CongressCATH 2004Registration Form

Friday 9th - Sunday 11th July 2004

National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, UK

Please save this form on your computer, type in your details, and return it to CentreCATH at the address at the end of the form.

  1. Your personal details:

Are you a student? Yes/No
Affiliation: (for congress pass)
Academic Title:
Given Name:
Family Name:
Post code/Zipcode:

2. Registration

Early / Late (After 15 May) / Please enter appropriate fees for full or concessionary registration:
Full / £150* / £ 175*
(please send proof of status) / £ 95* / £ 120*
Day Pass
Fri 9 July / £ 95* / £ 120*
Sat 10 July / £ 95* / £ 120*
Sun 11 July / £ 95* / £ 120*
Day Pass Concession
Fri 9 July / £ 70* / £ 95*
Sat 10 July / £ 70* / £ 95*
Sun 11 July / £ 70* / £ 95*
Conference Dinner
Sat 10 July (Indian Cuisine) / £ 25 / £ 25
Payment / £
*- £25 Speakers’ and Moderators’ discount / £
Total Amount due / £

3. Payment

Please note that the University cannot accept payment by Diner, Switch, or American Express Cards, Postal Orders, or cheques drawn on foreign banks.

Amount of payment:
I enclose Sterling cheque payable to 'University of Leeds'
I wish to pay by credit card:
Card Type
Card Number
Expiry Date
Card Security Number (last three digits on the signature strip of the card)
Name and Address of Cardholder, if different from above.

4. Data Protection and Confidentiality

CentreCATH maintains a database of names and addresses of people to whom it publicises its activities. CentreCATH does not communicate information held in this database to third parties, but may on occasion distribute information from other organisations which it believes is likely to be of interest to people listed.

Include my details in the CentreCATH publicity database: Yes/No

5. Dietary Needs

A full vegetarian menu will be available, if you have more specialised requirements, please can you let us know.

6. Other Special Requirements

If you have difficulties with mobility or sensory impairments, please can you let us know.

7. Bursaries.

The bursaries are aimed to cover all or part of the Registration Fee. Please note that we cannot offer any bursaries for accommodation or travel costs. If you wish to apply for a bursary please enclose a one-page supporting letter explaining your situation with your Registration Form. Your letter may contain anything that you consider relevant, it must however include the following information:

Your name and institutional affiliation (if any), details of your presentation at CongressCATH

The application deadline for CongressCATH 2003 is 30 April 2004.

I would like to be considered for a bursary and enclose a letter supporting my application

9. Cancellations

Cancellations received in writing before 11 June 2004 will secure a refund of half the registration fee. Cancellations received from 12 June to 25 June 2004 inclusive will secure a refund of 25% of the registration fee. No refunds can be made for cancellations received after 26 June 2004.

10. Submission

On completion, please return this form to:

CongressCATH 2004 Registration,
Room 208a, Old Mining Building,
University of Leeds,



Fax: +44 (0)113 343 1628

11. Accommodation

The CongressCATH administration is pleased announce that we have been able to negotiate a special deal with the Hilton Hotel, the official Congress Hotel, in Bradford.

Please quote CongressCATH when you book.

Single B&B / Double/Twin B&B

Hilton Hotel ****

Hall Ings
Tel: +44 (0)1274 734-734
Fax: +44 (0)1274 306-146 / £40 / £60

We are currently negotiating accommodation arrangements for our conference participants with the Student Accommodation at the University of Bradford. We are expecting to be able to offer this accommodation by the beginning of March. Please keep checking our website for updates.

12. Other Accommodation

The Tourist Information Centre in Bradford has details of a wide range of accommodation in the area. The Centre is open from Monday to Sunday 09.30 - 17.30. Contact details: Bradford Tourist Information: City Hall, Centenary Square, Bradford, BD1 1HY.

email: , Telephone: (01274) 753-678