B102 Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Elements of competence
B102.1Assess the need for raising awareness about community safety and social inclusion
B102.2Plan awareness raising about community safety and social inclusion
B102.3Support the implementation of awareness raising
B102.4Monitor, evaluate and improve awareness raising
This unit is about coordinating initiatives and programmes to raise awareness about and promote community safety and social inclusion. This includes assessing the need for awareness raising and determining the groups who are to be at the focus of the work; developing plans; supporting implementation; and monitoring, evaluating and improving awareness raising in the future.
The awareness raising may be part of an ongoing programme or a specific, time-limited initiative. Awareness raising may be large scale, with the worker contributing to national or regional initiatives or smaller scale, with the worker organising local initiatives. Whatever the scale, the standards emphasise that the awareness raising should be planned and well thought out, with clarity from the planning as to how it will be evaluated. It is also important that plans are put in place to link with other local, regional or national initiatives.
The subject and focus of the awareness-raising will be dependent upon analysing information from community safety audits and from consultation with communities. The scope includes all aspects of safety, the relationship between safety and social inclusion and the needs and rights of victims, survivors and witnesses.
Who this unit is aimed at
This unit is intended for all workers with responsibilities for coordinating awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion.
Relationship to other units
A101Identify and track trends and changes in community justice and social inclusion and the effectiveness of different means of addressing issues
A401Establish, maintain and use relationships with the media to explain and promote the agency and its work
B101Determine the concerns and priorities of communities in relation to safety, social inclusion and the prevention and reduction of crime and anti-social behaviour
B103Contribute to developing awareness and community action in relation to crime
Place in the SVQ framework
This is an optional unit in the SVQ Community Justice (Victims, survivors and witnesses) level 4.
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Evidence Requirements for this unit
You must provide your assessor with evidence for all the Performance Criteria and all aspects of Range and Knowledge. The evidence must be provided in the following ways taking account of any Special Considerations which may be noted.
Special Considerations
The candidate’s package of evidence from their performance needs to cover all the performance criteria and all of the aspects of range, except those detailed below. If performance evidence is not available during the assessment period, evidence from knowledge and understanding can be used for these aspects of the range:
B102.1, range 2:1 of the 3 methods for involving a sample of the target group
B102.3, range 1:2 of the 6 methods of support
B102.3, range 2:3 of the 6 appropriate actions
The candidate must provide evidence from different sources in order to have their achievement recognised for this unit, ie evidence must come not only from the candidate or one other source such as records but must also be from other people (such as from others who saw the candidate working, minutes from meetings which recorded the candidate’s contributions, etc). Simulations cannot be used for this unit.
Assessment Guidance
When planning assessment, candidates should consider how they may best use evidence across a number of units. Evidence from the following units may be particularly relevant to this unit:
A401Establish, maintain and use relationships with the media to explain and promote the agency and its work
F401Enable workers and agencies to work collaboratively
F403Develop and sustain effective working relationships with staff in other agencies
F408Represent one’s own agency at other agencies’ meetings
Candidates may wish to use these sources of evidence (for performance and for knowledge and understanding)
1the products of their coordination (for example, awareness-raising plans, evaluation reports)
2notes and drafts used as stages in the development of products
3notes and minutes of meetings
4evidence from others who worked with the candidate
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
5records and correspondence
6their reflective practice journal
7workplace projects
8observation by an assessor who is observing the candidate specifically for assessment purposes
9verbal or written responses to questions put by an assessor
Evidence from Knowledge and Understanding
Candidates must demonstrate they know and understand the areas listed in the descriptions of knowledge and understanding within the unit. Much of their knowledge and understanding will be evident from their performance. Where the candidate’s knowledge and understanding is not evident from their performance, it may be necessary for additional evidence of knowledge and understanding to be provided.
