Flashlight Day!
Lights are Off In Classrooms
Entry/Sign In/Name Off Apple
Use Flashlight To Read The Room
Sing My Flashlight Song
Read: There’s Something In My Attic
What is a Flashlight?
Flashlight was invented in 1896.
What do we use a flashlight for at our homes?
- to read in bed
- to find things in dark places like closets
- to use during a black out or power failure
- when camping and there is no electricity
How does a flashlight work? Show process of putting batteries in matching positive and negative on the battery.
Sorting Flashlights Boys- Miss St. Amand Girls- Ms. Binicki
- Colour
- Working/Not Working
- How Turned On/Off
- Play/Real
- Size
Flashlight Scrapbook Page
Take Pictures
Flashlight Science: Boys- Ms. Binicki Girls- Miss St. Amand
Show children pieces of different materials and have them use the YES/NO signs to predict if the light will shine through the material.
All Children In One Room
“I Spy Game”
I Spy: a popcorn word
Something that is red, yellow, orange etc.
a zero
something shaped like a circle, square, rectangle triangle
Kids walk around dark room trying to find items
Flashlight Rhyming
Teacher says pairs of words. If the words rhyme the class turns flashlights on.
Flashlight Patterning SK- Ms. Bincki JK- Miss St. Amand
Sit children in circle and make patterns with flashlights on and off. SK’s could do one flash/2 flash possibly?
Hand Shadow Lessons
Sing: My Flashlight Song
Hand out Letter For Families:”Celebrate Family Literacy Day: Buy A Flashlight!”
*Spare AA batteries in the sliding door closet
*Make a list first thing, Pull name sticks, Name: describe the flashlight Give awards for the brightest, bluest, dimmest, lightest, heaviest, etc,
*Comparison for the longest flashlight. Put a little table up front, kids sit at reg. tables. Pull 2 name sticks, they each put their flashlight on the end next to each other. The shortest flashlight sits down. Pull another name stick and that child comes up to compare his/her flashlight with the “winner.” You can do longest and shortest at the same time and have 2 winners… awards?
*Tape a sign in the bathroom that says “YES!” across from the first toilet. The group comes in the bathroom and one at a time stands in front of the toilet and shines their flashlight at the sign to see who can light up the YES sign.
*I have 4 of the special flashlights. Ask for volunteers to share their flashlights. Write their names on the board then let them borrow the special flashlights for the activities.