(For more information see

1 / The student receives 3 copies of the TRAINING PROGRAMME, and (if it is the first internship hosted by that organization) 2 copies of the Agreement signed by the legal representative of the host organization:
1 . The student downloads and fills the form:
- Internship application
Web page:
2 . The student downloads and fills the following forms:
Web page:
3 . The student signs the Procedures Statement (this form)
4 . The student returns all the material to the administrative officer indicated on the departmental website, well in advance of the starting date of the internship, Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – 2nd floor - Room 2/31 from Monday to Friday, 09.00-12.00 and 14.30-15.45.
2 / The member of academic staff responsible for internships (indicated on the website) assesses the proposal and especially its consistency with the objectives of the degree programme.
3 / The administrative office notifies the student by e-mail whether the proposal has been approved. The student retrieves all the signed material from the office.
4 / The student delivers all the material to the COSP Office, Via Santa Sofia 9/1 , at least 7 days before the proposed starting day of the internship.
5 / During the internship, the student refers periodically to the tutor of the host organization and, if necessary, the university tutor, to ensure compliance with the objectives of the training programme. For any other problem that might arise during the internship, the student may refer to the administrative officer. In case of interruption of the internship, the student must inform the COSP Office () and the administrative office by e- mail.
6 / At the end of the internship, the student
1 . Downloads and fills the END OF STAGE ASSESSMENT FORM (Trainee)
2 . Downloads and makes sure that the organization fills and signs the END OF STAGE ASSESSMENT FORM (Tutor)
Website: # c4368
3 . Sends the PDF ASSESSMENT FORMS to the COSP Office by email (). Alternatively, a paper copy may be sent by ordinary mail to the COSP OFFICE, as end-of-internship notification.
Web page:
5 . Delivers all the material to the administrative office, who will notify the SIFA Office.

Date ______Student’s signature


Via Celoria, 2 - 20133 Milano - Tel. 02 503 16475/16471 - Fax 02 503 16486

Via Conservatorio, 7 - 20122 Milano - Tel. 02 503 21501/21522 - Fax 02 503 21505/21450