Dr. T. David Gordon
213 Edgewood Ave.
Grove City, PA 06127
(724) 450-0636
Born November 13, 1954 in Richmond, VA
Married to Dianne White, May 27, 1978
Three children, Marian Ruth Gordon (born May 29, 1986, died September 4, 1986), Grace Elizabeth Gordon (Born June 30, 1988), Dabney Anne Gordon (Born February 3, 1990).
Bachelor of Liberal Arts cum laude, Roanoke College, 1977. Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities, 1976-77.
Master of Arts in Religion, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1979.
Master of Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, 1980. Thesis: “John 1-12: Israel’s Final Wilderness.”
Doctor of Philosophy, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1984. Dissertation: “Paul’s Understanding of the Law: A Tri-polar Analysis.” Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Paul J. Achtemeier.
•Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church, Nashua, NH, June, 1989-January, 1998.
•Moderator, Northeast Presbytery (PCA), 1990, 1991, 1996, 1997.
•Ruling Elder, Stony Point Reformed Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va. (1983-84)
•Ordained Teaching Elder (minister) in the Presbyterian Church in America,1986
•Supply Minister, Sycamore Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Va. (Fall, 1980-Summer, 1981)
• Professor of Religion and Greek, Grove City College, 1999--.
•Associate Professor of New Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1984-97. Adjunct Professor of New Testament, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1998.
•Director of the Greek Language Program, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1984-1989.
•Adjunct Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary, 1998.
•Adjunct Professor of New Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary/Philadelphia, 1992, 1995.
•Instructor in New Testament, School of Theology of Virginia Union University, 1983-84.
•Instructor in Greek, Union Theological Seminary in Va., 1984.
•Teaching Assistant, Union Theological Seminary in Va., 1981-83.
•Adjunct Professor of Classical Languages, Randolph-Macon College, 1982-83.
•Purchasing Associate, Bottomline Technologies, Portsmouth, NH, 1998-99.
Courses Taught:
•New Testament Survey
•Beginning Greek, I and II
•Intermediate/Advanced Greek
•Exegesis of John’s Gospel (Greek)
•Exegesis of Romans (Greek)
•Exegesis of Galatians (Greek)
•The Parables of Jesus
•The History of the Academic Study of the Bible
•Paul and the Law
•New Testament Ethics
•Denominational Standards (Ecclesiology)
•Biblical/Theological Ministry (Team-taught)
•The Uses and Abuses of the Bible (Team-taught)
•Civilization and the Speculative Mind
•Media, Faith, and Culture:Media Ecology in Theistic Perspective
•Senior Seminar in Religion
-Joseph Plevnik, S. J. What Are They Saying about Paul?, in Interpretation, 41 (October, 1987): p. 432.
-William D. Dennison. Paul’s Two-Age Construction and Apologetics, in Westminster Theological Journal xlix no. 1 (Spring, 1987) 229-31.
-J. C. Beker. Suffering and Hope. The Biblical Vision and the Human Predicament, in Interpretation, 42, no. 4 (October, 1988): p. 436.
-Richard N. Longenecker. Galatians, in Themelios 17, no. 3 (April/May, 1992): 28-29.
-N. T. Wright. Climax of the Covenant in Westminster Theological Journal 56, no. 1 (1994): 197-201.
Review of Sean Lucas on Robert Lewis Dabney. New Horizons.
“Paul on His Own Terms?” Review of Justification by N. T. Wright, The Ordained Servant, Volume 19 (2010), pp. 127-136.
“The Problem at Galatia.” Interpretation 41 (January, 1987): 32-43.
“A Note on ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΟΣ in Gal. 3. 24-25.” New Testament Studies, 35, no. 1, January, 1989, 150-54.
“Weeping with Those who Weep,” Lay Leadership, January, 1989.
“Why Israel Did Not Obtain Torah-Righteousness: A Translation Note on Romans 9:32.” Westminster Theological Journal 54 (1992): 163-66.
“Some Answers about the Regulative Principle.” Westminster Theological Journal 55 (Fall, 1993): 321-29.
“Critique of Theonomy.” Westminster Theological Journal 56 (Spring, 1994): 23-43.
“‘Equipping’ Ministry in Ephesians 4?” Journal for the Evangelical Theological Society 37, no. 1 (March 1994): 69-78.
“Shepherd or CEO?” Tabletalk 18, no. 10 (October, 1994): 11-13.
“The Church’s Power: Its Relation to Subscription,” in The Practice of Confessional Subscription, ed. David W. Hall (University Press of America, 1994): 293-300.
Notes for John’s Gospel. The New Geneva Study Bible. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1995.
“A Certain Kind of Letter: The Genre of 1 Timothy,” in Women in the Church: A Fresh Analysis of 1 Timothy 2:9-15, ed. A. Köstenberger, T. R. Schreiner, and H. S. Baldwin. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995.
“The Kingdom…Small Now, But Wait!” in Decision 39, no. 7 (July, 1998): 31-35.
“Van Til and Theonomic Ethics.” In Creator Redeemer Consummator: A Festschrift for Meredith G. Kline, ed. Howard Griffith and John Muether. Greenville: Reformed Academic Press, 2000, 271-278.
“Freedom in Worship: Christian Liberty and Church Authority.” Modern Reformation Volume 9, number 2 (March/April, 2000), pp. 34-37, 46.
Notes on John’s Gospel, New Geneva Study Bible and Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible.
