L1 /

With help

Uses teacher’s ideas
Needs discussion to clarify ideas
When prompted can respond to ‘closed’ suggestion
Follows own simple line of enquiry or instructions provided by teacher
Uses resources provided
L2 /

With support

Responds to ideas suggested or suggests own ideas with some prompting
States what might happen in a simple task
May require support for more challenging contexts
With help puts forward simple ways of obtaining evidence needed
Plans to test 2 or 3 situations
Is developing some idea of what to use – chooses from limited range
L3 /

With limited support

Generates own ideas
Recognises the importance of gathering evidence to support idea
Makes a simple prediction of fairly obvious outcome
Identifies the nature of information needed
Where appropriate devises a simple test – test at least 3 situations or objects
Independently suggests resources or equipment to use from a reasonable range
L4 /

With very little support

Generates ideas of appropriate complexity for level
Recognises that evidence is needed to generate scientific ideas
Works out what will happen based on their everyday understanding
Plans an appropriate way of gathering the evidence & where needed shows understanding for a fair test varying one factor while keeping others the same
Selects suitable equipment needed from a wide range
L5 /


Generates ideas of appropriate complexity for level
Makes reasoned predictions based on scientific knowledge and understanding
Identifies an approach when trying to answer a question
Identifies key factors when investigation involves a fair test – where poss tests at 4-5 situ’s
Selects equipment for a range of tasks and plans to use it effectively
Obtaining and presenting evidence
L1 /

With help

Describe observations
Carries out simple task satisfactorily
Uses teacher prepared table if appropriate
Communicates through talk using everyday terms; drawings; simple chart
L2 /

With support

Observes, compares using simple information or equipment and if required measures in non-standard units
Uses simple resources or equipment provided
Carries out planned task, not necessarily fairly
With support prepares simple table for results and fills in own results
Uses text scaffold to convey the information needed or diagrams and simple tables e.g. pictograms and bar charts to present results
L3 /

With limited support

Makes relevant observation and measurements using standard units if possible
Begin to see the need to join their results with others to get a wider/more valid evid base
Carries out task carefully and, where appropriate, fairly
Measures quantities such as length or mass
Prepares own format for recording evidence, e.g. table for results and enters own data
Uses a variety of ways to record findings e.g. table, tally chart, diagrams, bar graph
L4 /

With very little support

Makes a series of observations and measurements adequate for the task
Uses appropriate equipment with reasonable accuracy
Records selected information from sources
Uses tables to collect readings
Presents information clearly using text, bar charts and simple line graphs but may need assistance with line graph
L5 /


Makes a series of observations, comparisons or measurements with precision appro for task
Repeats observations or measurements where obviously needed – adjust plan if necessary
Uses appropriate equipment with care and precision
Records systematically the appropriate information and data
Calculates mean value where appropriate
Uses appropriate scientific language and conventions to communicate quantitative and qualitative data – selects appropriate graph, including line graphs
Considering evidence and evaluating
L1 /

With help

States observed outcome
Accepts outcomes without reflection
L2 /

With support

Observes and compares

Says whether what happened fits previously held ideas or was what was expected – using scientific vocabulary in line with level 2 knowledge

L3 /

With limited support

Sees simple patterns and can read off data
Provides conclusion and simple explanation using appropriate level of knowledge
Recognises and states why a test is fair or unfair
Suggests improvements to their enquiry
L4 /

With very little support

Describes patterns and makes simple predictions
Begins to relate conclusions to these patterns and to scientific knowledge and understanding
Communicates conclusions with appropriate scientific language
Suggests improvements in their work giving reasons
L5 /


Explains variance in results
Draws conclusions that are consistent with the evidence and begins to relate these to scientific knowledge and understanding
Describes how experimental evidence and creative thinking have been combined to provide a scientific explanation
Makes practical suggestions about how their working method could be improved