MAHPERD Convention 2014
Presenter Proposal Information
October 17, 2014
Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley, Maryland
MAHPERD Mission Statement
To enhance and promote the health and wellness of all the citizens of Maryland, the MAHPERD organization provides advocacy and professional development opportunities designed to advance and unify the professions of health education, physical education, recreation, and dance education.
MAHPERD Vision Statement
MAHPERD's vision is to become a leading organization which promotes and supports healthier, more creative and active Maryland citizens by advocating and promoting personal wellness and healthier lifestyles through educational and community programs.
General Information
The MAHPERD Convention Planning Committee requests that each potential presenter complete a Session Proposal Form. Following the April 4, 2014deadline, the Convention Planning committee will review all proposal requests and contact all who have submitted a proposal form as to the acceptance of the proposal.
Selection Criteria
- Relevance to MAHPERD mission and vision.
- Clarity of intent, description, and design.
- Clarity of presentation objectives description.
- Degree of participant engagement, such as hands-on learning and interactive discussions.
- Practical usefulness to participants and demonstration of best practices in content area
- Innovation and creativity
Note: Each session will be 50 minutes in length
Presenter Information
- One presenter per session will be compensated with a complimentary convention registration for a session proposal that is accepted by the planning committee and presented at the 2014 convention. All presenters must still complete the registration process. If a session has multiple presenters, compensation will be determined by the lead presenter who submits the session proposal.
- Presenters and presiders must be current and up to date with their MAHPERD membership. Reciprocal memberships will be honored for those whose job descriptions do not fall under the MAHPERD membership categories, but are similar in nature. A membership card or certificate, stating the contact information of the organization, shall be offered as proof to be considered for reciprocal membership.
- No honoraria are paid to MAHPERD, EDA, AAHPERD members. Professional members whose job descriptions are similar to MAHPERD members will be treated in the same way as Association members in regard to honoraria.
- Presenters are responsible for all travel-related expenses; unless otherwise specified.
- Presenters are responsible for duplicating and providing all presentation materials and handouts as well as audiovisual equipment. If this is a problem, please inform MAHPERD Section Officer. You may provide an e-mail address whereby you will be responsible for sending handouts to the participants. If your handouts can be emailed, we will load them to the website and allow downloads for 30 days to MAHPERD members.
- Promotional materials may not be distributed regarding product and/or services with which you are associated unless you are designated as a commercial presentation
- Presenters are requested to provide a presider for their session. If this is not possible please inform the MAHPERD Section Officer and MAHPERD will provide one. The presider is responsible for assisting in room set-up, introducing you, and completing the evaluation tasks. (All presenters must provide time for participants to complete evaluation forms to be turned in at the end of each workshop).
- Lead presenters will be responsible for informing all co-presenters of the Conference Committee’s decision regarding their submission.
Session TimeRoom
Session Proposal Form
2014 MAHPERD Convention
1. Contact Information for Lead Presenter:
First Name: / Last Name: / Cell/Home Number: / Email Address:Home Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Title/Position: / School/Work: / Work Number: / Fax:
Work Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Department Chair’s Name: / Department Chair’s Email:
Principal’s Name: / Principal’s Email:
Supervisor’s Name: / Supervisor’s Email:
Contact Information for Co-Presenter: (if applicable)
First Name: / Last Name: / Cell/Home Number: / Email Address:Home Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Title/Position: / School/Work: / Work Number: / Fax:
Work Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Department Chair’s Name: / Department Chair’s Email:
Principal’s Name: / Principal’s Email:
Supervisor’s Name: / Supervisor’s Email:
2. Brief Biography of professional & teaching presentation experiences. Please do not send
vita or resume.
Name(s):Include bulleted items for the introduction by the presider.
3. Session Title for Program Booklet:
4. Content Standard(s) to be addressed in this presentation:
5. Session objective(s):
6. Brief description of the session in 75 words or less that will appear in the convention program booklet
This session will:7. Bold, Highlight, or Circle your Topic Area(s):
Health Physical Education Recreation Dance Coaching & Athletics AllLifetime Fitness Adapted PE Technology Other (please specify):
8. Bold or Highlightyour Target Audience(s):
Pre-school Elementary Middle High School College/University Student Major All9. Bold or Highlightyour Room Set Up:
Theater Perimeter Tables and ChairsOther:
10. Presenter Information:
MAHPERD will provide one presenter complimentary convention registration per session.
Please provide below the name of the person to receive complimentary convention registration if the session proposal is accepted for the 2014 MAHPERD convention.
Note: The presenter will be responsible for all audio visual needs other than a screen. The large
Ballrooms will have a wireless microphone.
Name of presenter receiving complimentary registration:E-mail:
11. Presider Information: Please provide the name of a colleague who would serve as the
presider. The presider is responsible for: assisting presenter w/ setup and tear down;introducing the session presenter; distributing & collecting session evaluation forms.
If you are unable to provide a presider, MAHPERD will provide one for your session.
If you do not fill in the space below, a presider will be assigned to you.
First Name: / Last Name: / Phone Number: / Email Address:REMINDER:
All presenters & presiders must be MAHPERD members & register for the convention. (Please refer to the attached MAHPERD Session Proposal Information Sheet.)
Please submit the completed proposal form to the appropriate MAHPERD Section Officer below:
- Complete the proposal form no later than Friday, April 4, 2014 and submit to
the appropriate MAHPERD Section Officer:
VP Athletics – Marianne Shultz
Adapted PE Section Chair–
VP Dance - Glenna Blessing
VP Health - Lisa Simpson
VP Physical Education – Amy Mueller
VP Recreation Jody Zinn –
- Incomplete submissions will not be considered for approval.
- Those who submit completed forms will be notified via email of the Convention Planning Committee’s decisions by Tuesday, June 3, 2014.
If you cannot submit the proposal electronically, please fax it to
the MAHPERD office at 410-583-1374 or
mail it to:
Convention Planning Committee
828 Dulaney Valley Road, Suite 8
Towson, MD 21204
This Session Proposal Form must be completed, submitted, and received no later than Friday, April 4, 2014.