Strategic Goals: 2009-2012

Adopted October 21, 2008,

and revised March 31, 2009

BTP Mission

The mission of BTP is to use the lifetime sport of tennis, exercise and fitness to improve the quality of life for children and families in Greater Baltimore, to provide pathways to recreational and educational opportunities, and to teach life values of integrity, learning, health, self-esteem, self-discipline and respect for diversity.

BTP Vision

We envision a healthier population of families.

We envision youth pursuing higher education as a result of their experiences related to tennis.

We envision diverse cultural populations playing together and learning together.

We envision underserved youth populations having equal access to the benefits of tennis.

Strategic Goals and Plans

Economic. The downturn in the economy has had a significant adverse effect on the company’s grant revenue and, to a lesser extent, on the company’s program revenue. For 2009, if the economy allows, our goal is to achieve grant revenue (foundations, government, corporate) of $225,000 and program revenue of $350,000 through vigorous fundraising efforts and improved recruitment and communications. Goals for 2010 are, respectively, $245,000 and $375,000. We are not far enough along with our event and individual giving planning is not far enough along to set specific goals for those.

For the longer term, we want to develop individual giving into a more significant source of support and to create one or more new fundraising events, especially given the predicted demise of the PNC Tennis Classic and the BTP Pro Am associated with the Classic. A fundraising event planning committee has been formed and we are investigating ways to improve fundraising through individual donations.

At the same time, we aim to preserve for the foreseeable future the expense reductions and efficiencies we have implemented in response to current economic conditions (e.g., reduced office personnel expense, electronic communication and marketing, copy equipment expense, storage expense, supply expense, etc.).

Programs and Services. Goals for fee-based programs include increasing participation in existing programs by 100 players in 2010 and initiating a new profitable outdoor youth team/league programs (similar to our successful indoor program), and improved and more efficient recruitment of participants in all fee-based programs.

Goals also include growth in programming for underserved youth, with a target growth of additional 100 youth in 2009 and another 100 in each of 2011 and 2012, subject to improved economic and fundraising conditions. We intend to accomplish this growth primarily by forming partnerships and collaborations with other economically sound, active, reliable and enduring organizations with whom we can accomplish more than either of us could accomplish alone.

Communications. A high priority goal is to develop and maintain an extensive database of email addresses to publicize programs, events and news more effectively and more efficiently time-wise and cost-wise. To date, we have reduced our mail/paper communications by 60%.

Another high priority goal is a re-design of our website to communicate more information and provide an online registration and payment facility.

Personnel. Program-wise, we want to become more efficient in coaching personnel expense by increasing average class size in outdoor teaching programs and perhaps eliminating sites that are “driveably” close to other sites.

Administratively, our primary goal is to hire a full-time administrative assistant for our Administration Director/Office Manager and reduce from two to one part-time administrative assistant. This will provide more and (much-needed) more experienced help for the Office Manager.

Facilities. The number one goal here is to increase our office space. We currently occupy the same 583 square foot office space we occupied when our programs were serving 2,000 youth. Today we serve more than 4,500 people. Discussions are underway with potential landlords.