Español 2B Course Orientation Señora Zeilenga

West Ranch High School is committed to challenging and motivating each student to achieve excellence and become a responsible and valuable member of society.
Through relationships, rigor and relevance, West Ranch High School promotes integrity, distinction and vision.

(661)222-1220 ext. 538

Conference Period: 5th


Bienvenidos a la clase de Español 2. Spanish is an academic elective course in which students will study the Spanish language and the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. The students will build reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension skills in the language and will use the target language in class whenever possible. The curriculum for this class is aligned with the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning.

- Curriculum topics

Students will be covering 3 chapters (lección) per semester. We will be learning basic grammar structures, common expressions, and vocabulary on topics such ashousehold chores, the environment, animals, nature, health, nutrition, and exercise. Along with these, students will learn about culture from different Spanish speaking countries.

- Daily routine

1. Vocabulary- varied by chapter; there will be a quiz for each list.

2. Grammar- verb conjugations, parts of speech, sentence patterns; there will be atest at the end of each lección.

3. Written Work- daily warm-ups, dialogue writing, scripts for oral presentations, short paragraphs,and homework.

4. Oral Language-oral participation is critical in learning Spanish. Daily participation in class is expected and will be rewarded with “pesos.” These pesos will be collected every fifth class meeting to determine a student’s participation grade for that period of time. 10 pesos are needed to receive a perfect score for each grading period. Pesos are worth 15% of the student’s grade. Pesos may not be traded between students, this is considered cheating.

5.Listening Activities- listening activities will be practiced in class and at home through the Supersite. Students will have listening exercises on every chapter test and final exam.

-Homework Policy:

Every student will be given a homework calendar at the beginning of each chapter. Students are required to write their homework assignments on the calendar. I assign homework every class we meet. Completed assignments will be stamped on the calendar the day that they were assigned. Every homework assignment will be worth 5 points and it will be due at the beginning of class. Points will not be given for incomplete assignments. Late homework will not be accepted for full credit, but may be turned in before the chapter test for ½ credit. It is the responsibility of the student to ask for and turn in any homework missed from an excused absence. A student has as long to make up missed work as he/she was absent. Homework calendars will be collected the day of the chapter test.Students are also responsible for making corrections to their homework to increase their understanding of the subject and earn points. If a student is absent for corrections they may come in before school to make up the points. There will be a 10% per day penalty for late projects.

-Tests/Quizzes Policy:

Test/quiz dates will be announced well in advance. Each assessment date will be written on the homework calendar. Students are expected to take the test on this date, even students absent the day before the test.The day prior to a scheduled test will be used to review; no new material will be covered at this time. A student who misses a test because of a school activity or any other excused absence will be asked to make-up the test the day they return to school during class time. Failure to make up the test/quiz within a week from returning to school will result in a ZERO.

-Attendance/Tardy Policy:

Good attendance is essential to learn the concepts required to pass this course. The school’s attendance and tardy policy will be followed in this class. Students will be considered tardy if not in their seats when the bell rings. Students are required to obtain class notes and the warm-up from a classmate if class is missed.Students are also responsible for any class work that they missed. When a student knows in advance that they will miss a class, they must see me prior to the absence and make arrangements for the missed work to be completed. After an unexpected absence a student must check the daily agenda when they return to class for their missed work. A student will not be allowed to make up any work or tests because of an unexcused absence or truancy, this includes suspensions.

- Materials:

The following materials are required for class: Descubre 2 textbook (must be brought to class everyday), Descubre 2 workbook, a three ring binder, a highlighter, and a red pen. Your binder will have the following dividers: Vocabulario, Prácticas, Notas, Trabajo de clase, Tarea. In the event of your textbook becoming damaged or misplaced, the replacement cost will be $118.00. Each student will receive a workbook at the beginning of the semester for free. If the student misplaces it and needs another one, they may buy a replacement for $14.00.

Descubre Supersite:

This is an online tool that will allow students to practice activities receiving automatic feedback. They will be able to view authentic TV clips, grammar tutorials, practice conversational skills, complete audio programs, and study vocabulary. Students will need a computer with Internet connection to complete assigned activities.

- Behavioral expectations

All the school rules regarding attendance, behavior, dress code, and academic dishonesty apply in my class. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to each other and the teacher, use respectful language, be punctual, and prepared to start when the bell rings. Students will lose pesos if caught using disrespectful language or on their cell phones.

-Cheating and Plagiarism:

Students are expected to make a reasonable effort on every assignment and to do their own work. Any indication of cheating on a test, plagiarism, trading of pesos or use of an outside source to translate on an assignment will result in a ZERO grade, a note will be made on the student’s academic file, and a phone call will be made home. Some examples (not inclusive) of violation of academic integrity are: talking during an exam, unauthorized notes programmed into a calculator/phone/watch, copying another student’s homework or allowing it to happen, “wandering eyes” etc. The district academic policy will be followed in this class.

