Once you have filled in the necessary information into the gray text boxes, please either Copy and Paste the complete text of this letter onto your College/School/Unit Letterhead or Print this text directly onto your College/School/Unit Letterhead paper. (Delete this Header Text before Printing)

Revised 4/22/2016


Name of Candidate

Street Address

City, State / Zip

Dear Name of Candidate:

With the enthusiastic recommendation of the faculty, I am pleased to offer you an appointment as a faculty member in the Unit Name in the College/School Name. Effective August 16, 20XX, this is a full-time tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor, tenure-track year # (as described below), on a nine-month academic year OR a twelve-month service basis. The appointment is for % of appointment% time, at an academic year or annual salary of $salary paid over twelve months. I hope you will join our highly accomplished faculty as we continue to pursue excellence in teaching, research, and service at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

This appointment is subject to prior approval by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and is subject to the University of Illinois Statutes, the full text of which is available at: The terms of employment will be as set forth in the document, “Notification of Appointment,” which you will receive via email link when your appointment begins.

This tenure-track appointment involves a probationary period not to exceed seven years. At the mid-point of the probationary period, the campus requires your home unit to initiate a review of your performance in the areas of teaching, research, and service and to provide a written assessment of your progress toward tenure. The Promotion and Tenure review begins no later than the fall of the sixth year of appointment (tenure-track year 6), which would be during academic year 20XX-20XX.

The University of Illinois provides a number of on-line resources related to employment, including information about benefits and employee responsibilities. Additional information about tenure-track appointments, including mid-probationary review, annual review, reappointment and non-reappointment, and interruptions to the probationary period are available in the General Terms of Employment for Academic Staff: I strongly encourage you to review this information and contact the appropriate offices should you have any questions.

The following text is ONLY for 9-month appointment. (Delete if N/A or different appointment type / Delete this Text Box)As a nine-month employee, you may be employed in the summer subject to the University of Illinois General Rules, the campus policies regarding summer employment (, and any college and departmental level policies and requirements.

This offer is contingent upon the successful completion of a criminal background check and other applicable pre-employment assessments. Your appointment is also conditioned upon your ability to document your eligibility for employment as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as well as any other required security checks. If your employment eligibility is not received by your expected start date, your appointment may be subject to change and salary and benefits will be prorated accordingly.

Only keep following text IF an "Initial Financial and Resource Support" and/or some other Enclosure will be included. (Delete if N/A / Delete this Text Box)In the enclosure to this letter, you will find information regarding anticipated initial financial and resource support for this appointment as well as information about relocating to the Chicago area.

This appointment is to a position that is included in the tenure system collective bargaining unit represented by UIC United Faculty Local 6456, IFT-AFT, AAUP (UICUF) and is subject to the terms of UIC’s collective bargaining agreement with UICUF.

We hope that you will join us. Please sign two copies and return one copy of this letter to me no later than Month Date, Year. This offer will expire two weeks from the due date. Once we receive the letter, a human resources staff member will contact you regarding the required paperwork that must be completed to initiate your appointment.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Dean or UEO (if offer made by UEO, Dean should endorse offer)

College or Unit Name

College (if offer made by UEO)

Cc: Faculty Affairs


Signature: ______Date: ______

Candidate Name