Band Boosters of LakeZurich
Band Boosters of LakeZurich Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, January19, 2015
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Rick Mercerat 7:05 pm.
2. Attendees:
Rick Mercer, Sheri Conover, Lynne Recktenwald, Dennis Byrd,
Jenni Witt, Josh Thompson, Catherine Halinski, Amy Stone, John Leo,
Lynne Recktenwald, Kelly Brodeur, Linda Glave, Stephane Mitchell
3. New Business
- Thinking about having some high school students call out to the eighth graders to create excitement about staying in the band program
- A lot of new open director positions will be opening up next year, need to start recruiting
- Lori to check with Noodles for the next fundraiser to be scheduled the week following the concert
4.Approval of Minutes:
- Minutes were approved from last month
5. Band Director’s Report
- Finals were done on Canvas and directors able to provide feedback
- Preparing for March concerts
- Jazz band this weekend
- Evanston is interesting in coming to the invitational
- Getting ready for Solo and Ensemble contest
- All State is coming up next week
- Josh and Sheri will be going with the two flutes on Thur and Fri
- They are participating in the composition track
- PMA just purchased a new tympani for the band
- High school received one
- Middle schools received four
- District purchased new Tuba for the band
- Feb 23rd the Wind Ensemble is going to play at U of I
- Concert may be streamed for viewing
6.Financial Officer's Report:
- Budget of $17,500
- Income YTD is around 56% of the budget
- Spending YTD is around 29% of the budget
- Friends of BBLZ is around 68% of the budget
7. Fundraising
- Poinsettias
- Still waiting to get the final numbers
- Still waiting for the student totals so that distributions into the student accounts can be made
- Sheri to reach out to determine where we are at in the process of splitting out the funds
- Jazz By the Lake
- About 120 tickets sold
- Rick would like about 20 minutes of content for the videos
- Will be offering a photo booth
- Trying to get a popcorn machine
- Still looking for wine donations
- Only 18 seats left
- Manna Gift Cards
- Donations from Laura Dawson and Sheri Conover total $664.19
- All of this donation goes into the General Band Fund
- No other new news
- Uniforms
- Currently in the process of finding out who the new students are coming in from middle school
- Newsletter
- No new updates
- Website
- Currently no one can get into the site to perform edits
- Rick will reach out and try to assist with the problem
- Chik-fil-A
- Only 7 people came in for the Fundraiser due to being over the holiday break
- They require a minimum for the fundraising
- DVDs
- Rick is working on the DVD
- Friends of BBLZ
- Received donations from the Alumni Mailing Campaign of $450
Meeting Adjourned @ 8:00 pm
Next Meeting: February 16, 2015 @ 7:00pm small auditorium