MRC GW4 BioMed Doctoral TrainingPartnership:
Supervisor ProjectProposals 2018/19
Page 1: GW4 BioMed Project Proposals: 2017-18 Intake
Please refer to the FAQ document when completing your project proposal. This formshould be submitted by 09:30 Monday 3rd July 2017.
Please note that this form can be saved and completed in stages BUT cannot beshared with other people. If you wish to collaborate and share your answers beforesubmission, then you will have to do this via a Word document then cut and paste youranswers into this form at a later stage.
Once you have submitted the form it cannot be revised or amended.
If you realiseyou have made a mistake after submission (clicking on the 'Finish' button) you will needto re-do the whole form, and let us know so that we can delete the previous version.
Page 2: Project Details
1. Project Title: Required
2. Research Theme: Please indicate the research theme that is most appropriate forthis project: Required
Infection, Immunity & Repair
Neuroscience & Mental Health
Population Health
2.a. If you selected Other, please specify: Occasionally excellent projects that falloutside the 3 priority themes will be supported so long as they have real strength in thecross-cutting skills areas.
Your answer should be no more than 350 characters long.
3. Please provide a summary of your project which will attract students to apply, if yourproject is shortlisted and advertised Required
4. Keywords for Advertising
Please provide up to 5 keywords that summarise the project
Page 3: The Supervisory Team: Lead Supervisor
Please ensure and confirm that you meet the requirements for supervisor eligibility by thelead HEI
5. Lead Supervisor Title: Required
5.a. If you selected Other, please specify:
5.b. Lead Supervisor Firstname: Required
5.c. Lead Supervisor Surname: Required
5.d. Lead Supervisor University Affliation: Required
5.d.i. College / Faculty: Required
5.d.ii. Department / School: Required
5.e. Lead Supervisor Email: Required
Page 4: The Supervisory Team: Co-Supervisor 1
6. Co- Supervisor 1 Title: Required
6.a. If you selected Other, please specify:
6.b. Co-supervisor 1 Firstname: Required
6.c. Co-supervisor 1 Surname: Required
6.d. Co-supervisor 1 University Affliation: Required
6.d.i. If you selected Other, please specify: Please check your University regulationsregarding co-supervisor eligibility.
6.d.ii. College / Faculty: Required
6.d.iii. Department / School: Required
6.e. Co-supervisor 1 Email: Required
Page 5: The Supervisory Team: Co-Supervisor 2
7. Add another supervisor: Required
7.a. Co-supervisor 2 Title:
7.a.i. If you selected Other, please specify:
7.b. Please Ignore Optional
7.c. Co-supervisor 2 Firstname:
7.d. Co-supervisor 2 Surname:
9 / 22
7.e. Co-supervisor 2 Affliation:
7.e.i. If you selected Other, please specify: Please check your University regulationsregarding co-supervisor eligibility.
7.e.ii. College / Faculty: Optional
7.e.iii. Department / School: Optional
7.f. Co-supervisor 2 Email:
Page 6: The Supervisory Team: Co-Supervisor 3
8. Add another supervisor: Required
8.a. Co-supervisor 3 Title:
8.a.i. If you selected Other, please specify:
8.b. Please ignore Optional
8.c. Co-supervisor 3 Firstname:
8.d. Co-supervisor 3 Surname:
8.e. Co-supervisor 3 Affliation:
8.e.i. If you selected Other, please specify: Please check your University regulationsregarding co-supervisor eligibility.
8.e.ii. College / Faculty: Optional
8.e.iii. Department / School: Optional
8.f. Co-supervisor 3 Email:
Page 7: The Proposed Project
Please refer to selection criteria and the FAQ and consider how it demonstrates highquality doctoral training and research
Your answer should be no more than 3000 characters long.
9. Please describe the proposed project: Required
Descriptions will be considered by the Theme Panel, which may include non-specialistmembers, and will be advertised on HEI websites to potential applicants, so must bewritten in a style/language understandable to both audiences.
Page 8: Excellence of the Research and Training
Please refer to selection criteria and FAQ document and consider: research funding;publication record; PhD submission rates; and critical mass; both in terms of the namedsupervisors and their wider research group(s)/network(s), of relevance
Current number ofPhDs beingsupervised as 1supervisor
Number of full-time PhDstudents starting 2009/10through to 2013/14
Number of thosestarts whosubmitted in 4years
10. PhDs and submissions
10.a. Comments on above (optional):
11. Please provide evidence of the quality of the research and training environment:
Your answer should be no more than 4000 characters long.
1. Evidence of high quality doctoral training (the project):
1. Significance, originality, feasibility and degree of challenge presented by the
proposed research
2. Research training, including use of novel, cutting-edge/innovative technologies,
approaches and/or special resources
3. Added-value features, e.g. exposure to working across disciplinary boundaries,
opportunities for collaboration with other academic centres or industries
4. Strategy for knowledge transfer and maximising the impact of the doctoral research.
2. Evidence of an excellent research and training environment (the environment):
1. Track record of the supervisors in attracting research funding (including non-MRCfunding) in the last 5 years
2. Publication of research outputs in high quality journals in the last 5 years
3. Critical mass of academic and research staff, and doctoral students in the last 5years
4. Project supervisors’ PhD submission rates in the last 5 years.
Page 9: Alignment of the Project with Relevant Strategic
Please refer to selection criteria and Para 19 of the FAQ document, and describe how theproject will address, as applicable:one or more of the strategic skills priority areas;collaboration across GW4 partner institutions;development of early career researchers as supervisors.
Your answer should be no more than 3500 characters long.
12. Please indicate how the project aligns with relevant strategic priorities:
Quantitative skills
Interdisciplinary skills
In vivo skills
12.a. Strategic skills alignment should be described in the text above, but please alsoindicate by tick-box(es) which of the strategic skills areas will be developed through theproject.
Page 10: Identification of Project-Specific Training Needs
Your answer should be no more than 2500 characters long.
13. Please identify high-level/high-cost training needs that will need to be supported bythe DTP for this project to be feasible (e.g. in vivo work; Masters modules inBioinformatics, etc.) Please also state use of existing courses/resources across GW4 thatcan be accessed to provide specialist training.
Dependent on successful applicant
13.a. Do you consider that the project duration will need to be extended (from 3.5years) for this?
Page 11: Thank You!
Thank you for completing your project proposal. We aim to let all lead supervisors know
the outcome of the shortlisting process by the end of Friday 21 July 2017.