St. Anthony’s School PTG Meeting

March 15, 2018

  1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Jennifer Yeszinat 6:02 p.m.
  1. Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance:Group was led in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance by Jennifer Yeszin.
  1. Review of Minutes: The minutes fromFebruary 2018 PTG Meeting is on the website under PTG. NormaLopez approved minutes and Michael Cano second the minutes.
  1. Treasure’s Report:Jennifer Yeszin went over Treasure’s report. School Obligation is $50,000. Robert Menendez approved report and Melissa Mendez second the report.
  1. Principal’s Report: Mrs. K reminded everyone to complete your enrollment and there are presently 6 classes with a wait list. If you cannot pay your registration in full please start your re-enrollment process and we can contactyou regarding your registration fee. March 30, 2018 starts spring break and spring break is only a week long. Reminder that green shirts will not be allowed starting next school year. White shirts logo is optional. Red shirts are required to have logo and 8th grade blue shirts are also required to have logo. Knights of Columbus will be doing their last fish fry the same day as Living Stations of the Cross. You may start receiving text messages from RenWeb. Please do not block the number. Mid-June we will be pulling up the carpet. We will have sign-up sheets in the office or please contact Kelly Holdren if you would like to volunteer.
  2. Committee Reports:

A.Auction: JoAnna Perez is working in the gym and if you need hours, please stop by the gym after the meeting. If you have not checked out your tickets, please do so at the office.

B.Barn Dance: John Moorereported he is currently working on the placemat ads.

C.PTG Locker:

D.Room Mom: Jennifer Yeszin reported, 3rd grade First Holy Communion will be 5/2 and the 4th grade parents will be hosting the reception for the 3rd Graders and their Families. We will be contacting the 7th grade parents in preparation for the 8th grade awards dinner.

E.Project Coordinator:

F.Participation: Jennifer Yeszin reported if you have any issues with hours or missing hours please contact Kelly Holdren. (Kelly is working in the gym for Auction Dinner)


Board Positions Available for 2018-2019: Vice President, Treasurer and General Board. JenniferYeszin has contacted a few parents who showed their interest into the board. Next month meeting we will vote for the new members and May will be the installation of the new board.

  1. Announcements:
  1. Next PTG meeting will beApril 19, 2018 at 6p.m.
  2. There was a survey that went out about a possible time change for PTG meetings. It was a split decision. We will propose a time change to 6:30pm for possible remainder of the school year or starting the 2018 school year.
  1. Adjournment:

Meeting was adjourned at 6:24p.m.

Respectively Submitted By,

Memory Davis, PTG Secretary