- Grading Scale- Students must earn a C- (70%) to continue in Spanish.


B+87-89 B84-86 B-80-83

C+77-79C74-76 C-70-73

D+67-69D64-66D-60-63 F 59-0

The final grade will be weighed as follows: Assessment (test, quizzes, final) 70%,

written (homework, classwork, projects) 15%, and oral participation 15%.

*Grades will be updated on Campus Portal shortly after the chapter test is graded. Missing assignments will be marked with an M. Please encourage your student to turn in any missing work. Infinite Campus App for smart phones-District ID: NGLJFF

- Extra help:

Parents and Students, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for us to communicate at the first sign of a problem. Please do not hesitate to contact me. The most efficient manner to reach me is via e-mail, which I check in the morning and after school. I will do my best to get back to you in 24 hours. I am available for help daily during tutorial from 8:00 a.m. to 8:25 a.m., room 538; and also, at lunch on my given day. There is help Monday-Thursday at lunch with a Spanish teacher. Please check my website for the classroom numbers.

-Extra Credit:

Please see my website for extra credit opportunities.

-Test Retakes

Students may retake test if they receive a D or F on their initial test and are only allowed 2 retakes per semester. Please see my website for retake procedures and policies and to acquire the necessary forms that need to be completed..


Each student in this class will be successful. The degree of success, however, will depend on several factors including completing work on time, studying and preparation outside of class, interaction with others in the class, and probably the most important factor of all – his/her attitude. He/she must maintain a positive attitude toward the class and others. Each student has a different way to learn and a different rate of learning. Students must be patient with others and also with themselves. A student should not become discouraged and give up if something appears to be somewhat difficult.

As your teacher, here is what you can expect from me to help you succeed in this course:

  1. I will be prepared to teach the district-approved curriculum each day.
  2. I will conduct my class as much as possible in Spanish.
  3. I will prepare interesting and engaging lessons.
  4. I will be available during tutorial if you need extra help.
  5. I will care about the heart and well-being of the student.

Here is what you, as a student, can do to be successful in my class:

  1. Come to class on time, prepared to learn each day.
  2. Complete your homework on time and do it with the intent to learn from it.
  3. Identify a study buddy that you can contact if you are absent from class to get assignments or extra help.
  4. Use the student planner/calendar that was given to you at summer check-in to organize your learning and keep track of your assignments.
  5. Come to tutorial if you need help.
  6. Take responsibility for your learning. I strongly recommend that you review nightly for this class. Try the flashcard app on a smart phone or the Supersite to review your vocab words.

As parents you can help your child by:

  1. Taking an interest in your child’s studies. Ask them what they learned in class that day. Have them explain the concepts to you or tell you the new phrases they learned. Help them practice the vocabulary terms using flashcards.
  2. Ask about homework each night, check to make sure they are completing it on time. On days when your student doesn’t have Spanish class encourage them to spend at least 15 minutes studying vocabulary words.I strongly recommend that your student reviews nightly for this class.
  3. Helping your child develop good time management strategies and study habits. Studying with the computer, T.V. and radio on does not count as studying.
  4. Working with your child to set realistic goals for success.
  5. Help develop self-advocacy skills in your student especially if you see them struggling. Encourage them to ask questions, follow up on problems, get and turn in assignments from absences, use the Spanish department’s lunch time help or daily morning tutorial from 8:00 a.m. to 8:25 a.m.
  6. Encourage student to listen to the radio or watch news in Spanish.

I am looking forward to a fun semester!

-Señora Zeilenga

West Ranch High School

Spanish 2B Señora Zeilenga

(Please note that all information you provide will be kept confidential.)

Below you will find a few questions for you to answer. I would appreciate if you could take the time to answer ALL of the questions as completely and accurately as possible. This is my primary means of looking up your most recent contact information.

Please also be sure that you and your student sign below verifying that you have read my course outline. By signing this document, you are assuring me that I have yours and your student’s cooperation in following my guidelines to meet our goals.

Student’s Name______

Parent(s)’ Name(s)______

Primary Contact Name & Number______

Secondary Contact Name & Number______

Parent(s)’ E-mail Address(es)______

(Very important, I will be sending updates and reminders via e-mail and Campus Portal)

Please use this space to tell me about anything you would like me to know about your student (e.g. IEP’s, 504’s, new home situations, how wonderful they are, etc.):

Student, please use this space to tell me anything you would like me to know about you.

Parent(s)’s Signatures______Date______

Student’s Signature______Date______

Answer the following questions by circling your response.

1)Do you have a computer at home?YesNoYes, but not working

2)Do you have a printer at home?YesNoYes, but not working

3)Do you have Internet access at home?YesNoYes, but not working