

using namespace std;

int main()


//Variable Declaration

string name,planet;

float weight_on_Earth,weight_on_Planet;

float Time,Distance,Speed;

//Get Values from user as Input

cout < "Please Enter Your Name : ";


cout < "May I know your Weight in Pounds : ";

cin > weight_on_Earth;

cout < "The Speed in MPH to Travell : ";

cin > Speed;

cout < "The planet of Visit : ";

cin > planet;

//Check for Planet Name Match

if(planet.compare("Mercury") == 0)


weight_on_Planet = (weight_on_Earth * 0.27);

Distance = (93-36);

Time = Distance / Speed;


else if(planet.compare("Venus") == 0)


weight_on_Planet = (weight_on_Earth * 0.086);

Distance = (93-67);

Time = Distance / Speed;


else if(planet.compare("Earth") == 0)


weight_on_Planet = (weight_on_Earth * 1.00);

Distance = (93-93);

Time = Distance / Speed;


else if(planet.compare("Mars") == 0)


weight_on_Planet = (weight_on_Earth * 0.37);

Distance = (141-93);

Time = Distance / Speed;


else if(planet.compare("Jupiter") == 0)


weight_on_Planet = (weight_on_Earth * 2.64);

Distance = (483-93);

Time = Distance / Speed;


else if(planet.compare("Saturn") == 0)


weight_on_Planet = (weight_on_Earth * 1.17);

Distance = (886-93);

Time = Distance / Speed;


else if(planet.compare("Uranus") == 0)


weight_on_Planet = (weight_on_Earth * 0.092);

Distance = (1782-93);

Time = Distance / Speed;


else if(planet.compare("Neptune") == 0)


weight_on_Planet = (weight_on_Earth * 1.44);

Distance = (2793-93);

Time = Distance / Speed;




planet = "Invalid Planet";

weight_on_Planet = 0.0;

Time = 0;


//Display Output

cout < endl < "Name: " < name < endl;

cout < "Weight on Earth: " < weight_on_Earth < " Pounds." < endl;

cout < "Planet Destination: " < planet < endl;

cout < "Weight on Planet: " < weight_on_Planet < endl;

cout < "Travel Time: " < Time < " X 10 ^ 6 hrs." < endl < endl;


return 0;
