November 2008

Watch programming online at


Michael Churilla
Vice President
Annie Costello
Mike Paine


John Pasquenza
Susan Eblen
Board Members:
Avery Dominique
Jewel Gutman
Buzz Holmes
Ferg Jansen
Jeff Lange
Cris Noble
Mary Root
Darleen Verone
Station Manager
Karen Handville
Operations Assistant
Phyllis Fishberg
Production Designer
Timothy Griggs / Dear Friends of SCTV,
SimsburyCommunity Television continues to need your support!
We depend on our viewers for our continued growth and success and to help us continue upgrading our equipment.Our committed volunteer base and dedicated employees continue tobringunique local programmingto the community and provides our residents with a very important service –access to the media.
Simsbury Community Television’s principal mission is to facilitate free public programs produced by citizens in the town of Simsbury and aired on Channel 5 in addition to educational programs on Channel 19 and government programs on Channel 21. A new goal we hope to accomplish with your generous support is to upgrade the cameras, wiring, and equipment at Town Hall and Board of Education Meeting Room.Our programs include a broad diversity including Spotlight on Mainstreet, The Philanthropic Planner, CT Natural Living, Exercise with Mary, We Have News For You, Policy & People, Our Simsbury, Real Estate Today, Trail Rated, Green bean Magazine, Headlines, etc.
SCTV is a non-profit organization and your contributionis very important to us. Your donation is needed in order for us to continue to improve production quality and keep up with current technologies.
Your tax deductible donationwill make a real difference, and we would like to thank you for caring so very much! Your investment will bear dividends for years to come as SCTV Keeps Simsbury Informed. The volunteers, Board of Directors and employees of SCTV extend their sincere thanks for your generous contribution.
Thanks for support last year! We hope for your continuedsupport this year.
Please send your tax deductible donation to:SCTV P.O. Box 767Simsbury, CT 06070
Name: ______
Address: ______
Town: ______
To subscribe to our newsletter, please provide your email address
Email: ______
______My employer will match my contribution ______Enclosed is a matching gift form
Suggested Giving Levels:
______Lights $50.00 ______Camera $75.00 ______Action $100.00
______Director $150.00 ______Exec. Producer $200.00 ______Other Amount: $ ______
Donor’s name will be listed on our website.If youdo notwant to be listed please check here
Please help us serve you better by completing a short survey on the back of this letter. It would be greatly appreciated if you returned this survey with or without a donation.


Please circle your response

Do you know where to find our program guide? Yes or No

Did you know it is free to use the station? Yes or No

Would you like more town meeting coverage? Yes or No

Did you watch any candidate programming? Yes or No

If yes did it help you decide who to vote for? Yes or No

Has your organization used SCTV to promote your event? Yes or No or NA

Have you seen the SCTV web site? Yes or No

Have you watched any SCTV programs or town meetings on our web site? Yes or No

Do you have any suggestions for improvements to the SCTV web site?Yes or No

Have you ever been to the SCTV studio in Eno Hall? Yes or No

Are there any special types of programs you want SCTV to cablecast? Yes or No

If yes, please describe: ______


Are you aware of the different way you will access SCTV’s

channels with AT&T’s Uverse cable TV system? Yes or No.

Do you watch our community calendar? Yes or No

If yes do you find its information helpful?Yes or No.

Which channels on SCTV do you watch?

Channel 5 Public Access Channel 19 Educational Channel 21 Government

Please check all that apply

What time of the day do you watch SCTV? Morning, Afternoon, Evening  Late at Night

When you watch, do you tune in or channel surf?

What would you like to see improved? Audio Video Graphics Live Programming

Hours of Operation

If SCTV facilities were available evenings or on weekends would you or a member of your family be interested in:

In Evenings On weekends

 Producing a program for SCTV

 Becoming a volunteer Camera Operator

Learning to edit digital videos

Learning how do direct video productions

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. It is greatly appreciated.