Science Teacher Evaluation Rubric
Please score each publisher when appropriate
Reviewer’s Name ______0 = not included
1 = inadequate
2 = meets expectations
Course ______3 = exceeds expectations
Standards AlignmentAll Content and Process TEKS for Science are included in the textbook and ancillaries.
There is an appropriate balance of skill development, vocabulary development, conceptual understanding and scientific processes.
Science strands are connected and interwoven.
S.T.E.M. is interwoven with science TEKS
Student Materials
The focus of the product is on building conceptual understanding.
The product includes a balanced blend of hands-on investigations, direct concept lessons, procedural fluency, and process skills instruction.
Instruction materials provide access to the standards for all students, including ELL, GATE, At-risk, and other students of special needs.
The material is user-friendly, with easy navigation to lessons and resources for students and teachers.
Instructional Focus
Lessons involve the use of up-to-date instructional technology, manipulatives, and other tools so that students can visualize complex concepts, acquire and analyze information and communicate solutions.
Resources are aligned with District initiative (S.T.E.M.)
Lessons promote classroom discourse by explicitly requiring students to share their thinking or strategies.
Interactive simulations/projects are well designed for learning and to maintain student interest level with easy to follow directions.
Formative assessments, which include multiple types of assessments (e.g. tasks, open-ended questions, tests, and other types), are provided for assessing student learning and informing instructional decision-making.
Initial assessments are provided to identify strengths, weaknesses, and common misconceptions
Summative assessments include multiple methods of assessing including performance tasks and open-ended questions.
Teacher Instructional Support
The teacher’s edition provides support for the teacher through useful annotations, strategies, and methodologies of instruction.
Support is provided for classroom instruction on safety measures and reinforcing science process skills.
The teacher’s edition contains full, adult-level explanations and examples of scientific concepts in the lessons.
Instructional Technology
Virtual manipulatives are readily accessible, easy to use, and designed to help students in science.
Digital tools allow students to interact with their instructional material on any device, anywhere, at any time.
All resources can be customized to meet classroom needs and moved to teacher site.