Action Plan

January 2012 through December 2012

Mission Statement: The mission of Safe Kids Willamette Valley is to promote and create a safe community within Marion and Polk counties by utilizing a strong coalition of active volunteers, professionals and businesses that provide sound nationally recognized safety education programs and injury prevention campaigns in an effort to reduce unintentional, but preventable, injury and deaths to children ages 0 to 14.

Injury Areas of focus: 1. Motor Vehicle Safety 2. Bicycle and Wheeled Sports Safety 3.Water Safety 4.Falls Prevention

5. Poisoning Education

Goal 1: Increase overall usageof child restraints and the correct use of child restraints in motor vehicles.

Objective / Activity/Task / Timeline / Responsible Party / Outcomes
A. Provide educational information on the useof child safety restraints at monthly child passenger safety clinics sponsored by SafeKidsWillametteValley. / 1. SK Willamette Valley partners will distribute educational literature on child safety restraint use in motor vehicles.
2. Participate at 12 child passenger safety clinics in our area.
3. Participate in National Child Passenger Safety Week events. / January 2012- December 2012 / Coalition members and partners / There were XX registered Safe Kids CPS events held. XXXadults were reached with CPS education through Safe Kids sponsored car seat clinics.
B. Increase the use of properly fitted child safety restraints through care giver education at 12 events. / 1. Distribute child safety restraints to families at 12 Safe Kid sponsored clinics where care givers will receive proper use training. / January 2012- December 2012 / Coalition members and partners / XXX adults and XXX children attended CPS clinics. XXX seats were distributed
C. Reach out to minority members in the community. / 1. Provide interpreters at 4 clinics for Spanish speakers.
2. Provide materials on child restraints in Spanish. / January 2012-December 2012 / Coalition members and partners / Spanish techs or interpretors attended XX Safe Kids CPS events and Spanish materials were distributed to XX families

Goal 2: Increase the number of children in wheeled sports activities using correctly fitted helmets.

Objective / Activity/Task / Timeline / Responsible Party / Outcomes
A. Provide education and awareness on correct helmet usage. / 1. Distribute helmet information at Safe Kids events.
2. Partner with other entities, i.e. agencies, businesses, organizations, etc. to ensure that information is available and distributed about which helmet to use for what sport and how to fit and wear the helmet correctly. / January 2012- December 2012 / Coalition Members & Partners / Partnered with Dallas PD at Dallas Summerfest on July 28 and Salem Hospital at FBB Family Fest on Aug 6 and distributededucational material to children and adults on how to properly fit a helmet
B. Increase the distribution of multi-sport helmets through participation in an event if requested. /
  1. Acquiremulti sport helmets and
distribute them with proper use instructions at an event. / January 2012- December 2012 / Coalition Members & Partners
C. Increase bicycle safety through community education events in local communities if requested. / 1. Participate at bicycle rodeos in local communities in Marion and Polk Counties. / January 2012- December 2012 / Coalition Members & Partners

Goal 3: Increase the number of children using properly fitted floatation devices.

Objectives / Activity/Task / Timeline / Responsible Party / Outcomes
A. increase education and awareness of the use of flotation devices for water safety. / 1. Partner with Oregon State Marine Board to distribute educational materials.
2 .Participate at fairs and events in the community. / January 2012- December 2012 / Coalition Members and OregonState Marine Board / Safe Kids participated in XX health fairs/events and distributed educational materials to approx XX children and adults
B. Increase the use of flotation devices by providing these devices for distribution through partners. / 1. Distribute flotation devices at special events and around bodies of water.
2. Provide demonstrations on properly fitting flotation devices.
3. Continue to provide flotation devices at 3 loaner stations in Marion and PolkCounties. / January 2012- December 2012 / Coalition Members / Safe Kids in partnership with Salem Hospital distributed approx XX appropriately fit life jackets to children in Marion and Polk counties. Monitored life jacket supply at 3 life jacket loaner stations and replaced XX jackets.

Goal 4: Preventinjuries due to window falls in Marion and PolkCounties.

Objectives / Activity/Task / Timeline / Responsible Party / Outcomes
A. Educate parents and children about fall prevention / 1.. Distribute fall prevention brochures at various safety events in both English and Spanish. / January 2012- December 2011 / Coalition Members / Approx XX Fall Safety brochures in English and XX in Spanish were distributed at XX events.
B. Distribute safety window locks in a selected high risk neighborhood / 1. Acquire window safety locks.
2. Partner with local fire dept. to distribute window locks in conjunction with smoke detector distribution. / January 2012-December 2012 / Coalition Members / Partnering with Salem Hospital Injury Prevention to do a Window Falls Prevention event summer 2012 including distribution of window guards/locks to high risk apartment complex as well as educational component.

Goal 5: Increase awareness of child poisonings and its prevention

Objectives / Activity/Task / Timeline / Responsible Party / Outcomes
A. Educate parents and children about hazards of poisoningsand how to prevent it. / 1.. Distribute educational material at various safety events in both English and Spanish. / January 2012- December 2011 / Coalition Members / Approx XXpoisoning educational materials in English and XX in Spanish were distributed at XX events.