Project Documentation
Data Layer: NONP9899
Description for the 1998-99 Non-Public School data layer (NONP9899).
The schools represent programs that were in the Non-Public School Database which LMIC received from Lois Pirsig at CFL on 6/8/99 for their work with the Food and Nutrition Services Program.
Section 1 describes the fields in the non-public school data layer.
Section 2 describes caveats about the data.
Data is in UTM, extended zone 15, NAD83 coordinates.
Fields for the nonpublic school worksheetDescription
File from Lois Pirsig at CFL 6/8/99
DAT_YERData year
UNI_TYPDistrict type
Possible Values:
31 Nonpublic School (in independent school districts)
32 Nonpublic School (in common school districts)
33 Nonpublic School (in special school districts)
34 Nonpublic School
UNI_MAJDistrict number (Public School district where the nonpublic school
is located)
UNI_IMDSchool number
UNI_NAMSchool name
MLG_ADD_LN1Mailing address
MLG_CTYMailing city
MLG_STTMailing state
MLG_ZIPZip code 5 digit
MLG_ZIP_4Zip code 4 digit
TEL_ARATelephone area code
TEL_PRXTelephone prefix
TEL_SFXTelephone suffix
Fields added at LMIC:
STATUS_LMICNo operation status obtained from schools reached by telephone.
ID_STRING_LMICCombination of the UNI_TYP, UNI_MAJ & UNI_IMD with zeros added
to fill in string.
X-UTM_LMICX-coordinate for location of school in UTM, Datum NAD83, extended
zone 15.
Y-UTM_LMICY-coordinate for location of school in UTM, Datum NAD83, extended
zone 15.
X-UTM2_LMICOne public school had two building locations
Note that 10 records were not located and the X-UTM and Y-UTM will be
equal to zero.
LATITUDE_LMICLatitude location of the school in degrees, decimal minutes for the
northwest quadrant.
LONGTIUDE_LMIGLongitude location of the school in degrees, decimal minutes for the
northwest quadrant.
LOCATE_TYPE_LMICHow nonpublic schools were given a geocode location.
The number in parenthesis is the frequency of occurrence of each of
these in the database.
Possible Values:
Phone with DeLorme Street Address (275) - for the schools not in
the Twin Cities Metropolitan area, the address was located with
DeLorme Street Atlas and then verified with a phone call area, the
address was looked up with DeLorme Street Atlas and then verified with
a phone call to the nonpublic school. For nonpublic schools that did not
answer, we also called the public school district office.
TLG addmatch (240) - for the schools in the Twin Cities Metropolitan
area (651 or 612 area code), the data was address matched against the
Lawrence Group (TLG) street database using ArcView.
DeLorme Street Atlas (29) - for the schools in the Twin Cities
Metropolitan area that did not address match against the TLG street
database, the coordinates were obtained from the DeLorme Street Atlas
For those schools that we still could not reach by telephone or locate
with TLG or DeLorme:
TLG locate (2) - Located the address in the TLG street database.
Tiger locate (1) - Located the address in the TIGER line files.
ASD Web Site (2) - Found in the American School directory web site at
Determined geocode coordinates with Tiger Line
Netscape Yellow Pg (3) - Found address and map in the Netscape
Yellow Pages. Determined geocode coordinates with Tiger Line files and
TLG street database.
No longer in operation (3) - During phone calls were told the school
was no longer in operation.
Unable to locate (10) Nonpublic schools that we could not determine a
reasonable location.
NOTES_LMICNotes about multiple buildings, the schools we were unable to locate or
comments from phone conversations.
ADD_CHG_LMICAddresses that were provided by the schools when they were called.
PHONE_CHG_LMICPhones numbers that were different than those provided in the nonpublic
school file.
SCHBLDG_LMICA unique number assigned to each unique school building location,
based on a frequency done of the X-UTM and Y-UTM values. For
schools with two buildings, the second school building number can be
assigned a extension such as 57-A or 57-2.
SECTION 2: Caveats about the data
Based on data supplied to LMIC by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning, please review the following metadata regarding the information contained in the Excel Tabs: SY98-99 Nonpublic Schools and Nonpublic Sch. Field Headings.
1. Unique identifier code for each school site.
Each site has a unique 3 field identifier. This identifier includes:
District Type (UNI_TYP field in the CFL nonpublic school database.
Possible District Types in the CFL nonpublic school database:
31 Nonpublic School (in independent school districts)
32 Nonpublic School (in common school districts)
33 Nonpublic School (in special school districts)
34 Nonpublic School
School District Number (UNI_MAJ field in the CFL nonpublic school database):
The public school district number in which the nonpublic school is located.
School Site Number (UNI_IMD field in the CFL nonpublic school database):
This school within the district has a unique number.
This site identifier is only unique for the school year, although they typically remain the same. The database for the 1998-99 CFL nonpublic schools for this project was received from Lois Pirsig, CFL, 6/8/99.
2. Accuracy of school geocode location.
For 275 schools in the nonmetro area (7 county Twin Cities), schools were located by using DeLorme Street Atlas while at the same time talking to someone with either the nonpublic school in question or the school district office. These point locations should represent actual location of the buildings rather than their mailing address locations. In come cases the person we talked to had a difficult time describing the location of the place so there will probably be some inaccurate locations.
For 269 schools in the metro area, the location was obtained by matching the CFL database address with the Lawrence Group (TLG) or DeLorme Street Atlas addresses. The addresses are mailing addresses and they may or may not represent the actual school location.
In summary, there may be some discrepancy in the geocode location provided versus the actual location of the school. It is our recommendation to CFL that the school districts or nonpublic schools be asked to review maps of the location of each school sites.
3. Multiple school programs occurring at same geocode location.
Some nonpublic schools can occur at the same geocode location. The field: NOTES_LMIC contains information about the other school at that same location. In addition, the field SCHBLDG_LMIC has been added for a unique building number. This unique number from 1 to 538 was assigned to each unique X-UTM and Y-UTM location.
It is our recommendation to CFL that each building location used as school sites be assigned a unique number.
4. Multiple buildings for a single school site.
For one nonpublic school, two building locations were provided. A second set of fields for its geocoordinates have been added to the database, i.e., X-UTM2_LMIC and Y-UTM2_LMIC.
Note that a second unique building number SCHBLDG_LMIC was not assigned for this second school. It can be identified by adding an extension to the number such as 57-A or 57-2.
5. Checks on final geocode locations.
The geolocations we identified for each school were compared with boundaries counties and cities to check for whether the locations seemed reasonable. The U. S. Census Bureau 1990 minor civil division data layer was used for the city boundaries.
October 25, 2000
Sandi Kuitunen, Land Management Information Center