Project/Program Report 2017, project no: 60XXXX
Report submitted on date/version: / Write hereThe one-year report should focus on results. Report shall be sent to Union to Union by February 28, 2018.Management Response must be submitted by 15 March at the latest.
Project/program Title / Write hereCountry/countries / Write here
Project/program Period / Write here
Agreement holder organisation / Write here
Person submitting the report / Write here
Swedish requesting organisation / Write here
International organisation (GUF) / Write here
International organisation (Regional) / Write here
Number of participating Unions* / Write here
(*) Please update the contact and banking information as well as statistics in the separate document “Partner Organisation Information” and add it to the report.
The Narrative report template is filled in.The results and activity matrices in the Narrative report are filled in.
The Financial reportis based on the originally approved budget for the financial year, with any approved alteration clearly noted.
The Financial report is signed by an authorized signatory in the organization as well as by the auditor
The Auditor Report according to ISA 805 or equivalent, is attached and has been signed by the auditor.
The Management Letter is attached and has been signed by the auditor.
The Management Response is attached and has been signed by the authorized staff.
Any updates needed in the Partner Organisation Informationis made and commented on.
If any of these steps/documents are missing, your reporting is not complete.
Feel free to use the Reporting assessment checklists available on the Union to Union webpage.
Narrative reporting
1.Describe the major relevant changes in the context during 2017.
Write here
2.Progress towards the objectives of the 1-year Project/program
Fill in the results matrix and activity matrix (see the last page) and explain:
a)To what extent have the project objective/s and expected results been achieved?
Write here
b)Describe any unexpected results, both negative and positive ones.
Write here
3.Implementation of activities and administration
a)Explain any significant deviations, in terms of target groups and activities.
Write here
b)Reflect upon methods and strategies that you have used.
Write here
c)Describe lessons learned during the implementation and management of the Project/program.
Write here
d)Describe the added value of the Swedish Trade Union partnership.
Write here
e)Describe how the Project/programhas been monitored in terms of activities, reporting, and communication. Which means of verification show the most significant changes?
Write here
f)Have any external/internal evaluations been carried out during the Project/program period? What was the most significant outcome of the evaluation? Attach evaluation reports if not already submitted.
Write here
g)Has the communication between Project/program partners worked as planned?
Write here
h)Have the Swedish Unions informed their members and others about the Project/program cooperation?
Write here
4.Context analysis regarding development questions
a)How has the Project/program contributed to improved gender equality within the participating unions and in relation to the target groups?
Write here
b)How has the Project/program contributed to raise awareness about environmental issues and climate change within the participating unions and in relation to the target groups?
Write here
c)How has the Project/programbeen affected byregional/local conflicts?
Write here
d)How has the Project/programrelated to HIV/AIDS situation (if relevant)?
Write here
5.Risk management
a)Refer to the risk analysis made in the application and describe how foreseen and unforeseen risks have been managed during 2017.
Write here
6.Plans for the future and sustainability
a)Explain how the achieved results will be sustained. How will the target group continue working with the results/achievements?
Write here
b)How will the partnership continue?
Write here
c)What lessons learned during 2017 will influence the Project/program cooperation in the future?
Write here
Here you can share with us success stories, articles or links to other sources that can further illustrate your Project/program and its results.
Write here
Financial reporting
(See also “Instructions for Financial Reporting 2017” on our webpage:
7.Reporting Analysis
a)Provide comments on any major changes in the budget (in relation to activities carried out or omitted, major cuts) even if these changes have already been approved in earlier correspondence. Refer to such correspondence if relevant.
Write here
b)State whether the changes described above have had a major impact on the implementation of the Project/program.
Write here
c)Comment on ingoing and outgoing balances.
Write here
8.Transfers and costs at different levels
a)If costs are reported on another level than in the budget, please explain why.
Write here
b)Are there differences between at which level costs have been reported and transfers of fund made to that level? Explain why costs have been financed from another level.
Write here
c)Have there been costs at a level without an agreement for transfer of funds to that level?
Write here
9.Agreement holders in the Project/program
a)Comment on whether there has been any change of partners during the Project/program period. (Update the appendix “Partner organisation information” for 2017.)
Write here
b)List any partners with whom you have an agreement that includes transfer of funds by other means (for example Western Union, cash etc) from Union to Union funds.
Write here
c)Comment on partners, that are not included in the appendix “Partner organisation information, with whom there is a Partnership agreement or Agreement of Understanding etc that is relevant for the Project/programs implementation.
Write here
10.Cost efficiency
a)Comment cost efficiency in relation to the objectives/ expected outputs and outcomes and budget. Could the resources have been used even better? Were the activities efficient in order to reach the desired results?
Write here
11.Other comments
a)Do you have funding from other donors for this Project/program?
Write here
b)Comment on any impact from the currency exchange rate deviations.
Write here
c)Any other comments on the Financial Report, Audit, Management Letter etc.
Write here
Project/Program Report 2017, project no: 60XXXX / 112.Result matrix and activity matrix
Please leave comments on significant deviations in the narrative report.
Project/program objective 1.Expected results1. / Indicators of progress2. / Monitoring of indicator of progress 3. / Means of verification 4.
Explanatory note:
- Copy your approved Project/program objective and expected results, or any approved changes done.
- State the original indicators and any indicators that you have added/revised.
- Assess the extent of results achieved using the indicators of progress. When possible compare to baseline information. This must include a follow up on all indicators in the application but can also include added indicators
- State where the information on achievements can be found
Activity matrix (Copy from the approved application or any approved changes done)
Please leave comments on significant deviations in the narrative report.
Target / ActualActivities / Qty / Participants / Qty / Participants / Date / Remarks
(an indication whether the activity implemented is unplanned or a deviation of the target)
M / F / T / M / F / T
I. Seminars / Write here
1. Title of seminar/subject
2. Title of seminar/subject
II. Workshops / Write here
1. Title of workshop/subject
2. Title of workshop/subject
III. Conferences / Write here
1. Title of conference/subject
2. Title of conference/subject
Grand total / Write here