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.1Assess the need for raising awareness about community safety and social inclusions
Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1analyse information from community safety audits and consultation with communities in order to identify aspects of community safety and social inclusion which may be the focus for the awareness raising
2determine those groups who are to be targeted by the awareness raising through analysing known information about their concerns and interests about, and risks to, their safety and social inclusion
3identify others who have an interest in raising the awareness of the target group, using formal and informal contacts, and determine
(a)their areas of interest
(b)their willingness to become involved
4use appropriate methods to involve a sample of people from the target group in assessing the best way of raising awareness
5involve in the sample people who are representative of the target group concerned and are willing to communicate their needs, interests and concerns
6work closely with the sample group in order to identify their concerns, interests and priorities whilst recognising their limitations in representing the whole target group
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.1Assess the need for raising awareness about community safety and social inclusion
Performance Criteria (continued) / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
7use the information gained from the sample group about their concerns, interests and priorities to re-focus the content and structure of the awareness raising and to clarify who exactly is to be targeted
8evaluate the potential impact of other factors on the awareness raising
9use this information to inform the feasibility of the awareness raising and the approaches to be used
10appraise the different options available for the awareness raising with all those who might be involved
11select the options which are feasible in the context and likely to be effective in raising awareness
12identify all those who need to be involved in the planning and implementation of awareness raising and disseminate to them the information on the purpose and nature of the awareness raising.
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.1Assess the need for raising awareness about community safety and social inclusion
Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
(a)agencies with whom the worker’s agency isworking in partnership
(b)other agencies with a remit for, or commitment to, work on particular areas of safety and social inclusion
(c)groups and organisations which represent or work with those targetted
(d)other workers in the area concerned who have been active in the field
2Methods for involving a sample of the target group:
(a)direct involvement of the worker
(b)direct involvement of colleagues and others in the planning team
(c)through the use of special projects set up for the purpose
(a)using media and messages by the worker
(b)through influencing others to raise awareness through their actions and media
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.2Plan awareness raising about community safety and social inclusion
Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1clarify the exact nature of the target group and the messages which are at the heart of the awareness raising with those involved in the planning
2identify and appraise the methods which might be used to raise awareness for their ability to catch the interest of the target group whilst at the same time giving clear messages
3identify the range of resources for the awareness raising and those which might be available in practice
4contact those groups, communities, agencies and workers who may be willing to be involved in the awareness raising and contribute their own resources in a manner which encourages their involvement and highlights the benefits which joint work would bring
5identify accurately the nature of the resources available for the awareness raising and confirm this in writing with those making contributions
6take the appropriate steps to secure commitment of agencies and workers who show an interest in the awareness raising and keep them on board
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.2Plan awareness raising about community safety and social inclusion
Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
7identify factors which might affect the plan and its implementation and use them to inform its content and structure
8identify valid and reliable methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the awarenessraising and build them into the overall design
9develop a plan which achieves the best balance between:
(a)the concerns, interests and priorities of the target group
(b)the messages which need to be put across
(c)the available resources
10include in the plan details about:
(a)how the resources will be allocated
(bwho will do what and by when
(c)how the inputs and outcomes will be evaluated
11draft and present plans in a way which is suitable for those who are to use them
12discuss and agree plans with those involved in the implementation to confirm that the plans are clear and capable of implementation
13brief people involved in the awareness raising on its nature, structure and purpose and their roles within it.
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.2Plan awareness raising about community safety and social inclusion
Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Awareness raising methods:
(a)using media and messages controlled by the worker
(b)through influencing others to raise awareness through their actions and media
(e)equipment and premises
3Methods for evaluating the effectiveness the awareness raising:
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.3Support the implementation of awareness raising
Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1identify the roles and responsibilities of different people and agencies in awareness raising through discussion and agreement with them
2support and encourage people to:
(a)understand their contribution to the awareness raising
(b)offer suggestions, ideas and views
(c)take an active part in the process
3give clear and relevant reasons when it is possible to act on a suggestion for whatever reason
4contact those involved in the awareness raising at a frequency sufficient to identify any arising issues and offer solutions
5give necessary and appropriate support throughout the awareness raising
6encourage those involved to seek the support they need at the time when they need it
7take the appropriate action as soon as is possible to solve any arising problems whilst maintaining the overall direction and thrust
8contact people in the target group to gain feedback on the effectiveness of the inputs and outcomes of the awareness raising
9record the achievements and lessons learnt and effectively disseminate the information to all involved to maintain commitment and target improvements
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.3Support the implementation of awareness raising
Performance Criteria (continued) / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
10recognise achievements in a way which is appropriate to those concerned, the nature of the achievement and the overall context.