“The Regulative Principle: The Narrower View.” Accepted for publication in the forthcoming Back to Basics: Rediscovering the Richness of the Reformed Faith, ed. David G. Hagopian. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyerian & Reformed.
“The Insufficiency of Scripture.” Modern Reformation Volume 11, No. 1 (January/February, 2002), pp. 18-23.
“The Westminster Assembly’s Unworkable and Unscriptural View of Worship?” Westminster Theological Journal 65 (2003): 345-56.
“Observations on N. T. Wright’s Biblical Theology With Special Consideration of ‘Righteousness of God,” in By Faith Alone, ed. Gary L. W. Johnson and Guy P. Waters (Wheaton: Crossway, 2007), pp. 61-73.
“Reflections on Auburn Theology,” in By Faith Alone, ed. Gary L. W. Johnson and Guy P. Waters (Wheaton: Crossway, 2007), pp. 113-125.
“God’s Mandate and Entrepeneurship” (with Jeffrey M. Herbener), in A Noble Calling: Devotions and Essays for Business Professionals, ed. David Wesley Whitlock and Gordon Dutile (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2008) pp. 90-99.
“Life and Liberty,” in Tabletalk, vol. 32, no. 9 (September, 2008), pp. 14-17.
“Why Weekly Communion?” in The Ordained Servant, Volume 17 (2008), pp. 107-112.
“Distractions from Orthodoxy,” in Modern Reformation vol. 17, no. 5 (September/October 2008), 21-25.
“Abraham and Sinai Contrasted in Galatians 3:6-14” in The Law is Not of Faith: Essays on Works and Grace in the Mosaic Covenant, ed. Bryan Estelle, J. V. Fesko, and David VanDrunen (P&R, 2009), pp. 240-58.
“Sermon Pointers: On Preaching as Spiritual Cartography,” Touchstone 22, no. 1 (January/February, 2009), pp. 14-16.
“Evangelistic Responsibility,” The Ordained Servant Volume 18 (2009), pp. 34-42.
“Why Johnny Can’t Preach,” Modern Reformation,(May/June, 2009), pp. 27-30.
“A Literate Ministry,” Tabletalk Volume 34, no. 5 (May, 2010), pp. 74-75.
“Confusion About the Law in Paul,” in Justified: Modern Reformation Essays on the Doctrine of Justification, ed. Ryan Glomsrud and Michael S. Horton (Escondido, CA: Modern Reformation, 2010), pp. 33-39.
“Vocation: Work Quietly with Your Hands,” Modern Reformation, vol. 20, Nov./Dec., 2011, pp. 26-29.
“Why Are Technophiles So Hysterical?” in The Ordained Servant Volume 20 (December, 2011).
“Getting Out and Staying Out: Israel’s Dilemma at Sinai,” Pittsburgh Theologial Review 3 (2011-2012), pp. 23-37.
“Finding Beauty Where God Finds Beauty: A Biblical Foundation of Aesthetics,” in The Artistic Theologian 1 (February, 2012), pp. 16-24.
“Alone Together: The Great Irony of Modern Communication: A Review Article,” in The Ordained Servant Online: A Journal for Church Officers, January, 2013.
“Taking Exception to American Exceptionalism,” chapter 5 in American Exceptionalism: The Origins, History, and Future of the Nation’s Greatest Strength, edited by Charles W. Dunn (Lanham, MD: Rowmand & Littlefield, 2013), pp. 79-94.
“Amusing Ourselves to Death is Still Relevant,” review of Neil Postman, in Modern Reformation, vol. 22, no. 3, May/June 2013, pp. 48-50.
Review of Tim Keller, Galatians for You in The Ordained Servant Online: A Journal for Church Officers, August/September, 2013.
“The Israelites Were Not Exclusive Psalmists (Nor Are We),” in The Ordained Servant Online: A Journal for Church Officers, February, 2014.
“Media Ecology for the Family,” in Modern Reformation vol. 23, no. 3, May-June 2014, pp. 5-9.
“The Imminent Decline of Contemporary Worship Music: Eight Reasons,” Second Nature, Oct. 27, 2014.
Why Johnny Can’t Preach: The Media Have Shaped the Messengers. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2009.
Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns: How Pop Culture Re-Wrote the Hymnal. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2010.
“An Evangelical Perspective on ‘The New Perspective on Paul.’” Read at the 1988 annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.
Publications in Process:
-A monograph on the relation of law and covenant in Paul’s Galatian epistle, written for an academic audience. The method is to demonstrate that Paul’s argument in the letter is covenant-historical, consisting of his exhibiting the distinctive features of the Abrahamic and Sinai covenants, respectively, and his assertion that the affinities of the New Covenant are with the Abrahamic.
-A monograph for a more-general audience discussing five paradigmatic “models” of Christian ethics, demonstrating their exegetical basis and presence in the Christian tradition, and their complementarity in decision-making.
Computers and education. In 1988, recognizing the inefficiency of colleagues handwriting drafts of monographs and articles to then be typed by secretaries (who were ordinarily neither familiar with Greek nor Hebrew), I proposed a faculty computer program at Gordon-Conwell Seminary. The proposal suggested a “computer-for-secretary swap,” pending the attrition process. In this voluntary program, faculty were permitted to have the institution fund the program, on a pro-rated basis, rather than replace a retiring secretary. The program, slightly modified by the admistration, was embraced, and many colleagues, previously computer-illiterate, purchased hardware and software to aid them in both scholarly productivity and classroom presentation.
Ecclesiastical and academic references available upon request.