens and 31 pencils. How many pens and pencils have I bought?
- If we have 9 tennis balls, 7 footballs and 11 rugby balls, how many balls do we have?
- I start the day with 18 pencils. I give away 8. How many do I have now?
- I have 27 books and sell 15 of them. How many do I have left?
- There are 26 children, 18 are girls. How many boys are there?
- There are 40 cars in the car park, 25 are blue. How many other cars are there?