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.3Support the implementation of awareness raising
Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Methods of support:
(a)encouragement and motivation
(b)training and coaching
(d)information and advice
(f)trouble shooting
2Appropriate action:
(a)changing nature of involvement to empower those involved
(b)allocating and reallocating resources
(c)clarifying the content and nature of the message
(d)getting in touch with key partners to clarify direction
(e)negotiation and facilitation
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.4Monitor, evaluate and improve awareness raising
Performance Criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1monitor awareness raising at regular intervals to identify the extent to which it appears to be capturing the interest of the target group
2undertake monitoring in a way which is capable of scanning all parts of the awareness raising and of identifying any trouble spots
3contact those involved without delay when awareness raising plans need to be revised
4evaluate the effectiveness of the awareness raising against appropriate criteria using appropriate evaluation methods
5evaluate the information obtained to determine
(a)the outcomes achieved
(b)the extent to which they meet agreed plans
(c)the effectiveness of the inputs
6determine achievements and the reasons for these
7discuss with those concerned the ways in which shortfalls can be used to inform future awareness raising
8make recommendations for awareness raising which strike the best balance between
(a)the achievements made
(c)any other known factors
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.4Monitor, evaluate and improve awareness raising
Performance Criteria (continued) / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
9offer recommendations to those concerned in a form and at a time which is suitable for their use
10communicate in a manner and at a level appropriate
(a)to the individuals concerned
(b)to the decisions which are to be taken
11take the appropriate actions to put agreed recommendations for change in place
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Element B102.4Monitor, evaluate and improve awareness raising
Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Evaluation methods:
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit
You must show your assessor that you know and understand the following:
State evidence index no(s)Working with communities and community members
1the profile of the local area with which the worker is concerned
(a)communities (neighbourhoods, communities of interest, communities of identity)
(b)crime and anti-social behaviour: incidence, types, levels, problems and contributing the likely extent of unreported crime
(c)structures and amenities
(d)cultural diversity, community groups, formal and informal leaders, networks
2the social and environmental factors which contribute to social exclusion; the particular needs of individuals who may be socially excluded or stigmatised; why social justice is important to working effectively with socially excluded individuals, groups and communities
3the meaning of ‘hard to reach’ groups as it applies to the area with which the worker is concerned why it is important to involve such groups in all community consultation and community-based action
4the impact of crime on victims and their families and their right to protection, recognition, information and confidentiality; direct and indirect victimisation; the meaning and implications of repeat victimisation for community safety practice
5methods for developing and maintaining effective channels of communication with members of communities in the local area with which the worker is concerned
6how to respond to differences in the way that people communicate; the ways in which communication can be altered for different needs and contexts; barriers to cross cultural communication and ways of overcoming them; how to organise and provide appropriate translation and interpreting services
7methods for determining the financial and social costs of crime and anti-social behaviour and for analysing and illustrating the cost benefits of community safety action
8the different methods which can be used to raise awareness about community safety and social inclusion and the advantages and disadvantages of each; known good practice in awareness raising and the reasons for its success
9the kinds of misinformation which people receive about crime and anti-social behaviour and how this can be counteracted
10the range of different factors which may affect the content and effectiveness of awareness raising about community safety and social inclusion and how the worker has taken these into account
Working within the community justice sector
11the specific legislation, guidelines of good practice, charters and service standards that relate to work being undertaken and the impact of these on the work
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion
Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit (continued)
You must show your assessor that you know and understand the following:
State evidence index no(s)12the services, policies and priorities of community safety partnerships and their members; the relationship between community safety partnership strategies and the strategies of other multi-agency partnerships (for example youth offending, drug and alcohol action, health and education action, regeneration projects); how to strengthen these links in order to provide coherent services to communities
Working to improve agency practice
13the services, policies and priorities of the worker’s agency and how it relates to other agencies in the community justice sector
14methods for managing resources effectively
15the data storage and retrieval systems used by key agencies working in community safety
16codes of practice and protocols about confidentiality and information sharing between agencies working in partnership
17methods for developing positive working relationships with the media; the different media which might be used for awareness-raising about community safety and social inclusion and the advantages and disadvantages of each
18methods for planning work: how to develop and agree objectives, targets, methods, evaluation criteria, timescales, key milestones and indicators of effective performance
Working to improve individual practice
19own role and responsibilities and from whom assistance and advice should be sought if the worker is unsure
20the reasoning processes the worker used in determining their approach and methodology
21how the worker has applied the principles of equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory practice to their work
22what is evidence-based practice; why it is important to use evidence from research about what is effective; methods for monitoring and evaluating practice; why it is important to share information about successes and failures
B102Coordinate awareness raising to promote community safety and social inclusion