All Saints’College Parents’Friends’Association
Boarding Sub-Committee
10am Saturday 23rd May 2015
Morning Tea provided
Maximum time of 10 minutes for each report
Attendance: Dr Peter Miller,Gillian McAllister, Brad Allen, Hayley Bradley, Scott and Lisa Hewitt, Nigel &Wendy Wass, Helen Ford-Nobes, Joy Webster, Sandra Hewett, Kim Stokes.
Apologies: Stewart Ross, Trevor Maher, Florence Ovenden, Suzanne Anderson, Darren Stokes, Jacqui Chapman, Darren Hewett, Ian & Jane Menzies, Rev Tony Card .
Business arising from previous meetings:
- Follow up on Dining Hall– there has been some improvement and the staff are working to address these issues. Students are encourage to give feed back and input through food committee that meet on a regular basis. We have a new chef, Roland, on Mondays and Wednesdays whom by all reports is doing well.
- Grenfell Social Function - Thanks to Hayley for hosting the luncheon, by all reports a wonderful day was had by all.
- Boarding House Maintenance –
Marsden house has had the exterior painted including window frames, guttering, eves, verandahs and lattice work and has a schedule of upkeep over the next 5 years.
Watson house maintenance will take place over the June holidays, boys will be asked to clear their rooms and take home all belongings as the interior and exterior painting will commence.
Pool repairs should be finished by the end of July, withthe redevelopment of surrounds and shades to follow.
Motion “That the minutes from the Boarding P&F meeting dated Saturday 18th October 2014 beaccepted and endorsed as read”
Moved: Scott Hewitt Seconded:Hayley Bradley
Correspondence out: Thankyou card sent to Ian Redpath
Correspondence in:
President’s Report: Scott Hewitt
Scott expressed his appreciation to Hayley for hosting the Grenfell Social Function.
Scott has attended most of the whole school P & F meeting as the Boarding Sub- Committee representative. He is pleased and encouraged by progress using a more whole school approach to P & F issues.
Head of College Report:DrPeter Miller
General Matters –
- Marsden painting – with the exception of the upstairs windows, this has been completed and is now on a schedule of clean up and touch up for the next five years
- Watson House – Ongoing upgrades and improvements in the physical space (painting and replacement of doors) continue.
- Pool refurbishment – This is on track for completion by the end of July.
- Health Centre opening – The facility was opened jointly by Margaret Gaal and Michael Quaife. The refurbishment is a wonderful addition to our College for all the students to use. Assistance by the P&F and Foundation is greatly appreciated to enable the completion of the project.
- School Services – we have enjoyed successful Easter and ANZAC Day services since our last meeting. Whole school events like this are important in our calendar and they have been well supported by the students.
- Year 7 2016 – we have commenced a waiting list for Year 7 2016.
- Promotion and Marketing – we have enjoyed unprecedented profile in printed media (The Land and Western Advocate) in relation to the centenary of the Gallipoli landing. This compliments our recent presence at the Dubbo Boarding Expo, Bathurst Show, Cowra and Millthorpe. A trip to Nyngan and Bourke by the Millers is planned for the coming school holiday period.
- Presentation Ball – Mrs Jenny Lavoipierre and her husband Nick will be our special guests this year.
- NAPLAN – completed in Week 4. The data received continues to be useful as a snapshot for each child and for the relative “performance” of each Year group to their peers across the Nation. This is more relevant for Year 9 than Year 3.
- Show Jumping Day – congratulations and thank you to all those involved in the event again this year. In difficult weather the event was a fantastic occasion for participants.
- Art Show – this weekend and thank you to everyone for their involvement in that event. It is truly a Bathurst event that we host here. There is much community interest in this year’s Art Show.
Head of Watson Report: Brad Allen (Sent previously)
Head of Marsden Report: Gillian McAllister (Sent previously)
Foundation Report: Nigel Wass
Nigel is pleased to reportthat the Foundation moving forward with much in the pipeline, particularly the proposed appointment of a Whole School Development Officer which should take place in the next few months.
Jock Crossing – OBU, has taken on the huge task of updating the whole school alumni and reconnecting with past students who have been lostalong the way. He will be developing an electronic database of past students. Every student will be given an ID and with thecollaboration of other foundation members it is hoped to contact and reconnect with many Old Boys and Girls as possible.
|The School Clinic was officially opened on Friday 22nd May (yesterday). The foundation was able to donate a substantial contribution to the renovation and it is great to see our schoolable to providesuch a modern and functional facility.
General Business:
- Diocesan Court Case Dr Miller reported the case to be extremely complex with three separate cases covering the dispute.
The cases will not conclude until the end of June.
The college assets are held in trust by the College Council but it really belongs to the College community.
In reality nothing has or should change with All Saints College being in as strong position as possible for the future.
- Mothers Day Chapel
Rev Tony Card is concerned that the attendance at the Mothers Dayservice this yearwas down, with only 3 mothers attending. He was questioning the continuation of this service. We will seek feedback from boarding families on the continuation of this service or perhaps changing the service to Saturday afternoon as the Show jumping Day is held on the Sunday also.
- Watson Boys Prep Progress
As Brad has addressed in his report Watson Staff are still focused on the boys prep study time. A study skills session was held for theYr 11 boys to support them in there Preliminary Course Studies. The boys are also encouraged to attend the ILC on Monday afternoons.
- Marsden House Fashion Parade at The Spring Fair
After consultation with the girls the fashion parade will not go ahead this year however it was felt that the boarderswould still like to participate in and contribute with a specific activity– perhaps cow pat or duck poo lotto!!
An alternative activity will be advised at a later date in consultation with students and Head of Houses.
The Bottle Stall will go ahead as usual.
- Formal Dinner for Marsden House
As addressed by Gill in her report this will be held on the 22nd August with the venue to be confirmed.
- Boarding House Medicine Dispensary Procedure
With the winter weather and colds and flus on the rise in the boarding house there has been more call for cold and flu medication.
Students will be given paracetamol as a first option and stronger tablets with codeine such as cold and flu should be at clinic nurse or parents request.All requests to go through Head of Boarding House.
- Soccer as Winter Sport
There is concern from parents of soccer players that the town competition has been cancelled with children not being given an alternative sport. Initial communication was appreciated but there has been no follow up. Boot camp was offered but at the time of the meeting had not yet commenced and soccer players haven’t been given any alternative for training on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Some boarding parents are coming to Bathurst to transport their children to district soccer events so they can compete in sport. Suggestions were made of social soccer or an alternative which will still encouragethe comradery that team sport offers. Dr Miller to follow up and advise the students and parents concerned.
- Parents Please Remember to check the All Saints College Website to keep up to date with school and boarding life.
Click on the Boarding tab to see infoand activities for Watson and Marsden House.
The News tab on the home page will inform you of the ASC community news and regular updates of school highlights.
- Gill McAlister has also made a folder with news and pictures of activities in Marsden House which will be in the duty office for parents to view.