CAPCSD Business MeetingMinutes
April 18, 2015
Newport Beach, CA
- Welcome. Vander Woude called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. and welcomed those in attendance. She thanked Elaine Mormer and the Conference Planning Committee for their hard work and the excellent Conference program. She also acknowledged Mary Chavez Rudolph and others at JMS for their workensuring CAPCSD’s smooth operation. Vander Woude expressed appreciation to the sponsors and exhibitors, the presenters, and the volunteers for their support of CAPCSD. She reminded those in attendance that next year’s Conference will be March 30-April 3 at the Hyatt Regency in San Antonio, TX; in 2017 it will be in Charlotte, NC; and in 2018 it will probably be in Austin, TX.
- ASHFoundation. Nancy Minghetti reported on the events of the ASHFoundation and conveyed her appreciation for the relationship with CAPCSD and the on-going support of members. In 2014, $661,000 was awarded to 70 individuals. The New Century Scholars grant program to support doctoral students and junior faculty has awarded$1.6 million since its inception. The Foundation is looking at developing new grants and scholarships and at raising the amount for current ones. Minghetti encouraged members to get involved in the University Ambassador program that the Foundation started in 2009.
- Board Member Update. Vander Woude thanked the current CAPCSD Board members and introduced the new Board members: Lisa Scott, President-Elect; Gail Whitelaw, Secretary; Mark DeRuiter, Vice President for Professional Development; and Paula Curry, Vice President for Communication. She commended Mary Hardin-Jones, Vice President for Communication; Colleen O’Rourke, Secretary; andMelody Harrison, Past-President fortheir service as they complete their terms on the Board.
- Update on Initiatives. Vander Woude reminded attendees of CAPCSD’s vision (leadership, education, and advocacy). She explained that the Board used the vision in conjunction with considerations of money, time, and member benefit to drive decisions on both short-term and long-term CAPCSD initiatives. She summarized the initiatives as follows:
On-going initiatives:
- Annual Conference
- Honors and Awards
- Scholarships
- Connecting with Other Organizations
- Global Engagement
New Initiatives for 2014-15:
- Current & Alternative Educational Outcomes Grants
- Ph.D. Scholarships
- CSDCAS Education Days
- Leadership Academy
- Clinical Education Resources
- Website Revision
- Financial Audit
- Policy & Procedures Manual and By-Laws Revision
- Financial Advisory Committee
- Treasurer’s Report. Lof reported that CAPCSD is in a strong financial position. The first financial audit in a number of yearswas completed this past year. Two recommendations came from the audit: 1) establish a Financial Advisory Committee; and 2) move from a cash accounting basis to an accrual basis. The Board implemented both of these recommendations. Lof noted that CAPCSD is in a positive financial position thanks to CSDCAS. We have been able to fund new initiatives and will be purchasing an abstract management system for submissions for the Conference as well as for scholarship and grant competitions.
- CSDCAS.Julie Masterson, chair of the CSDCAS Advisory Committee, thanked the members of the committee. She announced the launch of CSDCAS version 3.0 which has enhanced features in response to feedback from students and programs (e.g., ease of data entry, customization of program information). The committee will be working on updating the recommendation form. There has been interest in determining if CSDCAS might be able to link students who did not get into a graduate program with programs that have slots available. CAPCSD and Liaison held three education days in Orlando, Philadelphia, and Dallas that focused on best practices in admissions and offered CEUs. In the future the committee will be working with Liaison on research initiatives (e.g., determining what factors in admissions can be identified that predict success in our programs).
- Vice President for Communication. Hardin-Jones voiced her appreciation of the members of the Communication Committee and the ad hoc Website Committee. She announced that the 2015 ASHA-CAPCSD Education Survey will open in mid-August. As soon as programs submit their data submit, it will be updated in EdFind. Hardin-Jones thanked programs for participating in the 2104 survey (93% response rate) and encouraged everyone to respond to the 2015 survey. We now have the ability to look at trends in our professions in terms of total enrollment, number of degrees granted, etc. Hardin-Jones reminded attendees that the CAPCSD Salary Survey runs every other year and will run again in the spring of 2016. The survey for 2016 has been streamlined even more than the previous one: only full-time faculty data will be included. She encouraged program participation in the survey. The participation rate for the previous survey was only 54%; to have meaningful data, we need greater participation. Hardin-Jones reported that the CAPCSD website is in the process of a major revision to improve navigation, job postings, academic postings, and to have more efficient databases. The goal is to have the revisions done and be ready tolaunch the new website by July 1.
- Vice President for Standards, Credentials & Clinical Education. Messick reported for Dudding and provided an update on the Training Clinical Educators initiative. She thanked Task Force members and the focus group participants for their work. She summarized what has been accomplished and the future steps in developing the web-based materials and training modules for clinical educators. This will be an on-going initiative, starting with the production of one or two modules and building from there.
- Vice President for Research & Scholarship. Nelson reported for her and Folsom. She announced that over 200 applications were received for CAPCSD’s various scholarships and grant initiatives. She conveyed her gratitude for those who had assisted with reviewing all the applications. Nelson and Folsom will be working on standardizing the review process and procedures and will be establishing a permanent committee to support both the Vice President for Research & Scholarship and the Vice President for Academic Development. She encouraged individuals to contact her if they are interested in serving on the committee or in being a reviewer.
- Vice President for Professional Development. Scott reported on the Leadership Academy that was held at this Conference. She noted that there were 75 applicants for 15 slots and as a result the Board increased the number of participants to 20. Scott thanked the committee members who reviewed all the applications and then shared the names and University affiliations of those who attended the Academy. There will be an on-going initiative to support these 20 individuals as well as to provide leadership training for additional individuals.
- Questions, Comments. Vander Woude opened the floor for any questions or comments from those in attendance. The comments included: commendation of the Board for all of the initiatives and the investment of the CSDCAS money; appreciation for the CAPCSD Salary Survey. The question was asked if CAPCSD could have talks with ASHA to allow simulated patient hours to count as clock hours. Dudding responded that she has been involved in discussions on CAPCSD’s behalf with both CAA and CFCC on this issue.
Vander Woude adjourned the meeting at 9:02 a.m.