Newsletter Issue 12 – March2015
A big welcome toMadison, Hugo, Eila, Ugne, Miley, Dolly, Henry, Riley, Francesca, Elijah, Georgia, Freya, Liam, Scarlett, Tommy and Riley who have recently joined us at Caerleon
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday toHarvey, Marc, Poppy, Charlie, Callum, Dylan, Kerenza, Austin, Imani, Leo, Aliyah and Alphie who will be celebrating their birthdays duringMarch
Happy birthday to Hugo, Kasra, Tamsyn, Julietta, Neve, Amy, Georgia and Francesca who will be celebrating their birthdays duringFebruary
“Don’t forget all our nursery children can claim a 20% discount off a Jump party if you would like to celebrate with your guests in Jump, please ask Rachel for more information”
Hatching Easter Chicks 16th March-27th March
We will be having real life hatching Easter chicks. These will besupplied by for the children to care for, there will be activities based around these chicks and endless learning experiences for the children in all groups
Please be sure to come in to visit the chicks when dropping off and collecting your children from Caerleon
March Family day – Saturday 28th March 10.30am-1.00pm
We will be holding an Easter themed family day during March where we will be having an Easter egg hunt and Easter bonnet competition, all children will then be invited to play in jump as Caerleon Guests. We hope that you are all able to make it, please feel free to bring along family friends.
Curriculum and planning
During Marchour theme is Growing and Spring
Some of the activities offered in Pre-school / What will we learn?Growing Cress / To develop and understanding of growth
Creating a bug hotel / To show care and concern for living things
Caterpillar playdough / To make simple representation of objects
Nature Walk and exploring / To talk about some of the things that we have observed in the natural world
Spring movement session / To move freely with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways
creating tree rubbings / To begin to be interested and describe the texture of things
some of the activities offered in Nursery room 2-3 / What will we learn
Growing cress in pots / Understanding of the world- notices detailed features of objects in their environment
Glower and seed planting in the garden / Understanding of the world- notices detailed features of objects in their environment
Creating mothers day cards and clay pots / Personal Social and Emotional – show affection and concern for people who are special to them
Rainbow painting / Expressive art and design - Experiments with block colours and marks
some of the activities offered baby and toddler room / What will we experience
Planting sunflowers / Textures of soil, tipping and pouring water
Making cornflake nests for Easter / Handling tools when adding and mixing, improving knowledge of the world
Creative spring activities
Making daffodils
Sticking welsh flags
Painting and sticking lambs and chicks / Making sense of different media through mark making
Egg hunt / Finding out things exist even when out of sight. Strong exploratory impulse.
During April our theme is Superheroes
Some of the activities offered in Pre-school / What will we learn?Superhero Day- / To build stories around toys and resources
Creating a superhero / Use language as a powerful means of widening experiences
Spiderman silly string superpower / Use available resources to create props to support role play
Completing missions / Enjoy responsibility of small tasks
Tally chart of our favourite superhero / Expresses own preferences
Superhero prepositions / Use of positional language
some of the activities offered in Nursery room 2-3 / What will we learn
Exploring the book “Superworm” / Literacy- repeats words or phrases from familiar stories
Superhero day and role play / Expressive art and design-Begins to make believe by pretending
Drawing and making our own image of a superhero – using ourselves on a large piece of paper. / Expressive art and design- beginning to use representation for example making marks on the paper and identifying it as “me”
some of the activities offered baby and toddler room / What will we experience
Dressing up in the role play area / Begin to make believe by pretending
Daddy is my hero book / Enjoy listening to stories
Make superhero masks / Improving out fine motor skills
Exploring things that fly / Hearing about and exploring the environment
Superhero Day
We will be having a superhero day on Thursday 23rd April 2015. Please could all children come dressed up as their own superheros for the day.
Healthy Eating
We have placed a fruit basket in the reception foyer along with a healthy eating display, Please encourage your child to take a piece of fruit at the end of their session. This is to encourage healthy eating and the children to try new things and make healthy choices.
Please ensure that you only allow your child to take fruit or vegetables suitable for them
Easter Egg Appeal
Caerleon Child Care are supporting local Children's Hospitals and 'The Grand Appeal' this year!
We would love to spread some joy at Easter and would ask for your support in donating Easter Eggs (especially diabetic), toys and gifts for us to donate to Bristol Children’s Hospital
Please purchase an extra gift this Easter to put a smile on the face of children who are staying in hospital this Easter.
If you would like to make a chocolate or cuddly gift donation then please pop it into nursery ready for us to take across in April.
We would like to thank you for your kind donations in advance
Easter holidays
The Easter holidays are 30th March – 10th April 2015. All children who attend Caerleon Child Care during term time only will not be due in during these two weeks.
Bank Holidays
Caerleon Closes for bank holidays therefore will be closed on Friday 3rd April and Monday 6th April
Children’s learning journeys
If you would like to take your child’s learning journeys home you can do this whenever you like. Please speak to your child’s key person and they will arrange this for you.
Things we have been doing at homePlease could I remind all pre-school parents about the “things we have been doing at home board” that has recently been added to preschool.
Please send photos or wow moments of anything that your children have been doing at home. These can be sent through to:
Toddler Club
Jump is pleased to announce our brand new Early Years Club for 0-4 year olds, starting Monday 2nd March! This will be free to join, and has exclusive benefits such as:
-Midweek prices at weekends for toddlers
-Free visit for your child during the month of their Birthday
-10% discount on cafe purchases
-20% discount on Parties
For more information please speak to Rachel or Kirsty.
Caerleon Child Care, 22 Concorde Road, Patchway, Bristol, BS34 5TB
Tel: 01179 798980
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